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Connections A World History

Combined Edition 3rd Edition Judge

Test Bank
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Judge, Connections: A World History, Combined Volume, 3E, Test Bank: Chapter 8: The
Romans Connect the Mediterranean World, 753 B.C.E. − 284 C.E.

8.1 Multiple-Choice Questions

1) Rome was founded along the __________ River.

A) Po
B) Tiber
C) Arno
D) Rhone
Answer: B
Section: The Roman Republic to 133 B.C.E.
Objective: LO 8.1: Describe the structure of the Roman Republic and explain its attitudes toward
law and citizenship.
Question Type: Remember the Facts
Difficulty Level: Easy

2) How does the geography of Rome compare with that of Carthage?

A) Both were centrally located, but Carthage was a seaport city.
B) Both were centrally located, but Rome was closer to the coast.
C) Both were naturally vulnerable to naval assaults.
D) Both were naturally vulnerable to land-based attacks.
Answer: A
Section: The Roman Republic to 133 B.C.E.
Objective: LO 8.1: Describe the structure of the Roman Republic and explain its attitudes toward
law and citizenship.
Question Type: Understand the Concepts
Difficulty Level: Moderate

3) Which of these define a republic?

A) elected representatives
B) a single ruler
C) a council of governors
D) oligarchy
Answer: A
Section: The Roman Republic to 133 B.C.E.
Objective: LO 8.1: Describe the structure of the Roman Republic and explain its attitudes toward
law and citizenship.
Question Type: Understand the Concepts
Difficulty Level: Moderate

4) What was the Struggle of the Orders?

A) a conflict between the emperor and senate
B) a conflict between the patricians and plebeians
C) a conflict between the Latins and Etruscans
D) a conflict between Caesar and the senate
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Answer: B
Section: The Roman Republic to 133 B.C.E.
Objective: LO 8.1: Describe the structure of the Roman Republic and explain its attitudes toward
law and citizenship.
Question Type: Remember the Facts
Difficulty Level: Easy

5) Which of the following accurately describes the plebeians?

A) They were commoners.
B) They were aristocrats.
C) They dominated the senate.
D) They were barred from serving in the army.
Answer: A
Section: The Roman Republic to 133 B.C.E.
Objective: LO 8.1: Describe the structure of the Roman Republic and explain its attitudes toward
law and citizenship.
Question Type: Remember the Facts
Difficulty Level: Easy

6) Unlike “the law of peoples,” natural law applies to __________.

A) certain ethnicities
B) all alike
C) rural cultures
D) pastoral peoples
Answer: B
Section: The Roman Republic to 133 B.C.E.
Objective: LO 8.1: Describe the structure of the Roman Republic and explain its attitudes toward
law and citizenship.
Question Type: Analyze It
Difficulty Level: Difficult

7) The Twelve Tables were __________.

A) an early Roman law code
B) units of representation in the Roman Republic
C) a public display of Virgil’s Aeneid
D) a history of the Etruscans
Answer: A
Section: The Roman Republic to 133 B.C.E.
Objective: LO 8.1: Describe the structure of the Roman Republic and explain its attitudes toward
law and citizenship.
Question Type: Remember the Facts
Difficulty Level: Easy

8) The main point of territorial conflict between Rome and Carthage was control of __________.
A) Crete
B) Greece
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C) Egypt
D) Sicily
Answer: D
Section: The Roman Republic to 133 B.C.E.
Objective: LO 8.1: Describe the structure of the Roman Republic and explain its attitudes toward
law and citizenship.
Question Type: Remember the Facts
Difficulty Level: Easy

9) Rome’s foreign policy most closely resembles that of the __________.

A) Greeks
B) Assyrians
C) Persians
D) Egyptians
Answer: C
Section: The Roman Republic to 133 B.C.E.
Objective: LO 8.1: Describe the structure of the Roman Republic and explain its attitudes toward
law and citizenship.
Question Type: Understand the Concepts
Difficulty Level: Moderate

10) The Twelve Tables eroded __________ distinctions between patricians and plebeians.
A) legal but not social
B) economic and social
C) all
D) military and legal
Answer: A
Section: The Roman Republic to 133 B.C.E.
Objective: LO 8.1: Describe the structure of the Roman Republic and explain its attitudes toward
law and citizenship.
Question Type: Analyze It
Difficulty Level: Difficult

11) Which modern unit of measure derives from counting the steps of Roman soldiers?
A) the mile
B) the kilometer
C) the yard
D) the degree
Answer: A
Section: The Roman Republic to 133 B.C.E.
Objective: LO 8.1: Describe the structure of the Roman Republic and explain its attitudes toward
law and citizenship.
Question Type: Remember the Facts
Difficulty Level: Easy

12) Why could the phrase “I am a Roman citizen” be considered a proud boast?
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A) It shows the power of the Roman Empire.
B) It signifies the exclusiveness of Roman society.
C) It illustrates the value of Roman citizenship.
D) It demonstrates the power of the Roman senate.
Answer: C
Section: The Roman Republic to 133 B.C.E.
Objective: LO 8.1: Describe the structure of the Roman Republic and explain its attitudes toward
law and citizenship.
Question Type: Understand the Concepts
Difficulty Level: Moderate

13) Who was Rome’s main rival for control of the Mediterranean around 200 B.C.E.?
A) Greece
B) Carthage
C) Egypt
D) the Seleucid Empire
Answer: B
Section: The Roman Republic to 133 B.C.E.
Objective: LO 8.1: Describe the structure of the Roman Republic and explain its attitudes toward
law and citizenship.
Question Type: Remember the Facts
Difficulty Level: Easy

14) Which of these was defeated by Rome only after they built ships with gangplanks?
A) Carthage
B) Parthia
C) Greece
D) Egypt
Answer: A
Section: The Roman Republic to 133 B.C.E.
Objective: LO 8.1: Describe the structure of the Roman Republic and explain its attitudes toward
law and citizenship.
Question Type: Remember the Facts
Difficulty Level: Easy

15) Who crossed the Alps and invaded Italy with an army of elephants during the Second Punic
A) Augustus
B) Hannibal
C) Cicero
D) Julius Caesar
Answer: B
Section: The Roman Republic to 133 B.C.E.
Objective: LO 8.1: Describe the structure of the Roman Republic and explain its attitudes toward
law and citizenship.
Question Type: Remember the Facts
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Difficulty Level: Easy

16) Which of these best describes the impact of the Punic Wars on Roman society?
A) Greater opportunity arose for the talented, ambitious, and fortunate.
B) Social elevation became impossible.
C) The gap between rich and poor narrowed.
D) Rome was impoverished by constant war.
Answer: A
Section: The Roman Republic to 133 B.C.E.
Objective: LO 8.1: Describe the structure of the Roman Republic and explain its attitudes toward
law and citizenship.
Question Type: Understand the Concepts
Difficulty Level: Moderate

17) Compared to contemporary societies, women in Rome under the Republic and Empire had
A) less personal freedom
B) lower social status
C) more legal rights
D) little social mobility
Answer: C
Section: The Roman Republic to 133 B.C.E.
Objective: LO 8.1: Describe the structure of the Roman Republic and explain its attitudes toward
law and citizenship.
Question Type: Remember the Facts
Difficulty Level: Easy

18) As a result of the Punic Wars, slavery in Rome became __________.

A) mainly restricted to poor or unfortunate Italians
B) widespread and mostly made up of foreigners
C) socially unacceptable and rejected by most Romans
D) unnecessary due to Rome’s newfound wealth
Answer: B
Section: The Roman Republic to 133 B.C.E.
Objective: LO 8.1: Describe the structure of the Roman Republic and explain its attitudes toward
law and citizenship.
Question Type: Remember the Facts
Difficulty Level: Easy

19) The perils of increased slave ownership were shown by a revolt led by a gladiator named
A) Hannibal
B) Sulla
C) Spartacus
D) Cassius
Answer: C
Copyright © 2015, 2012, 2009 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved.
Section: The Roman Republic to 133 B.C.E.
Objective: LO 8.1: Describe the structure of the Roman Republic and explain its attitudes toward
law and citizenship.
Question Type: Remember the Facts
Difficulty Level: Easy

20) Why did long periods of war transform the Roman countryside?
A) Most of the battles were fought in Italy.
B) Soldiers were also farmers.
C) Slave revolts devastated the countryside.
D) Plebeians replaced patricians as landowners.
Answer: B
Section: Dissatisfaction with the Republic
Objective: LO 8.2: Discuss the erosion of support for the Roman Republic, and evaluate Julius
Caesar’s solution to its problems.
Question Type: Understand the Concepts
Difficulty Level: Moderate

21) The Roman Republic effectively ended when one man seized power after crushing his rival.
Who was the man who seized power?
A) Marius
B) Julius Caesar
C) Sulla
D) Spartacus
Answer: C
Section: Dissatisfaction with the Republic
Objective: LO 8.2: Discuss the erosion of support for the Roman Republic, and evaluate Julius
Caesar’s solution to its problems.
Question Type: Remember the Facts
Difficulty Level: Easy

22) The term for a Roman leader appointed for a short term was __________.
A) general
B) dictator
C) tribune
D) senator
Answer: B
Section: Dissatisfaction with the Republic
Objective: LO 8.2: Discuss the erosion of support for the Roman Republic, and evaluate Julius
Caesar’s solution to its problems.
Question Type: Remember the Facts
Difficulty Level: Easy

23) What happened on the Ides of March, 44 B.C.E.?

A) the battle of Actium
B) the suicide of Antony
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C) the formation of the Second Triumvirate
D) the murder of Caesar
Answer: D
Section: Dissatisfaction with the Republic
Objective: LO 8.2: Discuss the erosion of support for the Roman Republic, and evaluate Julius
Caesar’s solution to its problems.
Question Type: Remember the Facts
Difficulty Level: Easy

24) Caesar’s partners in the First Triumvirate were __________.

A) Sulla and Agricola
B) Marc Antony and Lepidus
C) Caius Crassus and Pompey
D) Cicero and Spartacus
Answer: C
Section: Dissatisfaction with the Republic
Objective: LO 8.2: Discuss the erosion of support for the Roman Republic, and evaluate Julius
Caesar’s solution to its problems.
Question Type: Remember the Facts
Difficulty Level: Easy

25) Unlike Julius Caesar, Octavian __________.

A) was killed after trying to grab power
B) successfully took the role of emperor of Rome
C) emerged following a military career
D) was of the plebeian class
Answer: B
Section: The Birth of the Roman Empire
Objective: LO 8.3: Explain how Caesar Augustus created the Roman Empire while protesting
that he was doing no such thing.
Question Type: Analyze It
Difficulty Level: Difficult

26) According to Romans, what was Mare Nostrum?

A) the Rubicon River
B) the Alps mountains
C) the Adriatic Sea
D) the Mediterranean Sea
Answer: D
Section: The Birth of the Roman Empire
Objective: LO 8.3: Explain how Caesar Augustus created the Roman Empire while protesting
that he was doing no such thing.
Question Type: Remember the Facts
Difficulty Level: Easy

27) What was the Pax Romana?

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A) a form of currency
B) an extended period of peace
C) the government system that replaced the Republic
D) the language of the Romans
Answer: B
Section: The Birth of the Roman Empire
Objective: LO 8.3: Explain how Caesar Augustus created the Roman Empire while protesting
that he was doing no such thing.
Question Type: Remember the Facts
Difficulty Level: Easy

28) Which man is considered to be the first Roman emperor?

A) Marius
B) Sulla
C) Julius Caesar
D) Octavian
Answer: D
Section: The Birth of the Roman Empire
Objective: LO 8.3: Explain how Caesar Augustus created the Roman Empire while protesting
that he was doing no such thing.
Question Type: Remember the Facts
Difficulty Level: Easy

29) How did the Roman Empire differ from that created by Alexander?
A) It was created through peace, not conquest.
B) It was much less diverse.
C) It was much more stable.
D) It created no new cultural fusion.
Answer: C
Section: The Birth of the Roman Empire
Objective: LO 8.3: Explain how Caesar Augustus created the Roman Empire while protesting
that he was doing no such thing.
Question Type: Analyze It
Difficulty Level: Difficult

30) Who wrote the Aeneid?

A) Virgil
B) Ovid
C) Horace
D) Homer
Answer: A
Section: The Birth of the Roman Empire
Objective: LO 8.3: Explain how Caesar Augustus created the Roman Empire while protesting
that he was doing no such thing.
Question Type: Remember the Facts
Difficulty Level: Easy
Copyright © 2015, 2012, 2009 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved.
31) What was the focus of the arts in the Augustan Age?
A) praise of the emperor
B) promoting civic virtues
C) calling for restoration of the Republic
D) praise of the senate
Answer: A
Section: The Birth of the Roman Empire
Objective: LO 8.3: Explain how Caesar Augustus created the Roman Empire while protesting
that he was doing no such thing.
Question Type: Understand the Concepts
Difficulty Level: Moderate

32) French, Italian, and Portuguese are known as the “romance languages” because __________.
A) of their Roman origins
B) they are so beautiful when spoken
C) of their similarities with Romanian and Spanish tongues
D) of their Greek roots
Answer: A
Section: The Birth of the Roman Empire
Objective: LO 8.3: Explain how Caesar Augustus created the Roman Empire while protesting
that he was doing no such thing.
Question Type: Remember the Facts
Difficulty Level: Easy

33) Aqueducts were built to __________.

A) dry marshes
B) supply Rome with water
C) carry traffic
D) bridge rivers
Answer: B
Section: The Birth of the Roman Empire
Objective: LO 8.3: Explain how Caesar Augustus created the Roman Empire while protesting
that he was doing no such thing.
Question Type: Remember the Facts
Difficulty Level: Easy

34) In his writings, how does Virgil portray Greco-Roman connections?

A) He portrays the Romans as liberators, freeing people from Greek oppression.
B) He portrays the Greeks as barbarians and the Romans as heroes.
C) He portrays the Romans as people who upheld the splendid Greek ideals.
D) He portrays the Greeks and Romans as natural adversaries.
Answer: C
Section: The Birth of the Roman Empire
Objective: LO 8.3: Explain how Caesar Augustus created the Roman Empire while protesting
that he was doing no such thing.
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Question Type: Understand the Concepts
Difficulty Level: Moderate

35) To the northwest, the Roman Empire was extended as far as __________.
A) Gaul
B) Ireland
C) Spain
D) Britain
Answer: D
Section: The Birth of the Roman Empire
Objective: LO 8.3: Explain how Caesar Augustus created the Roman Empire while protesting
that he was doing no such thing.
Question Type: Remember the Facts
Difficulty Level: Easy

36) Ovid was a noted Roman __________.

A) historian
B) architect
C) poet
D) dramatist
Answer: C
Section: The Birth of the Roman Empire
Objective: LO 8.3: Explain how Caesar Augustus created the Roman Empire while protesting
that he was doing no such thing.
Question Type: Remember the Facts
Difficulty Level: Easy

37) Who took the title princeps civitatis?

A) Trajan
B) Augustus
C) Julius Caesar
D) Sulla
Answer: B
Section: The Birth of the Roman Empire
Objective: LO 8.3: Explain how Caesar Augustus created the Roman Empire while protesting
that he was doing no such thing.
Question Type: Remember the Facts
Difficulty Level: Easy

38) Which of these was an architectural form typical of Roman building?

A) arches
B) towers
C) courtyards
D) agoras
Answer: A
Section: The Birth of the Roman Empire
Copyright © 2015, 2012, 2009 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved.
Objective: LO 8.3: Explain how Caesar Augustus created the Roman Empire while protesting
that he was doing no such thing.
Question Type: Analyze It
Difficulty Level: Difficult

39) Bacchus was the god of __________.

A) war
B) wine
C) the sea
D) love
Answer: B
Section: Roman Religion and the Rise of Christianity
Objective: LO 8.4: Explain how and why Christianity posed a lethal threat to the Roman
Question Type: Remember the Facts
Difficulty Level: Easy

40) Roman religious outlook would be best described as __________.

A) monotheistic and exclusive
B) intolerant of new gods
C) a moral system
D) tolerant and inclusive
Answer: D
Section: Roman Religion and the Rise of Christianity
Objective: LO 8.4: Explain how and why Christianity posed a lethal threat to the Roman
Question Type: Remember the Facts
Difficulty Level: Easy

41) Which of the following statements best summarizes the religious beliefs of the Essenes?
A) The Messiah’s arrival was imminent.
B) Jews should obey Herod, their puppet king.
C) The end of the world was quickly approaching.
D) Romans and Jews who collaborated with them should be assassinated.
Answer: C
Section: Roman Religion and the Rise of Christianity
Objective: LO 8.4: Explain how and why Christianity posed a lethal threat to the Roman
Question Type: Understand the Concepts
Difficulty Level: Moderate

42) Romans were suspicious of the Jews because, unlike most Roman subjects, Jews were
A) indifferent to religion
B) intolerant and exclusive
C) passive in the face of Roman rule
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D) polytheists
Answer: B
Section: Roman Religion and the Rise of Christianity
Objective: LO 8.4: Explain how and why Christianity posed a lethal threat to the Roman
Question Type: Understand the Concepts
Difficulty Level: Moderate

43) What was the main concern of Pontius Pilate as ruler of Judea?
A) defeating the Jews
B) maintaining a strong tax base
C) defeating Herod and gaining control of Judea
D) maintaining peace and order
Answer: D
Section: Roman Religion and the Rise of Christianity
Objective: LO 8.4: Explain how and why Christianity posed a lethal threat to the Roman
Question Type: Remember the Facts
Difficulty Level: Easy

44) On what subject did Peter and Paul disagree?

A) to whom Jesus’s message applied
B) whether or not Jesus was the Messiah
C) whether or not to spread the teachings of Jesus
D) the resurrection
Answer: A
Section: Roman Religion and the Rise of Christianity
Objective: LO 8.4: Explain how and why Christianity posed a lethal threat to the Roman
Question Type: Analyze It
Difficulty Level: Difficult

45) Which of the following replaced the practice of circumcision in Jewish culture in Christian
A) communion
B) last rites
C) baptism
D) marriage
Answer: C
Section: Roman Religion and the Rise of Christianity
Objective: LO 8.4: Explain how and why Christianity posed a lethal threat to the Roman
Question Type: Understand the Concepts
Difficulty Level: Moderate

46) Which of these was a Jewish sect that practiced terrorism against both Romans and Jews who
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worked with the Romans?
A) Zealots
B) Essenes
C) Christians
D) Nazarenes
Answer: A
Section: Roman Religion and the Rise of Christianity
Objective: LO 8.4: Explain how and why Christianity posed a lethal threat to the Roman
Question Type: Remember the Facts
Difficulty Level: Easy

47) Why did Roman rulers distrust Christians?

A) on theological grounds
B) on economic grounds
C) out of concern for law and order
D) because of omens taken by Nero
Answer: C
Section: Roman Religion and the Rise of Christianity
Objective: LO 8.4: Explain how and why Christianity posed a lethal threat to the Roman
Question Type: Understand the Concepts
Difficulty Level: Moderate

48) Which man founded the Flavian dynasty?

A) Nero
B) Vespasian
C) Constantine
D) Caesar
Answer: B
Section: From Golden Age to Disarray
Objective: LO 8.5: Discuss the transition of Rome from its golden age to its decline.
Question Type: Remember the Facts
Difficulty Level: Easy

49) The period from about 0 to about 500 C.E. in the Roman Empire is best characterized as a
period of __________.
A) rapid decay
B) ups and downs
C) steady decline
D) stability
Answer: B
Section: From Golden Age to Disarray
Objective: LO 8.5: Discuss the transition of Rome from its golden age to its decline.
Question Type: Understand the Concepts
Difficulty Level: Moderate
Copyright © 2015, 2012, 2009 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved.
50) Around 100 C.E., Rome had roughly __________ inhabitants.
A) 50,000
B) 500,000
C) 5 million
D) 5000
Answer: B
Section: From Golden Age to Disarray
Objective: LO 8.5: Discuss the transition of Rome from its golden age to its decline.
Question Type: Remember the Facts
Difficulty Level: Easy

51) In the second and third centuries C.E., what group emerged as the greatest threat to the
Roman Empire?
A) Persians
B) Germans
C) Egyptians
D) Greeks
Answer: B
Section: From Golden Age to Disarray
Objective: LO 8.5: Discuss the transition of Rome from its golden age to its decline.
Question Type: Remember the Facts
Difficulty Level: Easy

52) Who was the last of the “five good emperors”?

A) Nero
B) Vespasian
C) Hadrian
D) Marcus Aurelius
Answer: D
Section: From Golden Age to Disarray
Objective: LO 8.5: Discuss the transition of Rome from its golden age to its decline.
Question Type: Remember the Facts
Difficulty Level: Easy

53) The Roman economic system around 180 C.E. would best be described as __________.
A) wide-ranging and complex
B) rapidly disintegrating
C) limited by lack of good transport
D) beneficial to the city of Rome but of little use to the provinces
Answer: A
Section: From Golden Age to Disarray
Objective: LO 8.5: Discuss the transition of Rome from its golden age to its decline.
Question Type: Remember the Facts
Difficulty Level: Easy

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54) Which of the following best describes the period immediately following the reign of
A) stable and peaceful
B) unstable yet peaceful
C) unstable and bloody
D) initially bloody but eventually stable
Answer: C
Section: From Golden Age to Disarray
Objective: LO 8.5: Discuss the transition of Rome from its golden age to its decline.
Question Type: Remember the Facts
Difficulty Level: Easy

55) The barracks emperors signaled what change in the Roman Empire?
A) dominance of the military
B) the end of Roman rule
C) the collapse of the empire
D) the advent of Christianity
Answer: A
Section: From Golden Age to Disarray
Objective: LO 8.5: Discuss the transition of Rome from its golden age to its decline.
Question Type: Understand the Concepts
Difficulty Level: Moderate

8.2 True/False Questions

1) Rome’s location proved to be geographically advantageous.

Answer: TRUE
Section: The Roman Republic to 133 B.C.E.
Objective: LO 8.1: Describe the structure of the Roman Republic and explain its attitudes toward
law and citizenship.
Question Type: Remember the Facts
Difficulty Level: Easy

2) The Roman Republic was formed in 509 B.C.E. when a dynasty of Greek tyrants was
Answer: FALSE
Section: The Roman Republic to 133 B.C.E.
Objective: LO 8.1: Describe the structure of the Roman Republic and explain its attitudes toward
law and citizenship.
Question Type: Remember the Facts
Difficulty Level: Easy

3) The Roman Republic was based on the principles and practices of Athenian democracy.
Answer: FALSE
Section: The Roman Republic to 133 B.C.E.
Objective: LO 8.1: Describe the structure of the Roman Republic and explain its attitudes toward
Copyright © 2015, 2012, 2009 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved.
law and citizenship.
Question Type: Understand the Concepts
Difficulty Level: Moderate

4) The Roman Republic’s principal political institution was the senate.

Answer: TRUE
Section: The Roman Republic to 133 B.C.E.
Objective: LO 8.1: Describe the structure of the Roman Republic and explain its attitudes toward
law and citizenship.
Question Type: Remember the Facts
Difficulty Level: Easy

5) Roman law distinguished between civil and criminal procedures.

Answer: TRUE
Section: The Roman Republic to 133 B.C.E.
Objective: LO 8.1: Describe the structure of the Roman Republic and explain its attitudes toward
law and citizenship.
Question Type: Remember the Facts
Difficulty Level: Easy

6) Some foreigners sold themselves into slavery, hoping to one day become Roman citizens.
Answer: TRUE
Section: The Roman Republic to 133 B.C.E.
Objective: LO 8.1: Describe the structure of the Roman Republic and explain its attitudes toward
law and citizenship.
Question Type: Remember the Facts
Difficulty Level: Easy

7) The Punic Wars saw Rome transformed from an Italian to a Mediterranean power.
Answer: TRUE
Section: The Roman Republic to 133 B.C.E.
Objective: LO 8.1: Describe the structure of the Roman Republic and explain its attitudes toward
law and citizenship.
Question Type: Understand the Concepts
Difficulty Level: Moderate

8) Virgil, Ovid, and Horace incorporated Greek themes in their writings.

Answer: TRUE
Section: The Birth of the Roman Empire
Objective: LO 8.3: Explain how Caesar Augustus created the Roman Empire while protesting
that he was doing no such thing.
Question Type: Understand the Concepts
Difficulty Level: Moderate

9) Mystery religions were opposed by most Romans.

Answer: FALSE
Copyright © 2015, 2012, 2009 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved.
Section: Roman Religion and the Rise of Christianity
Objective: LO 8.4: Explain how and why Christianity posed a lethal threat to the Roman
Question Type: Understand the Concepts
Difficulty Level: Moderate

10) The barracks emperors returned Rome to the political structure of the Republic.
Answer: FALSE
Section: From Golden Age to Disarray
Objective: LO 8.5: Discuss the transition of Rome from its golden age to its decline.
Question Type: Understand the Concepts
Difficulty Level: Moderate

8.3 Short Answer Questions

1) Which dynasty was founded by Vespasian?

Answer: Flavian
Section: From Golden Age to Disarray
Objective: LO 8.5: Discuss the transition of Rome from its golden age to its decline.
Question Type: Remember the Facts
Difficulty Level: Easy

2) Which man became known as Caesar Augustus?

Answer: Octavian
Section: The Birth of the Roman Empire
Objective: LO 8.3: Explain how Caesar Augustus created the Roman Empire while protesting
that he was doing no such thing.
Question Type: Remember the Facts
Difficulty Level: Easy

3) Who ruled Rome before the Republic was established?

Answer: Etruscan kings
Section: The Roman Republic to 133 B.C.E.
Objective: LO 8.1: Describe the structure of the Roman Republic and explain its attitudes toward
law and citizenship.
Question Type: Remember the Facts
Difficulty Level: Easy

4) Which of these career paths was frequently followed on the road to becoming a Roman
Answer: the military
Section: Dissatisfaction with the Republic
Objective: LO 8.2: Discuss the erosion of support for the Roman Republic, and evaluate Julius
Caesar’s solution to its problems.
Question Type: Understand the Concepts
Difficulty Level: Moderate
Copyright © 2015, 2012, 2009 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved.
5) What title was taken by Sulla, effectively ending the Roman Republic?
Answer: dictator
Section: Dissatisfaction with the Republic
Objective: LO 8.2: Discuss the erosion of support for the Roman Republic, and evaluate Julius
Caesar’s solution to its problems.
Question Type: Remember the Facts
Difficulty Level: Easy

6) Who was Julius Caesar’s grandnephew?

Answer: Octavian (Augustus)
Section: The Birth of the Roman Empire
Objective: LO 8.3: Explain how Caesar Augustus created the Roman Empire while protesting
that he was doing no such thing.
Question Type: Remember the Facts
Difficulty Level: Easy

7) Who were Caesarion’s parents?

Answer: Cleopatra and Julius Caesar
Section: The Birth of the Roman Republic
Objective: LO 8.3: Explain how Caesar Augustus created the Roman Empire while protesting
that he was doing no such thing.
Question Type: Remember the Facts
Difficulty Level: Easy

8) What was the highest Jewish judicial body?

Answer: the Sanhedrin
Section: Roman Religion and the Rise of Christianity
Objective: LO 8.4: Explain how and why Christianity posed a lethal threat to the Roman
Question Type: Remember the Facts
Difficulty Level: Easy

9) Jesus of Nazareth was born into what faith?

Answer: Judaism
Section: Roman Religion and the Rise of Christianity
Objective: LO 8.4: Explain how and why Christianity posed a lethal threat to the Roman
Question Type: Remember the Facts
Difficulty Level: Easy

10) Which man is credited with transforming Christianity into a major religion?
Answer: Paul
Section: Roman Religion and the Rise of Christianity
Objective: LO 8.4: Explain how and why Christianity posed a lethal threat to the Roman
Copyright © 2015, 2012, 2009 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved.
Question Type: Remember the Facts
Difficulty Level: Easy

8.4 Essay Questions

1) How did Rome come to rule Latium and then Italy?

Key Points: Etruscans; alliances; citizenship
Section: The Roman Republic to 133 B.C.E.
Objective: LO 8.1: Describe the structure of the Roman Republic and explain its attitudes toward
law and citizenship.
Question Type: Analyze It
Difficulty Level: Difficult

2) Evaluate the geographical conditions that allowed Rome to prosper.

Key Points: Tiber; hills; Mediterranean
Section: The Roman Republic to 133 B.C.E.
Objective: LO 8.1: Describe the structure of the Roman Republic and explain its attitudes toward
law and citizenship.
Question Type: Analyze It
Difficulty Level: Difficult

3) Compare and contrast the Roman Republic and the Athenian democracy.
Key Points: who participates?; limits of participation; direct democracy versus republic
Section: The Roman Republic to 133 B.C.E.
Objective: LO 8.1: Describe the structure of the Roman Republic and explain its attitudes toward
law and citizenship.
Question Type: Analyze It
Difficulty Level: Difficult

4) What was the role of Roman law in the expansion of the Roman Empire?
Key Points: natural law versus law of the people; Romans as arbiters; association with justice
Section: The Roman Republic to 133 B.C.E.
Objective: LO 8.1: Describe the structure of the Roman Republic and explain its attitudes toward
law and citizenship.
Question Type: Analyze It
Difficulty Level: Difficult

5) Evaluate the role of the plebeians in the Roman Republic.

Key Points: privileges of plebeians; economic role; numbers
Section: The Roman Republic to 133 B.C.E.
Objective: LO 8.1: Describe the structure of the Roman Republic and explain its attitudes toward
law and citizenship.
Question Type: Analyze It
Difficulty Level: Difficult

6) What were the problems that led to conflict within the late Roman Republic?
Copyright © 2015, 2012, 2009 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved.
Key Points: Punic Wars; landowning; citizen soldiery
Section: Dissatisfaction with the Republic
Objective: LO 8.2: Discuss the erosion of support for the Roman Republic, and evaluate Julius
Caesar’s solution to its problems.
Question Type: Analyze It
Difficulty Level: Difficult

7) Evaluate the significance of Rome’s defeat of Carthage in the Punic Wars.

Key Points: cost of war; social implications; from Republic to Empire
Section: The Roman Republic to 133 B.C.E.; Dissatisfaction with the Republic
Objective: LO 8.1: Describe the structure of the Roman Republic and explain its attitudes toward
law and citizenship; LO 8.2: Discuss the erosion of support for the Roman Republic, and
evaluate Julius Caesar’s solution to its problems.
Question Type: Analyze It
Difficulty Level: Difficult

8) What was the impact on Roman religion of the expanding empire?

Key Points: borrowing; tolerance; contact with monotheistic religions
Section: Roman Religion and the Rise of Christianity
Objective: LO 8.4: Explain how and why Christianity posed a lethal threat to the Roman
Question Type: Analyze It
Difficulty Level: Difficult

9) What were the greatest strengths and weaknesses of the Roman Empire as a political system?
Key Points: unity; tolerance; infrastructure; size
Section: From Golden Age to Disarray
Objective: LO 8.5: Discuss the transition of Rome from its golden age to its decline.
Question Type: Analyze It
Difficulty Level: Difficult

10) Discuss the Jewish response to Roman domination.

Key Points: monotheism; public worship
Section: Roman Religion and the Rise of Christianity
Objective: LO 8.4: Explain how and why Christianity posed a lethal threat to the Roman
Question Type: Analyze It
Difficulty Level: Difficult

Copyright © 2015, 2012, 2009 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved.

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