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1. Types of negotiation

1. A win- −→ win situation −→ ⇒ a situation in which both sides benefit.

2. A zero- −→ sum game −→ ⇒ a situation in which a benefit gained by one side means a loss to the other side

2. The negotiation process

1. rapport 2. interests 3. procedure 4. proposals 5. counter

6. stalemate 7. concessions 8. compromise 9. details 10. table

3. Listening

Play the audio files or use your mobile device to scan the QR codes (make sure you have installed a QR code
reader app and can access the internet on your device).
1. Extract 1: 1, 2, 3, 4
2. Extract 2: 4, 5, 7, 8

4. Negotiation tactics

1. a 2. c 3. d 4. f 5. e 6. g 7. b 8. h

a. negotiation decoy
b. good cop, bad cop
c. negotiation nibble
d. extreme offer
e. take it or leave it
f. negotiation silence
g. mention the competition
h. negotiation limits
Extract 1: 1 (neutralized), 8 (neutralized)
Extract 2: 3 (worked)

5. Useful Expressions

2. make 3. mind 4. for 5. halfway 6. prepared 7. flexibility 8. reasonable

9. room 10. manage 11. work 12. agree 13. throw 14. deal

6. The grammar of diplomacy

1. We were looking, We were hoping

2. a bit more flexibility
3. I think we could..., I suppose we could..., would you be willing..., we would be prepared to...
4. What sort of price..., a price of around...
5. Unfortunately, I don’t have any more room...

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