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Trends, Networks, and Critical

Thinking in the 21st Century

School Year 2023-2024

Senior High School
Trends, Networks, and Critical Thinking in the 21st Century Culture Colegio De Los Baños S.Y. 2023-2024
Subject Group: SPECIALIZED Quarter: FOURTH

Course Description:
The course provides opportunities for students to discover patterns and extract meanings from
emerging trends. It aids in developing their critical and creative thinking skills-- essential tools for
decision making and understanding “ethics of care”. Global trends in the 21st century are examined and
are either accepted or rejected on a sound set of criteria. Students will be asked to create and analyze
scenarios that will challenge them to (1) formulate their stances on issues or concerns; (2) propose
interventions and; (3) formulate alternative futures. The students will realize the interconnections
between their neural connections and social realities.

Course Requirements:
Below is the list of activities that must be completed and submitted with their corresponding percentage.
Date of Raw
ACTIVITIES Completion Score Final Grade


10 ASSIMILATION 1 30 15%
12 ASSIMILATION 2 30 15%
14 ASSIMILATION 3 30 15%
TOTAL 200 100%

Performance Check 50%
Enabling Assessment and Activity 30%
Quarter 4 Examination 20%
TOTAL 100%

Consultation: Consultation will be on Wednesdays for those who cannot attend

regular face to face classes. For Face-to-face students, you may consult your
teacher during class hours.

Trends, Networks, and Critical Thinking in the 21st Century Culture Colegio De Los Baños S.Y. 2023-2024
B. CONSULTATION: For questions and clarifications, please make sure that you consult your subject teacher
on any lessons or activities you may be confused about. Your teacher will get back to you as soon as possible.
C. RUA: At the end of the lesson, you should be able to:
1. Identify democratic practices
2. Explain the importance of participation in democracy
3. Differentiate participatory from representative democracy
4. Assess democratic interventions prevailing in political and social institutions
5. Formulate a viable alternative to undemocratic practices

D. INSTITUTIONAL VALUES: Appreciation for humanity and the world, Critical Thinking, Curiosity, Excellence,

E. OVERVIEW OF THE LESSON: Learners will be able to apply critical thinking in the significance of democracy

de·moc·ra·cy | \ di-ˈmä-krə-sē \
Plural: democracies

Democracy is a form of government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised directly
by them or by their elected agents under a free electoral system or a state of society characterized by formal
equality of rights and privileges. It originates from the Greek word demos, which means “people”, and kratos,
which means ‘strength or power.”

What is Democratic Practice?

Democratic Practice is a set of principles and practices that guide how people interact and work together every
day to improve their community and to create a more just society.

What are some democratic practices?

A. Suffrage or the right to vote. It gives the people the opportunity to exercise sovereignty by choosing
the candidates who will govern and serve them. Eligible voters have the right to elect the government of his/her
country by secret vote. It is only fair that they have a direct hand in choosing the officials.

B. Public assembly and consultation. “The Public Assembly Act of 1985,” makes sure that the people’s
exercise their right to a peaceful assembly. Citizens have a set of rights and responsibilities, including the right
to participate in decisions that affect public welfare. This act stipulates that rallies, demonstrations, marches,
public meetings, processions, or parades (collectively referred to as public assembly) can be held in public
places to express opinion, to protest against, or to air grievances on certain issues.

C. Majority rule and minority rights. It is the making of binding decisions by a vote of more than one-
half of all persons who participate in an election. Thomas Jefferson, third President of the United States,
expressed the concept of democracy in 1801 in his first Inaugural Address. He spoke

Trends, Networks, and Critical Thinking in the 21st Century Culture Colegio De Los Baños S.Y. 2023-2024
“All…will bear in mind this sacred principle. That though the will of the majority is in all cases to prevail, that will
to be rightful must be reasonable; that the minority possess their equal rights, which equal law must protect
and to violate would be oppression.”

D. Conduct of plebiscite to amend a constitutional provision. The Constitution embodies the

fundamental laws of the land from which all other laws should be in accord with. The change in a provision of
the constitution, such as increasing the number of years of term of office of the president, cannot be carried
without the approval of the people or general constituencies in a process called plebiscite. A plebiscite is an
electoral process for approving or rejecting a change or amendment in the Constitution. It is in the process of
direct vote-say yes or no; accept or reject.

Democratic participation is the involvement or engagement with something which is freely done, without
coercion, and without threat or fear.


1. Democracy provides equality and admission to opportunities for all its citizen in the government;
2. checks and balances the government to prevent possible abuse of political power from the officials;
3. allows citizens to influence and suggest policies and laws through plebiscite in selecting delegates or
4. allows the popular majority to oust a representative or a politician who hold too much power and abuses it;
5. promotes freedom where citizen enjoy human rights, allows people to engage the business and innovations;
6. becomes competent, firm, and stable when the state is ruled with leaders who have dedication and
7. provides political education to the people telling them of the state affairs; and
8. upholds change since the citizens have the opportunity to participate in the involvement in the government.

Democracy has several forms. Two of the most popular types are representative democracy and participatory

Representative Democracy
In the modern period where large populations usually form societies, Representative Democracy (also called
indirect democracy) is observed to be more popularly exercised. It is a political system where the qualified
citizens exercise their political power through representatives. The sovereign power remains on the citizens but
its exercise is delegated to the representatives they elect. By extension, the citizens, through their votes, allow
these representatives to make choices and decisions on their behalf.

Participatory Democracy
Quite similar to representative democracy is participatory democracy which also encourages a more active and
wider involvement of citizens. While representative democracy motivates individual citizens to contribute to
policy making, participatory democracy offers more opportunities for members of the population to contribute to
decision-making through popular assemblies. It has variants. In a direct democracy, all eligible citizens and
qualified voters directly or personally involve themselves in making political decisions. In the Philippines, one
popular demonstration of participatory democracy was the EDSA People Power of 1986. Through the people’s
direct involvement in a series of protests, the dictatorial rule of President Ferdinand Marcos was toppled down.

Political institutions are organizations which create, enforce, and apply laws. They often mediate conflict,
make (governmental) policies with regards to the economy and social systems, and otherwise provide
representation for the populous.

What is the difference between political structures and political institutions? Political institutions are generic,
while structures are specific. Structures pertain to the executive branch of government, while institutions pertain
to the legislative branch.

Trends, Networks, and Critical Thinking in the 21st Century Culture Colegio De Los Baños S.Y. 2023-2024
Democracy works well when its political institutions perform functions assigned to them. The Constitution of any
country lays down basic rules on the powers and functions of each institution. The Prime Minister and the
Cabinet are institutions that take all important policy decisions. A democracy in a more traditional sense is a
political system that allows for each individual to participate.

Institutions are important in a democratic government because they ensure that the system runs according to the
rule of law and not according to the whims and fancies of a ruler. It ensures justice and fairness in the system as
the powers and jurisdiction of every institution is clearly defined by the constitution. A social institution consists of
a group of people who have come together for a common purpose. These institutions are a part of the social
order of society and they govern behavior and expectations of individuals.

Social institutions are systems of behavioral and relationship patterns that are densely interwoven and
enduring, and function across an entire society. They order and structure the behavior of individuals by means of
their normative character. Family is very important in Germany both from social and legal viewpoints. A family
creates a stable and often unbreakable relationship.


Institutions, as they are understood in the present context, constitute common frameworks regulating social
behavior of individuals and organizations, as well as basic social conflict. As such, they reflect viable social
compromises, in some cases even consensus. Yet, even if conflicts are mitigated, they do not disappear. They
take several forms, not only as conflicts over divergent interests but as normative dilemmas, as goal conflicts,
and as competing interpretations of how institutions are supposed to work. Thus, institutions become arenas for
the exertion of power given that institutions emerge and change by processes of differentiation and innovation;
they are widely divergent in their modes of functioning. Thus, the relationship between them reflects
complementarity and tensions at the same time. The prevalence of dilemmas, tensions and conflicts within
institutions points to the salience of democratic deliberation and conflict resolution.

Democratizing the Economy

The economy is dominated by an overarching ambivalence between autonomy and hierarchy – at the most
general level, between the roles of producers and consumers and the roles of managers and workers. In the role
of consumers, citizens are basically in an autonomous position; in the role of producers, they are placed into
drastic hierarchical systems. The relationship between management and employees is less clear-cut: employees
are subordinate to management prerogatives while at the same time enjoying political autonomy as citizens.
When prospective democratic elements in the economy are discussed, old notions of ‘economic democracy’
inevitably come up. This is not so much a concept as a generic term to cover the expansion of political
democracy into the economy.

Welfare State Institutions in Democracy

The basic task of the welfare state is the inclusion of citizens in regular participation in society. The welfare state
is composed of several basic institutions; here the discussion is mostly limited to institutions for health care and
social security. Welfare state measures in these fields aim at maintaining or restoring – as far as practically
possible – the ability of citizens to act as free and productive individuals. This is obtained by public agencies
distributing rights-based provisions. An underlying norm of the welfare state is that of social solidarity, which
takes two forms. In addition to meeting immediate needs in the population, it serves as an insurance system for
those who are not needy at present but may be so in the future.

Democracy in the Media Institution

Systems of information, shaped by ruling groups, have always been a precondition for keeping together societies
larger than local communities. In 6 modern times, the media are institutionalized as a main source of the
communal imagination by their diffusion to the general public. Their institutional character and practical
separation from ruling groups are not sufficient conditions for the media being democratic. In large parts of the
world political censorship, directly or indirectly, plays a key role in the production and diffusion of information. To
be democratic, the media must have freedom of information and of expression as their normative bases.
Trends, Networks, and Critical Thinking in the 21st Century Culture Colegio De Los Baños S.Y. 2023-2024
In democratic societies, the media are exposed to two basic dilemmas. First, they are supposed to take an
idealistic, liberal stance by bringing forth information for discussion among citizens about all kinds of social
prospects and problems. Inclusive social deliberation presupposes that media reach out to a large number of
readers or listeners. The other side of the coin is that most media are private enterprises with a commercial
component, and they are expected to bring profit to their shareholders When reaching out to a large audience is
not only a democratic but also a commercial requirement, it also unduly invites selection from and trivialization of
the news panorama based on public appeal.

Generalizing Institutional Norms and Conflicts

The main social institutions are heterogeneous; they comprise, and are even built around deep social dilemmas
or conflicts that cannot be solved once and for all but rather necessitate compromises. Thus, if social struggles
over compromises and reformulations of compromises are unavoidable, they are by nature changeable. For this
reason, democratic deliberation becomes crucial.

Democratic norms across institutional fields may equally be subsumed under a set of common terms. In a
general sense, the criterion of social membership concerns various forms of exclusion from basic social
institutions. In working life this refers to the citizens’ general access to decent positions in the labor market. In
the welfare state, social membership is expressed by the degree of access to health care and social services. In
the media sector, social membership is a function of access to socially relevant information via the media or
otherwise. All of these cases represent different types and degrees of dualization. The degree to which
dualization is a consequence of institutional preconditions may serve as a measure of the quality of democracy


The democratic practices in the country are meant to benefit the people. If only its resources, work force and
funds were never exploited by several individuals, finding solutions for the country’s multitude of economic and
political problems would never be impossible. Some democratic laws, however, are on the border of being
removed such as the Freedom of Information Act which is now being abolished in some countries like the UK as
its government already issued some restrictions on information present in the web. Since the Philippines tend to
follow most of the principles of the 1st world countries, this country may also do the same in the near future.

On the other hand, undemocratic practices are practices that affect the society and government in many different
ways, usually denying the people’s rights for freedom of expression, property ownership, religious practices, etc.
These practices include corruption, martial law, and any other ordinances that restrict freedom among its citizens.
Although these were common trends in the country in the past, they were eventually overshadowed by
corruption and poverty, which are main problems of most 3rd world countries today. Furthermore, undemocratic
practices are still severe problems in the country but there are already few ways in order to deal with such
problems to prevent any further troubles in the government and the society. And one of those effective ways in
dealing with societal problems is the education of the young people.

Keep In Mind

An undemocratic practice is a doctrine that is against or in disagreement with democracy. Democracy is a

political system for choosing and replacing the government and its leaders. Electoral fraud can occur in advance
of voting if the composition of the electorate is altered. The legality of this type of manipulation varies across
jurisdictions. Deliberate manipulation of election outcomes is widely considered a violation of the principles of
democracy (Wayback Machine, 2007).

Trends, Networks, and Critical Thinking in the 21st Century Culture Colegio De Los Baños S.Y. 2023-2024
Public funding is money that comes from the government, often through taxes, that is used to help the public
through goods and services. The funds are gathered and distributed in different levels such as the federal level,
state level, and even local level. While taxes are a primary resource, funding can also come from fines and fees.

Public funding helps provide health programs, community services, restoration programs, public service
programs, and even environmental programs. These programs benefit the members of the community in which
the funds are used. So, Chase learns that when taxpayers pay taxes, the government uses that money to help
maintain and improve communities through programs and services (Brianna Whiting).

In general, corruption is a form of dishonesty or criminal activity undertaken by a person or organization

entrusted with a position of authority, often to acquire illicit benefit (Wikipedia).

An undemocratic practice is a doctrine that is against or in disagreement with democracy. Democracy is a

political system for choosing and replacing the government in which everybody should participate. Democracy is
a great way of choosing our leaders, but it proves to be hard to make rules that every citizen will follow. Also, in
democracy, the majority wins, but this isn’t always a good thing. The other side will be upset, creating violence
and corruption

TOUGH THOUGHT: What can you say about the picture below?

Trends, Networks, and Critical Thinking in the 21st Century Culture Colegio De Los Baños S.Y. 2023-2024

ANSWER SHEET (Please submit only the answers. Do not return the entire module.)

Name: ________________________________ Section: _______________________


Directions: The Philippines practices democracy on governance In the box below, enumerate the rights that you
think are given to you as declaration of your freedom.


Directions: In the box below, discuss what you prefer. Is it direct (participatory) democracy or
representative democracy? Elaborate your answer.

Identify each item as “Political” or “Social Institution.”
_________1. Political parties _________6. Family
_________2. Trade unions _________7. Education
_________3. Congress _________8. Religion
_________4. Legal courts _________9. Community
_________5. Non-government organization _________10. Tribe

“Never give up on what you really want to do. The person with big dreams is more
powerful than the one with all the facts.”– H. Jackson Brown, Jr.

Trends, Networks, and Critical Thinking in the 21st Century Culture Colegio De Los Baños S.Y. 2023-2024
B. CONSULTATION: For questions and clarifications, please make sure that you consult your subject teacher
on any lessons or activities you may be confused about. Your teacher will get back to you as soon as possible.
C. RUA: At the end of the lesson, you should be able to:
1. Identify the dimensions of technology that are enabling and inhibiting
2. Discuss the benefits of technology
3. Explain the weakest link in a system using strategic and intuitive thinking
4. Explain how information communication technology can facilitate social relationships and political
movements (occupy movements)
5. Propose a creative intervention to improve human life using ICT
D. INSTITUTIONAL VALUES: Appreciation for humanity and the world, Critical Thinking, Curiosity, Excellence,
E. OVERVIEW OF THE LESSON: Describing how their communication is influenced by media and information.

Technology is the accumulation of skills, procedures, performances that are combined to create goods and
services using scientific methods. In this lesson, you will know the invention of technology known as enabling
and how it makes society a better place to live, easier, and convenient. Lastly, you will also know what the things
that make it not inhibiting are.
Communication has improved and evolved to enable our daily activities. In the 21st century, everything
related to communication utilizes technology to “direct out” or distribute information to a wider audience.
Information can be “sent out” in many ways which implies that the invention of cellular phones, televisions and
other electronic devices are important in enhancing communication.

As the proliferation of technology in the classroom continues to accelerate, schools that haven’t yet implemented
some of the latest and greatest devices such as computers in the classroom are starting to really feel the
pressure to cope with the fast-changing world. Mobile devices can make perfect learning tools and open up
unlimited possibilities for educators and students alike, but it’s not all daisies and roses. Sometimes the initial
infatuation with the shiny new technology turns into a love-hate relationship as problems and issues arise.


Students Using Social Media
Of course, teachers are afraid that their students may just play around on social media instead of using their
devices for educational purposes. Today’s kids spend quite a bit of time on Facebook, mobile games, other
social networking sites, etc.

Security Breach
Students are oftentimes more curious than they are malicious. They want to push the boundaries just to see if
they can. If your network allows them access to the admin servers, you can bet they're going to get on it.

At one time a student had to pull a paper written “cheat sheet” out of their pocket to have the ability to cheat. It
certainly seems easier that they can now cleverly pull up a “cheat sheet” on their device. The good news is, with
the ever-evolving change in technology, software companies are developing ways to alleviate the cheating
problem by, for example, allowing teachers and administrator’s access to students’ screens while in the

Trends, Networks, and Critical Thinking in the 21st Century Culture Colegio De Los Baños S.Y. 2023-2024
There are a ton of free gaming apps out there and people love them, especially the learners. These addicting
games can be quite the distraction and take away from productivity in learning.
Information technologies have contributed to the increase in the concentration of access to information, decision
– making and control. They have accelerated the crisis in employment through labor substitution and have
intensified the competitive processes in both economic and social spheres. Their development has sustained the
belief that the urban crisis can be resolved through new information and communication infrastructures.

Technology has taken over the lives of many people who spend way too much time on social media just trying to
see how many likes and comments they have on their Facebook or Instagram posts. People think of social
media when someone is looking at their phone, or when someone mentions technology. They forget all the
amazing things other than social media that technology has brought to us.

Technology has allowed parents not to be in the dark when it comes to being aware as to where their children
are. It has allowed people away from their own countries to contact their loved ones and even see them through
video calls. But technology has enslaved us and has controlled our lives in some other ways as well. Technology
has been lauded as a way to free up time for us, yet the reality of all of these – consuming mediums often does
the reverse. New innovations bring with them a host of unintended consequences, ranging from the troubling to
the downright depressing. Social media makes us lonely. Too much screen – time makes teenagers fall behind
their peers. And at the feebler end of the spectrum, many of us have walked into an obstacle while texting. Tech
innovators frequently profess aspirations to improve the lot of mankind. Such aspirations are admirable, but we
shouldn’t forget that there’s one rather more concrete intention they share: to make money. They’re vendors,
we’re consumers: it's as simple as that.

But even if tech companies aren’t really trying to enslave us, or to make us feel inadequate, that doesn’t mean
that the current situation is a case of good intentions gone awry. There’s no more reason to think that technology
is intrinsically good, but occasionally getting it wrong, than there is to think that it’s a remarkably successful

Technology can be used in various ways to facilitate business organizations. For example, technology can be
used to organize information. It can be used to aid data transfer and information flow within an organization.
Technology can also be used to process, track and organize business records. IT indeed has countless
advantages in the field of business and commerce. It helps businesses automate most tasks and this process
results in increased production and efficiency. Businesses can automate tasks in the accounting department by
using accounting software like QuickBooks.

Technology helps to speed up the learning process for students because it creates a more efficient learning
environment in many ways. Moreover, technology can also be an important part of one’s life for many other
reasons aside from education.

Technology helps make teaching and learning more meaningful and fun. Technology is in many ways like its
own form of entertainment. However, for people with disabilities, technology can be so much more than just
entertainment. It can change their lives. It can help them learn and enable them to do things they wouldn't
otherwise be able to do.

Let’s Face It: How can we prevent ourselves from being enslaved by the internet?

Information Communication Technology (ICT) could be a technology needed for information dispensation that
uses communication devices, electronics, computers, and software system applications to convert, store, protect,
process, transmit and retrieve information.

Trends, Networks, and Critical Thinking in the 21st Century Culture Colegio De Los Baños S.Y. 2023-2024
Information states to the information obtained from reading, investigation, study or analysis. It helps us to meet
our daily tasks and decide. These tools transmit information by telephone, television and radio. As an example,
scientists can detect the formation of a tsunami using the newest technology and warn the public to avoid
disasters within the affected areas.

Communication is the act of transmitting messages. It is a method whereby information is exchanged between
individuals using symbols, signs or verbal interactions. Previously, people communicated through exchange of
signs and symbols, whereas others perform it by drama and poetry. With the arrival of technology, these “older”
styles of communication are less utilized as compared to the use of the internet, e-mail or video conferencing.
Communication is very important in order to gain knowledge that will make us more confident in expressing our
thoughts and ideas.

Technology is important in communication that deals with the employment of knowledge domain, experiences
and resources to make processes and products that fulfill human desires. Merriam-Webster dictionary defines
Invention Technology as a few things invented, like a device, gadget, or process originated after study and
experiment, a product of the imagination. Innovation Technology is a brand-new idea, method, or device that
was an introduction of something new like a room computer to a laptop computer.

Aiding Communication
Telephone and fax machines are the devices
employed in extending communication.

Spreading Communication
It is used broadcast information like news or
weather reports effectively. Specifically, radio,
television, satellites and the World Wide Web
(www) are powerful tools which will be used.

Trends, Networks, and Critical Thinking in the 21st Century Culture Colegio De Los Baños S.Y. 2023-2024

Trends, Networks, and Critical Thinking in the 21st Century Culture Colegio De Los Baños S.Y. 2023-2024
The Technology-enhanced Learning Environment
Conole et. (2008) investigated how university students’ learning patterns are influenced by the
availability of technology-enhanced learning environments. The technology-propelled society has
opened a lot of opportunities to learn. They further said that these require combining old and new
methods, higher-level skills, such as evaluation and synthesis, and are necessary to make sense of
their complex technological-enriched learning atmosphere and proper use of tools in a combination of
ways to suit individual needs. Their learning demonstrated that the peer group of new millennium
learners displays complex learning styles that are shaped by the ubiquity, convenience and ease of use
of digital resources.


The benefits of technology in our lives these days can simply not be overlooked. The 21st century is
already being called the era of science and technology, and we have innovated so much in this field,
compared to just 18 years ago. This seems incredible but, yet it has occurred.

1. Make housing and lifestyle more mechanized with the creation of technology will provide
convenience since every task becomes easy and handy.
2. Allow travel to be faster and accessible.
3. Improve communication using the telephone, mobile phones, satellite, and other related calling
4. Expand the entertainment sector with the inventions of music, video games, mobile games, video
games, and visual systems.
5. Make use of social networking to promote the company’s products and services that make
business easier.
6. Encourage educational technology and enhance online education.
7. Provide state of the art in medicine and technology thereby improving doctor’s prognosis to their
8. Save time and money in the production of goods with all the machines doing most of the work.
9. Encourage creativity and innovation since people can do online business or work at home.
10. Provide easy access to information such as e-books and reading materials.

Utilization of Technology
Pollutes the Environment from Industrial Wastes. Comforts and convenience are among the many
benefits of technology yet it too has endangered our environment. Unwanted by-products from
industries and manufacturing plants to pollute the air, water, and soil. Thus, these environmental
hazards raise concerns that laws be implemented to regulate the safety of our surroundings,
corresponding consequences must be given to companies that violate the laws.

Promotes Endless War

Issues on the making of nuclear warfare and other weapons of mass destruction may lead to unending
battles among nations. Although the creation of weapons serves to safeguard the country, it meanwhile
branches aggression to the nations being under the position of first world countries. For instance,
biological warfare or germ warfare uses biological poisons or infectious materials like viruses, fungi,
bacteria to kill people and animals.

Trends, Networks, and Critical Thinking in the 21st Century Culture Colegio De Los Baños S.Y. 2023-2024
Others produce infectious diseases and sample its deadly effects to the people and later
pharmaceutical companies introduce a vaccine or serum for it. Seemingly, war is to most money-
spinning business for powerful countries as they engage in selling advanced ammunition, a state-of-
the-art weapon to their allies and enemies as well. It is therefore argued that world peace can never be
achieved unless powerful nations will stop taking advantage of nations rich in minerals and oil as well
as stop the manufacture of weapons of mass destruction.

Replaces the Jobs of People

The beginning of technology makes production of goods and services faster. It saves time and money
yet the benefits it gives create a lesser workforce in the workplace. Factories employ machines to meet
the demands of the consuming market but still need people to supervise the use of the machines in the
production of goods. It is being debated that the creation of technology is not to overpower or enslave
mankind but rather it is believed to provide benefits and how people, institutions, and governments
permit, respond to change, or simply ignore its development.

Leads to Dependence
With easy access to technology, particularly the internet, many individuals tend to be addicted to video
games and social networks, spending too much time on their gadgets. Such strong attraction to
wireless technology will lead to social isolation, loneliness, and increased dependence on these
devices. Instead of interacting with people, most teenagers prefer to be technology savvy by wanting
instant answers, instant solutions in life, and when they cannot find this spontaneous feedback, they
apparently withdraw from the crowd. Similarly, it may also reduce creativity and intelligence as an
outcome of being too dependent on the internet.

Emerging Technologies
Emerging Technologies are tools that will bring forth change in society and are demonstrated by
comprehensive novelty, fast growth, consistency, projecting impact, and yet at times become uncertain
and unclear as to its acceptance in the community. It is a product of convergence combining telephone,
video, and other resources that will result in the creation of new productivity.
Fields in Emerging Technologies
Fields in emerging technologies include robotics, artificial intelligence, educational technology,
information technology, nanotechnology, biotechnology, cognitive science, and psycho technology.
• Al-Rodhan, N. (2015). The many ethical implications of emerging technologies. Scientific American.
• Colonel et al. (2008) “Facilitating reflective learning in higher education.” Philadelphia. Open University Press.
• Guterl, F. (2014).What impact will emerging technologies have on society? Scientific American.
• Einsiedel, E. (2008). Introduction: Making sense of emerging technologies. Emerging Technologies. UBC Press.
• Mangiduyos, Gladys P. Trends, Networks and Critical Thinking in the 21st Century. First Edition. ISBN 978-971-
23-8017-4. June 2017. Distributed by Rex Book Store, Inc.
• Rothwell, W.J. (2002) “The workplace learner: How to align training initiatives with individual learning
competencies.” American Management Association

Trends, Networks, and Critical Thinking in the 21st Century Culture Colegio De Los Baños S.Y. 2023-2024

ANSWER SHEET (Please submit only the answers. Do not return the entire module.)
Name: ________________________________ Section: _______________________
Answer the following questions below:
1. Which among the technology timeline are still trendy? Explain it. (Refer to Technology Timeline)


2. In your perspective, how important is the discovery of ARPANET in 1969?


POSTERific!: In the box below, create any representation that shows how Information and communication
technology can help us improve our daily ways of living, learning, jobs, and so on.

Trends, Networks, and Critical Thinking in the 21st Century Culture Colegio De Los Baños S.Y. 2023-2024

ANSWER SHEET (Please submit only the answers. Do not return the entire module.)
Name: ________________________________ Section: _______________________

ASSIMILATION 2 True or False

Direction: Read each item carefully and write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if the statement is
incorrect. Write your answers in your notebook.
_________1. Information communication technology answers most of the problems in communication
dissemination faster.
_________2. Technology can solve urban crises through new information and communication infrastructures.
_________3. Information technologies have contributed to the increase in the concentration of access to
information, decision – making and control.
_________4. Information communication technology is the growing discovery in the 21st century that helps in
the interaction of countries from one another.
_________5. Technology is a necessity.
_________6. Technology has taken over the lives of many people.
_________7. Social media consumes all our time.
_________8. Likes and comments quantity will make a person content for a day.
_________9. Technology can be used in various ways to facilitate business organizations.
_________10. Technology helps to speed up the learning process for students


Trends, Networks, and Critical Thinking in the 21st Century Culture Colegio De Los Baños S.Y. 2023-2024

B. CONSULTATION: For questions and clarifications, please make sure that you consult your subject
teacher on any lessons or activities you may be confused about. Your teacher will get back to you as soon as
C. RUA: At the end of the lesson, you should be able to:
1. Differentiate connections from relationship, and networks
2. Illustrate how the brain or neural network work compare the neural networks with social networks
3. Establish linkage between self and the social network one belongs to

D. INSTITUTIONAL VALUES: Appreciation for humanity and the world, Critical Thinking, Curiosity,
Excellence, Integrity

E. OVERVIEW OF THE LESSON: This lesson is about the function and comparison between neural and
social networks.
A network is a group of individuals who collaborates with each other to be able to achieve a purpose and
connection. It can be best described as a work team, meeting of learners of the same course and profession, or
any group who works together for a common cause. Establishing a network is important because through
pooling resources, the organization can be aware of potential threats or problems that may arise during a
project or event. Networking is associated with participation since it builds support and allows empowerment of
its members. It also strengthens the work team to advocate issues, provide credibility, attain outcomes, give
accurate information, plan activities, support project, and solve potential problems
Connection refers to something that joins two or more objects or individuals. It also shows a situation wherein
two or more objects or individuals have a similar cause, goal, or origin. The participants of Occupy movements,
for instance, were connected together by a common goal of socio economic justice. Connection also exists
between two individuals (or among many), events, and objects. Global warming is connected to frequent forest
fires, just as unemployment is connected to poverty.
Similarly, a relationship refers to the state or condition of being connected; the way in which two or more
individuals or groups regard and behave toward one another; the manner by which two or more people,
associations, or countries deal with each. The annual Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) meeting of
heads of state demonstrates a relationship between economies around the Pacific belt. A relationship always
involves dyadic or more levels of connection.

Relationships have different meanings to different people. Such can be with friends, with a special someone,
with colleagues and co-workers, with members of an association, and with family members, to name a few.
Establishing relationships is an important component of your life. As you pass through the different life stages,
you will meet a variety of people with whom you’ll build relationships, whether good or bad, some of which will
leave long-lasting impacts on your life.
Familial relationships are believed to be the most important of all types of relationships. Good relationship
between parents and children results in a happy, wholesome home. Studies have shown that children who grew
up with good relationships with their parents acquired good attitudes, got better grades, and became better
decision makers. They also developed the tendency to listen to the advice of their parents, thus, avoiding
misdirection and costly mistakes in life.
Quality matters in any relationship. Sincerity, depth, and mutual understanding underlie a good relationship of
any kind. Being a social actor, you are always engaged in overlapping relationships. Relationships, therefore,
play a vital role in life.


Trends, Networks, and Critical Thinking in the 21st Century Culture Colegio De Los Baños S.Y. 2023-2024

Humans are all connected to each other no matter where we are in this world. Each of us is a part of a one big
whole we call our universe. Each of us performs different functions but we are aiming for the same goal which
is to gain connections with people around us.
It is basic for every human being to interact with each other. We believe that no man is an island. No one can
survive in pure isolation hence we need people not only to talk to but to do and share all sorts of things we’d
like to do and share. In other words, we need to connect with people to make us happy. Connection means
sharing and learning. When we connect, we want to share things so that we feel happy & can make other
people happy too.
Identify Connections, relationships and networks.
A network is a group of people or organizations that are closely connected and that work with each other to
achieve connectivity as a purpose. Creating a network is significant for various reasons. It can be formal or
informal. The former involves structured meetings or processes while the latter are the relationships you
develop and build overtime with & colleagues in the form of facts, gossip or rumors about issues affecting your
workplace. It creates relationships with other people with this, people tend to adjust or adapt more easily to
changes that may happen within their surroundings. It provides exchange of knowledge and information. This
manifests how learning through linkages and connections work for individuals & organizations especially in the
advent of technology in the 21st century. Moreover, professionalism is one important factor to consider when
we establish relationships in networks.
Having social connections can help us get rid of anxiety and depression.
Instruction: Have a quick look at the picture below and read the succeeding paragraphs carefully.

Our brain is composed of nerve cells which we call neurons. Its role is basically to spread messages from one
nerve cell to another. These nerve cells are set together in our brain to form a network of nerves. These
nerves pass just like electrical impulses i.e. the excitation from one neuron to the other. The dendrites take the
impulse at the end button called synapse of the next neuron. Dendrites take the impulse to the nucleus of the
neuron which is called soma. At this point the electrical impulse started to move and passed on to the axon.
The axon is a longer branch among the dendrites which carries the impulse from soma to the synapse. The
synapse then passes the impulse to the dendrites of the second neuron. Hence bringing about a complex
network of nerve cells or neurons in the human brain.

Three Main Parts of the Brain

Cerebrum- is the largest part of the brain; it has a right & left hemisphere.
It is divided into 4 lobes namely:
• frontal lobe- responsible for speaking, emotions & personality
• parietal lobe-responsible for interpretation of language, words, sense of touch, temperature & others
• occipital lobe-interprets vision
• temporal lobe- responsible for understanding language memory, hearing, sequencing & organization.

Cerebellum-function to coordinate muscle movements

Trends, Networks, and Critical Thinking in the 21st Century Culture Colegio De Los Baños S.Y. 2023-2024

Brain stem- is the relay center connecting the cerebrum & cerebellum. It performs autonomic functions such
as breathing, heart rate, temperature, wake and sleep cycles, digestion, sneezing, coughing, vomiting and
Relationship of Neural Networks with Social Networks
The brain function is like that of the people in the society. The society is made up of various types of people
with various attitudes and characters. They desire to live happily & peacefully to function well in the society in
which they live. They need to connect & link with other people. In other words, interaction and
interconnectedness are basic with humans like us. Just like our human brain, which regulates the whole
system of the body, each part has its own function but one part cannot function effectively without the other,
that is why they need to connect with each other to give a person a perfect body function. The same with
people, each of us must stay connected with one another to sustain a well-functioning and happy life.
We cannot live in pure isolation; hence we always stay connected.
People nowadays are more inclined to social media like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and others. We even
can call ourselves “on- line society” of the 21st Century because of our great love & admiration with the
internet world. It is because we can do a lot of things on-line. It has become a basic need for people.
Just like our brain, which fundamentally regulates body function, people using the internet are now regulated
by the so-called cybercrime laws that will protect the people using it, to sustain peace; otherwise, conflict may
Advantages & Disadvantages of Social Networking
Most people nowadays use various types of social media platforms. Do you think the use of social media
makes your life productive? Or does it make your life complicated? Or even a waste of your time? Here are
some advantages & disadvantages of using social networking

Advantages Disadvantages
1. You can connect with the world. 1. Bullying on-line / cyber bullying
2. You can make new friends. 2. Strong public reaction or opinion on something.
3. You can advertise products and sell 3. Susceptibility for identity theft
4. Susceptibility for invading person’s privacy

ANSWER SHEET (Please submit only the answers. Do not return the entire module.)

Trends, Networks, and Critical Thinking in the 21st Century Culture Colegio De Los Baños S.Y. 2023-2024

Name: ________________________________ Section: _______________________

Task 1: Connect Them All
Directions: Tick at least five items or concepts that emphasize good relationships. Then think of situations when you
applied or experienced such concepts in your family, school, or neighborhood and indicate what network
devices/technology you were able to use in maintaining good relationships. Write your answer in your notebook.


Understanding - I had a fight with my sister/brother_________________ __________________________
Humility - ______________________________________________ __________________________
Jealousy - ______________________________________________ __________________________
Love - ______________________________________________ __________________________
Trust - ______________________________________________ __________________________
Greed - ______________________________________________ __________________________
Patience -______________________________________________ __________________________

Direction: Read each item carefully and write the letter of the best answer in your activity notebook.
1. The command center for the human nervous system
a. heart b. eyes c. human brain d. internal organs
2. The largest part of the brain.
a. Cerebellum b. Cerebrum c. Brain stem d. Neurons
3. The largest part of the brain.
a. Cerebellum b. Cerebrum c. Brain stem d. Neurons

4. Performs many automatic functions such as breathing, heart rate, body temperature, wake and wake and
sleep cycles, digestion, sneezing, coughing, vomiting, and swallowing.
a. Cerebellum b. Cerebrum c. Brain stem d. Neurons
5. This is responsible for interpretation of language, words, sense of touch, temperature & others.
a. Frontal Lobe b. parietal lobe c. occipital lobe d. temporal lobe

6. This is responsible for speaking, emotions & personality.

a. Frontal Lobe b. parietal lobe c. occipital lobe d. temporal lobe
7. This interprets vision like color, light and movement
a. Frontal Lobe b. parietal lobe c. occipital lobe d. temporal lobe
8. This is responsible for understanding language memory, hearing, sequencing & organization.
a. Frontal Lobe b. parietal lobe c. occipital lobe d. temporal lobe
9. This is a group of individuals who collaborates with each other to be able to achieve a purpose and
a. connection b. relationship c. network d. brain
10. This is something that joins two or more objects or individuals.
a. connection b. relationship c. network d. brain

Trends, Networks, and Critical Thinking in the 21st Century Culture Colegio De Los Baños S.Y. 2023-2024


B. CONSULTATION: For questions and clarifications, please make sure that you consult your subject
teacher on any lessons or activities you may be confused about. Your teacher will get back to you as soon as
C. RUA: At the end of the lesson, you should be able to:
1. Demonstrate how thinking processes are shaped by social relationships
2. Identify the significant social roles students play within the community by creating a social map of
their relationships
D. INSTITUTIONAL VALUES: Appreciation for humanity and the world, Critical Thinking, Curiosity,
Excellence, Integrity

E. OVERVIEW OF THE LESSON: This lesson is about the function and importance of social relationships


Interaction is communication. It is an exchange of messages between two or more people. Talking to people
allows us to think of ways to reply in the best possible way. When we interact, we socialize. Our relationship
and interaction with other people will basically affect and shape the process of how we think. This is because
our behaviors are influenced and affected depending on whom we are interacting with. Thus, we can say that
social relationships greatly affect one’s thinking, behavior & interaction.

One of the most significant reasons why social relationships affect & influence someone is because of their
peers. Take for example young people of today’s generation. The way they dress, behave & respond is a lot
different from older people of the past generation. This is because of the people that surround them and may
be because of the changes of the time in which one will adapt what’s basically acceptable in the present

Social relationships also affect our physical health in the same way as smoking, high blood pressure, obesity,
diabetes and other common diseases. Studies show that people with strong social relationships tend to
increase their survival rate regardless of age, gender and country of origin. Hence social interaction is
paramount but we also have to be careful of whom we are interacting with.


Students play an important role in making society stronger. Society is a place where students play a role in
order to make it a better place to live in. Therefore, everybody, men or women, young or old, professionals or
non-professionals should contribute good things for society. Studying is the main responsibility of students for
they are the future of our country. We need to teach them good values and be God-fearing people to make
them better citizens of our country.


There are a lot of social groups that we belong to and in turn we have status & role to fulfill. Status is a kind of
position we have in a group while role is the part we play in the community in which the society expects us to
perform. Some of us play various roles at the same time. For instance, a woman may have the status of a wife,
and because of this she is expected to fulfill the role required for a wife to take care not only of his husband but
also of his children.

Trends, Networks, and Critical Thinking in the 21st Century Culture Colegio De Los Baños S.Y. 2023-2024

On the other hand, one may play several roles at the same time like, besides being a wife, you are also a
mother and at the same time an employee or an aunt for others. A student could portray not only a single role
of going to school but also another role like being a brother or a sister to someone. However, these overlapping
statuses and roles are common for people. Being a member of a social group gives us a set of statuses and
roles that lead people to know what to expect of us for that role. No matter how many roles we portray we have
corresponding responsibilities to it. We need to take care of those roles for us to perform them effectively
otherwise role conflict may arise.


The greatest misconception about youth today is that they are blinded with social media. This stereotype has
grown into a full-blown argument questioning the capability of the youth to serve the nation. This is to signify
the claim that youth is the hope of the fatherland. Are they really hopeless?

Talking about the youth engagements on nation building, there are youth organizations that set foot to lead and
to empower the youth through congresses that stimulate the legislative part of the government. This will enable
the youth to practice their diplomacy skills and attest their standpoints to certain national issues. In this manner,
youth will have the chance to voice out their opinions and to create answers to the calling problems of the
The stereotype set by society is half true for the youth these days because of social media. However, the word
“blinded” makes it half false for there are other youth who use social media as a platform to encourage
everyone to help their respective community in the smallest yet effective ways possible. It could be through
proper disposal of garbage, responsible way of using plastic products and by being hardworking students.

The future of the fatherland is not yet dead. It is still burning and the flame is gradually growing to the desired
limelight everyone wishes to yearn. There are still youth who are very much hungry to see change in a good

Reference: Module 1-7

Trends, Networks, and Critical Thinking in the 21st Century Culture Colegio De Los Baños S.Y. 2023-2024

ANSWER SHEET (Please submit only the answers. Do not return the entire module.)

Name: ________________________________ Section: _______________________



Instruction: In your notebook list down the people around you, (it could be your friends, family, teacher) and then
write how do you relate with them and how do you keep them. Look at the sample given.
1. Mother: To keep her with me, I will cook for her, follow what she says and give her my love.
2. Teacher: I will obey the teachings she gave me and learn from it.



Instruction: As a student write down your roles in your:
a. Society
b. Community
c. School

Instruction: Make a short poem about the different roles you play in society. You can use English or Tagalog.

Content 50%
Impact 30%
Uniqueness 20%
TOTAL 100%

Trends, Networks, and Critical Thinking in the 21st Century Culture Colegio De Los Baños S.Y. 2023-2024

ANSWER SHEET (Please submit only the answers. Do not return the entire module.)
Name: ________________________________ Section: _______________________



GOAL: On a 1/8 illustration board, make a poster of a kind of future you want for you and your
community. At the back of the board, write a brief explanation of how you will get there.
ROLE: You are a responsible citizen of the Philippines who aims to have an innovative future.
AUDIENCE: social media, teacher/s, and classmates are the target audience.
SITUATION: You want to visualize the future that you wanted.
STANDARDS: The activity’s basis of assessment:
Creativity (30 pts)
Content (40 pts) &
Neatness (30 pts)


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