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Blog as a
Work of

Our Goals News broadcasting is the medium of broadcasting of various news events
at a Glance

and other information via television, radio, or internet in the field of

broadcast journalism. The content is usually either produced locally in a
radio studio or television studio newsroom, or by a broadcast network. It
may also include additional material such as sports coverage weather
forecasts, traffic reports, commentary, and other material that the
broadcaster feels is relevant to their audience.
Q.How effective and fast is your news channel in
news terms for community?
Q.How do you think that the media is doing in
>favour of common man?
Q.Do you think that reporters help people make
>their minds about which candidate they prefer.
Q.TV news channel should be involved in information
Q.An important news function of a news channel is
>to act as a watch dog looking over govt.
>suggest potential solution to public problem.
Q.The major job of news is to get the fast righ,Not
>to mix and present in own manner.
Q.The major job of the news channel is to report
>the truth,even it is painfull and shocking to
Q.News dwells too much on the negative stories and
>ignores many positive stories. DO you agree?
Blogs,articlesand posts are much easier to read as comparing with othe news broadcastingsr

blogs/articles/posts are much better

Just like the news on TV or in the newspaper, you’re being fed content in a matter-of-fact manner. This style
of writing should apply to your news section.Sure, it may be a little more cut and dry, but it gets the point
across to your readers with complete transparency, and without the extra fluff.
The tone for a news section could be characterized as:
News posts are also typically to the shorter side.

Radio Radio news BLOGGING/ARTICLES Television news

Benefits Blogging Brings to News
1.Pushing the envelope=Weblogs are helping to expand the
boundaries of experimental forms of transaction journalism.
2.Influencing at the edges=Blogs keep stories alive by recirculating them and regurgitating
them with new angles, insights and even newsworthy revelations. Weblogs were credited with
helping to get the mainstream news media interested in the racially insensitive remarks by
Senator Trent Lott that led to his resignation as Senate majority leader.

3.Enhancing reader trust=Weblogs and a commitment to open dialogue instill

trust in the relationship between news media and audience.
4.Repersonalizing journalism=Blogs present a vehicle for expressing thoughts
We were able to identify
and reportageBut more important, blogs offer an opportunity for readers to
the most common
hear a journalist’s voice and personality.
our clients face based on
5.Fostering community= Weblogs offer one way to promote that kind of
records from the past decade.
1.As a general rule, news contains factual information reported by journalists. If they
are responsible, well-trained journalists, they would have done research, verified facts,
revealed the sources of their information and identified statements of opinion from
those sources. With some legal or policy exceptions, advertisements can say pretty
much whatever they want to and do not undergo independent fact-checking.
Sometimes, in hopes of increasing credibility, ads are deliberately disguised to look
like something produced by the news staff.
2.Opinion is meant to supplement the news portion and provide for an exchange of
ideas. There are typically two types of opinion published in a newspaper. One is
“editorial” which are statements made on behalf of the newspaper itself.
What you are reading now is editorial.
The other type of opinion is called “Op-ed” which stands for “opposite editorial.” It is
named this because it would traditionally appear on the opposite side of the editorial
page.Op-ed includes guest columnists or submitted opinion pieces.
Newspapers don’t want their readers to be confused about what is news and what is
There are a couple tricks they use to help make opinion pieces distinguishable from
news. Look for these hints that mark an opinion piece as you read this week’s issue:
• The article includes a column logo or a photo of the writer (just like this piece)
• The page or piece is labeled with words like: opinion, editorial, reporter’s notebook,
review or analysis
• The text makes first-person statements like “I” and may follow it up with “believe” or
• The tone is more personal, maybe with some sarcasm, exaggerations or personal
• Many newspapers use what is called a “drop-cap” to signify an opinion piece. A “drop-
cap” means the first capital letter of the story is extra large and “drops” into other lines
of text below it.
• The piece has a tagline at the end that provides information about who the author is
and what authority or expertise they may have to address certain topics.
With this in mind, I hope our readers are better able to differentiate the texts they may
read in a newspaper and that they may let this knowledge influence the degree to which
they trust or scrutinize the content they consume.
Blogs also began to be more interactive in nature, allowing threader to participate in the discussion.
OUR Blogs "NEWSONLINE24" focused mainly on political issues, Gaming,Tech,book reviews,newly launched books ,Opinions
and often represented bipartisan views of the current election or political situation.we are providing full info but in a short
cut/direct way to the topic and also shows opinions on daily basis .our blog looks like personal as well as professional . By
gathering and studying all the material , we make a short paragraphs ,posts ,articles on different aspects ,most of them even
not published on newspaper and shown on t.v such as newly launched books . your reviews,views,opinions means alot and
by reading all your comment we post all the answers to your questions and study that aspects of your choice .You gave us
new topics which is somehow not seen by me ,this is the reason ,we would like to interact with our audience ,for that pls
comment and give your views on that news .Audience/Author interaction has become an integral part of blogging and online
news as technology allows forreaders to leave comments and interact with the author, and the author to interact with his or
her audience. This interaction has allowed readers to point out errors,state whether they agree with what is being written
and foster discussion about the issue presented by us, and allow us to join in the discussion.
While many traditional news sites have added comments sections to their newsstories often the news organization will have
a policy against a reporter commenting on their own story.
At last i wanna say that for more transparency in our reporting , few social media links are provided.must visit and share if
you like and do follow for newly updates.
Our main motive

1)Listening to the public to help shape the news agenda.

2) Giving ordinary people a voice.
3) Covering stories in a way that facilitatesdeliberation of the problem behind the stories.
4) Presenting news to makeit more accessible and easier for people to engage in the issues.
5) Engagingthe community in problem solving.
6) Maximizing the impact of thecoverage in the community.

We also studied past user feedback and

took note of the most relevant app changes needed,
namely a better sign-up page and a more seamless
browsing experience.

love and joy link =

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