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Basic News Lead, Alternative leads, and Frames

By : Group 6

Anzza Fellda Kasvita (2203311041)

Jihan Aqilah Zahrah (2203111049)

Weandy Nabilla Nr. (2201111005)

Rivani Afri Yuli (2203311039)

Class : Reguler E 2020

Course : English Communication
Supporting lecturer : Mara Untung Ritonga, S.S., M.Hum, Ph.D



First of all, the author expresses gratitude to Allah SWT for being able to complete the
paper entitled " Basic News Lead, Alternative leads, and Frames". The author also thanks
all those who helped in writing this paper. The purpose of writing this paper is to fulfill the
task given by Mr. Mara Untung Ritonga, as a lecturer in the English communication course.

In arranging this paper, the writer truly get lots challenges and obstructions but with
help of many individuals, those obstructions could pass. Writer also realized there are still
many mistakes in process of writing this paper.

Because of that, the writer says thank you to all individuals who helps in the process
of writing this paper. Hopefully Allah replies all helps and bless you all. The writer realized
that this paper still imperfect in arrangement and the content.  Then the writer hopes the
criticism from the readers can help the writer in perfecting the next paper. Last but not the
least hopefully, this paper can help the readers to gain more knowledge about Basic News,
Lead, Alternative leads, and Frame.

Medan, October 2021



TABLE OF CONTENTS......................................................................................................ii
CAPTER I INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................1
B.Problem Formulation........................................................................................................1
CAPTER II DISCUSSION ...................................................................................................2
A.Understanding News.........................................................................................................2
B. Basic news Lead..............................................................................................................2
C. Alternative leads and frames............................................................................................3
CHAPTER III CLOSING.....................................................................................................7
A. Conclusion.......................................................................................................................7




News is a very important thing in life today. Almost every day we get news from
various mass media, ranging from newspapers, radio, television to the internet. And to
produce a good text in the form of news, there are several ways or techniques that must be
known, so that the preparation becomes more orderly so that when the news that will be
published in the media can be more easily accepted by the public.

In this paper, we will discuss what news is and what is in the news, how to process
news based on existing techniques, such as 5W/1H and based on existing facts, and news
value. News also has anatomy like our bodies. The so-called inverted pyramid. The structure
or anatomy of this news is also very important in the process of forming news. Because in
the anatomy of this news, we study the composition of what news consists of.

Therefore, material on Basic News, Lead, Alternative leads, and Frame. need to be
discussed so that we as news connoisseurs can process the news and analyze the news that
we get well. So that we can know what kind of news we have received. More will be
discussed in the discussion section.

B.Problem Formulation
1. What are the basic news?

2. What are the lead and alternative the News?

3. What are the frames on the news?

The purpose of writing this paper is to increase our knowledge and our expertise in
understanding the part of speech.



A.Understanding News
News text is text that contains events that occur around the world and is distributed
through various social media, electronic, and print media. For example, radio, television,
internet, and websites.
The text of the news that is written must also be based on facts, but not all facts can be
made news. So that the selection of angles and important points in the news text must be
right so that the objectives and facts to be conveyed can be understood by the reader.

B. Basic news Lead

The basic news lead “should tell the reader the central point of the story, not hide the
subject with unnecessary or misleading words and phrases” (Bender et al. 135). According
to Writing and Reporting in the Media, a basic news lead is generally known as a summary
news lead, as the first line must answer one or two of the six most important questions in a
news story: who, what, when, where, why, and how. Determining the one or two questions
that get answered in the lead is dependent on which of the six questions are the most
interesting, newsworthy, and unusual.

In addition, there are two variations to the summary news lead: the immediate-
identification lead and the delayed-identification lead. The immediate-identification lead is
used “when the identities of the major subjects in the story are important and well known”
(Bender et al. 136). Immediate-identification leads are particularly important when writing
stories about celebrities or well-known figures. However, “in many stories, the names of the
main subjects are not as important as what those people did or what happened to them”
(Bender et al. 136). This is when a delayed-identification lead is used, which allows the
reporter to get to the central point of the article more quickly.

Articles in The New York Times generally follow the rules that are written in Writing
and Reporting in the Media in regards to summary news leads, in terms of the both the
immediate-identification lead and the delayed-identification lead. Although each journalist

has his or her own unique writing style, there appears to be a trend which supports the
notion that stories in The New York Times have strong summary leads.

C. Alternative leads and frames

A. The Meaning of Framing
Framing analysis is an approach to see how reality is ‘framed’ and published by the
media. How the media develop certain cases of reality. That is, the same event can be
constructed differently by using different frames by the media.
There are two aspects in framing which, First; choose facts, second; write down the
facts. In choosing facts, there are two possibilities, what is chosen (the news section), what
is discarded (which part is not reported). It really depends on how the media sees the
interesting side of the news.
Basically, framing is a method to see how the media tells the story of events. The way
of telling the story is reflected in the “way of seeing” the reality that is made news. This
“way of seeing” affects the final result of the construction of reality. Framing analysis is an
analysis used to see how the media constructs reality (Eriyanto; 2009). Every time we can
see and read how the same event but reported differently by the media.
Another opinion, framing analysis is an alternative model of analysis that can reveal
the secret behind the differences and even contradictions of the media in revealing facts.
Thus, social reality is understood, interpreted, and constructed with certain forms and
meanings. Through framing analysis, it will be known who controls who, who is against
whom, who are friends and enemies, who are patrons and who are clients, who benefits and
who is harmed, who oppresses and who is oppressed, and so on. Conditions like this are
very likely to be obtained because framing analysis is an art, creativity that has the freedom
to interpret reality using certain theories and methodologies.

B.The Foundation of Framing from Perspective


Framing analysis is used to dissect the ways or ideology of the media when
constructing facts. In other words, framing is an approach to find out how the perspective or
point of view used by journalists when selecting issues and writing news. Therefore, news

becomes manipulative and aims to dominate the existence of the subject as something
legitimate, objective, natural, natural, and inevitable.


Sociologically, the concept of frame analysis is to maintain the continuity of our habit
of classifying, organizing, and actively interpreting our life experiences in order to
understand them. These interpretative schemata are called frames, which allow individuals
to localize, perceive, identify, and label events and information.

Framing is seen as placing information in a unique context, so that certain elements of
an issue get a greater allocation of individual cognitive resources. Consequently, the
selected elements become important in influencing individual judgments in drawing

C.Framing Analysis Concept

The concept of framing, according to Entman, consistently offers a way to reveal the
power of a communication text. Framing analysis can explain in an appropriate way the
influence on human consciousness that is prompted by the transfer of information from a
location, such as a speech, speech / expression, news report, or novel. Framing, essentially
includes selection and highlighting. To frame is to select some aspect of an understanding of
reality, and make it more prominent in a text that is communicated in such a way as to
promote a specific problem definition, causal interpretation, moral evaluation, funding or
recommending a solution.

D.Framing Analysis Model

The framing analysis model according to Robert N Entman is to describe the selection
process and the prominence of certain aspects of reality by the media. Framing puts more
emphasis on how the communication text is displayed and which parts are considered
important or highlighted by the text maker. Entman sees framing in two major dimensions,
namely the selection of issues and the emphasis or prominence of certain aspects of reality
or issues. In practice, framing is carried out by the media by selecting certain issues and
ignoring other issues. As well as highlighting aspects of the issue by using various discourse
strategies, for example the issue is placed in the front headline, repetition, use of graphics to
support and strengthen the prominence, and the use of certain labels and so on.

Alternative To News

A.Definition of Alternative in the news

Alternative media are forms of media that differ from the dominant media forms in
terms of their content, method of production or distribution. Alternative media, like media in
general, can take many forms such as print, audio, video, internet, or street art. Some
examples of alternative media are community radio such as Marsinah F.M, which often
discusses labor and women’s issues, or regional language magazines such as Damar Jati.

Definitive definitions of alternative media are still difficult to come by, and depend on
the definitions of the dominant mainstream media. Finally, mainstream media is often
defined as media that reaches large audiences and reflects dominant thoughts, activities, or
issues.Mainstream media are also often depicted as representing the interests of the
government and corporations, so that alternative media are often defined as non-commercial
media that represent various interests of groups outside the mainstream such as the poor,
ethnic and political minorities, workers, women, and others. LGBT group. These media try
to voice various voices and points of view that are often overlooked, such as the issue of

women’s labor which is often raised by Marsinah F.M, and to build a community based on

Alternative media are often defined as anti-hegemony, that is, against the dominant
values and beliefs in a culture (see Antonio Gramsci). Alternative media positions tend to be
polarized at a certain point of view, and are also smaller than mainstream media. But again
the definition of alternative media as the antithesis of mainstream media is limited, and
modern research approaches to alternative media continue to seek to clarify how and where
alternative media are created and also how the dynamics of the relationship between
alternative media and their audiences are.

B.Alternative Media Forms


Print alternative media are usually in the form of print publications that voice different
opinions or oppose the mainstream in the form of newspapers, magazines, zines, pamphlets,
and others. One of the plural forms of this media are alternative magazines that target
certain minority segments, such as Kobra Magazine which targets independent music
subcultures, or magazines that voice minority interests that are often ignored such as
Migrant Trumpet which defends the rights of migrant workers.

Radio is one of the alternative media platforms that is quite popular because of its low
cost, ease of use, and better reach. In Indonesia, many alternative radios have emerged to
meet the needs of a certain ethnic group for a familiar culture. These radios often use local
languages and contain entertainment and local news.

Another example is alternative radio which aims to defend the interests of certain
marginalized groups, such as Marsinah F.M, who continues to voice defense of labor and
women’s rights, provides advocacy services, and becomes an education agent for these

3.Videos and Movies

Alternative films are typically used to describe films that are produced and distributed
outside the mainstream film and video industry, or carry content that is rarely seen in
mainstream films. However, the genre and content varies greatly. It is often produced by
non-profit organizations, and/or from grassroots movements.



A. Conclusion
News is the latest report on facts or opinions that are important or interesting to the
public and disseminated through the mass media. Time is very important or very necessary
in the process of spreading or delivering news. In addition to time, interesting events or
events are also very newsworthy to attract the attention of the general public to find out.
about the news. And the last report means here how to convey or display the news to the
public to attract public interest in the news.

Advice from news stories or information about hot events or events. News text is text
that contains current or actual events.


Alex Sobur. 2009. Analisis Teks Media, suatu pengantar Analisis wacana, Semiotik dan
Analisis Framing, Cet. Ke-5, Remaja Rosdakarya. Bandung.

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