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Hello everyone, It's good to see you all here today.

My name is
Thu Trà. Before I start my presentation, I have a question for
you: Do you have a boyfriend or a girlfriend? The purpose <pơ
pợts> of today's presentation is to talk about the problem of
Premarital Cohabitation. My presentation will interest you
because this is a fairly common <ko mừn> problem among
young people nowadays. I'm going to divide this talk into three
parts. In the first part, I'll talk about the Current <cơ rừn> Status
<stây tợt> of Premarital Cohabitation. Next, I'll tell you about
the Consequences. And finally, I would like to talk about
Measures. I'm going to talk for about 30 minutes. So, if you have
any questions, feel free to ask me at the end of my presentation.
OK, let's start with the first part:


Firstly, I’d like to give you a short definition of Cohabitation.

What is Cohabitation? Cohabitation is an arrangement <ơ rên zờ
mừn> where two people are not married but live <liv> together.
They are often involved in a romantic on a long-term or
permanent <pơ man nừn> basis. Now, I’ll give you some
practical figures about this issue <I sù>:
According to the health organization’s statistics. On average, in

Viet Nam, there are 900 abortions each day, while the number of

abortions of students who live trial are more than 500.

Moreover, a study conducted by students from Can Tho

University shows that for every 100 students participating in the

trial, 30 will help each other develop, and 70 will pull each other
out to study poorly or drop out of school.

So, it can be seen clearly that the above current <khơ rừn> status
is an alarm <ơ lam> bell about the trend of living in deviation
and moral decline at students' age that has negative impacts on
different aspects including health, study, honor <o nờ>.


So, these are some current statuses of cohabitation. Now, let’s

move on to the next part: Consequences of Cohabitation,
especially on Physical, Psychological Health and the Study

The first consequences is on PHYSICAL HEALTH.

 It can be said that cohabitation can lead to Infertility

Living before marriage will lead to an unexpected <ăn nít sờ
pếch tịt> pregnancy <pre gnừn sì> easily. Besides, lack of
understanding of contraceptive <con trơ sép tiv> measures when
having sex also causes the unexpected <ăn nít sờ pếch tịt>
pregnancies <pre gnừn ci>. There are 100% of cohabitation
students who have had sex, while just 48% have used
contraception when having sex. So, what about the remaining
52%? They didn’t use any contraception when having sex. And
the consequence is the increase in the abortion rate. Moreover,
the abortion rate in Viet Nam has increased rapidly and Viet
Nam is currently a country with the highest abortion rate in the
world. A big contribution is the abortions of students.

This has seriously affected the ability of women to be a mother

in the future. Perhaps only those who are and will be mothers
can understand the pain of not being able to have children that
the consequences of abortion.

Next, I’ll focus on some consequences of PSYCHOLOGICAL

<sai cồ lô gi cồ> AND EMOTIONAL HEALTH.

 Psychological <sai cồ lô zi cồ> pressure <pờ re sờ> is one

of the consequences that cohabitation can bring about.

Living together is not as simple as dating because there are many

things to worry about. During the period of trial living, the
pressure may be derived <đi rai> from living expenses <ích
spen>, household chores, community attitudes, and especially
conflicts of opinion. 

When the time of cohabitation is over:

For couples who decided not to maintain the relationship,

especially for female students, may face the complexity and
don’t dare to have another relationship. There are even girls who
commit suicide because they are too embarrassed <im pa rợt>
and stressed <sờ troét> out.

Next, we cannot fail to mention about STUDY RESULTS that

will be affected when you are a college student, learning is very

You decide to live out as a couple, you have to learn how to

manage <man nitz> the family, which affects your education
because you can not spend much time studying anymore.
Moreover, your personal problems are complicated enough,
what about other's problems? You are not mature enough to deal
with quarrels <kua rồ> along with some financial <fai năn sồ>
stress, school pressure <pre sờ>, which can lead to dropping out
of school in the middle.

And finally, I would like to finish off by talking about Measures

to deal with this issue.

Firstly, raising awareness <ơ goe nits> themselves that

cohabitation means that will have many issues <I sù> to consider
such as finance <fai nats>, parent’s allowance <ơ lao ừns>,
freedom, personal space, and other complex aspects to handle. In
short, it is best shouldn’t have cohabitation.

Secondly, spending more time in other relationships for going

shopping with friends or traveling, sharing with family instead of
only focusing on males and females. This will make you not be
blinded <bờ laid> when exceeding <ích sít ding> the limit and
reduces curiosity <ciu ri o sơ ti> about cohabitation with loved

In conclusion, in my presentation, I’ve mentioned the current

status of cohabitation in Viet Nam, some negative impacts it can
lead to along consequence some possible measures to deal with
this issue. Okay, it’s the end of my presentation. Thank you for
listening. Do you have any questions for me?

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