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PART I. Identification 

_____________________1. Channel built on arches carrying water from a water source to a

town or city
_____________________2. Projecting land that is almost surrounded by water
_____________________3. It was built on the only natural river crossings in the Tiber River
_____________________4. Powerful civilization that invaded and captured Rome
_____________________5. Crops that can be grown in Italian peninsula
_____________________6. Free person living in the city of Rome
_____________________7. Official count of the population
_____________________8. Number of children of an average Roman family
_____________________9. Jobs for educated slaves
_____________________10. Jobs for healthy strong slaves
_____________________11. 3 main gods found in every major town of ancient Rome
_____________________12. Powerful priestesses responsible for worshiping goddess Vesta
_____________________13. Animals usually used as sacrificed to the god
_____________________14. Drink offering to a god or gods
_____________________15. The most popular festival which took place in December.It was
time of feasting, giving gifts etc
_____________________16. A representative of the people who was elected by the plebeians
_____________________17. Official who dealt with financial affairs or taxes  
_____________________18. The first police force of Rome
_____________________19. Punishment for serious crimes –murder, arson, stealing animal
_____________________20. Punishments for minor crimes - theft, dishonest trading
_____________________21. A government in which the people elect their leaders to represent
_____________________22. Law that was created by Emperor Justinian and the basis of legal
system throughout the world. 
_____________________23. The emperor who created the first police force in Rome
_____________________24. A ruler who has total power over the government and people
_____________________25. A wall of wooden stake, used as defensive barrier
_____________________26. A Roman army unit consisting of approximately 5000 soldiers
_____________________27. Officials responsible in dealing with the law
_____________________28. Weight of equipment legionaries carry on their march everyday
_____________________29.  A non-citizen soldier recruited from the provinces
_____________________30. Punishments for minor infringement of a legionnaire  
_____________________31. A wall Roman army built between England and Scotland. It took 8
years to build this wall. 
_____________________32. The first emperor of the Roman empire
_____________________33. A powerful Roman general who declared himself dictator of

PART II. Answer the following questions

1. What is the importance of Mountain Range in Italy? Where is it located in the Italian


2. What was weather the like in the Italian peninsula?

3. The Italian Peninsula is a mixture of
4. Give examples of ideas brought by the Etruscans in Rome.
5. What were the requirements to be a citizen in Rome?
6.  What is exposure?
7. Write the difference between children from rich and poor family.
9. Who were the ancient Roman gods? 
Jupiter: ______________________________________ Minerva:
Juno: _______________________________________                           Mars:
Apollo: ______________________________________     Venus:
Neptune: _______________________________________                    Ceres:

10. Write down the process of choosing the vestal virgins? 

11. Why did the ancient Romans sacrifice animals to the gods? 
12. Explain the difference between Roman republic and Roman empire. 
13. Give examples of advance ideas from Justinian code
14. What are the equipment a legionnaire carries every day?
15. List some examples of weapons of the Roman army. 

History is not a burden on the memory but an illumination of the soul

-Lord Acton

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