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Planetary transit is generally consider w.r.t.

Moon. Though it can be analysed not only from natal
Lagna but also from rest of the seven planets, that
constitutes system of AshtakaVarga.

The difference b/w transit from Moon and Lagna is

obviously manifestation of cosmic rays at mental and
physical level. If birth chart is strong w.r.t langa
than Moon then gochar from lagna can also be used. But
experience of most of the astrologers and researchers
says that transit w.r.t. natal Moon yield more
satisfacorty results than any other reference point.

Besides these, some astrological treatise also holds

that Arudha Lagna (AL) and Sign occupied by Moon in
Navamsa can also be used as reference point to predict
gochar phala. JHL offers option to look planetay
transit from AL.

Some scholars also place special attention to the

gochar with respect to antar dashar lord, in order to
interprete dash/bukhti phalam.

As far as the Saturn's fatal transits are concern,

namely, sade sati, ashtam shani, kantak shani etc.
They are generally reckoned from natal Moon. By the
way, Saturn's transit in 1st and 4th house from natal
lagna is not so bad. But 'generally' very inauspicious
and trying from the Moon. Sade Sati is NOT ALWAYS bad
but it depends. In my humble view, Sade Sati hurts
those natives whose natal Moon are subject to kemdrum
yoga, or opposite/conjoint with natural malefics.

Transit Saturn in 1st from natal Moon:

Fear, mental agony, loss of money, change of profession, death of close relative, separation from kith and kin, suffering
from insults.
Transit Saturn in 4th from natal Moon:
Separation from friends and family members, suspicious nature, crooked behavior, wicked acts, lack of comfort.

Transit Saturn in 8th from natal Moon:

Indulgence in mean activities, bereft of happiness, accident and death of spouse.

Please note that mentioned above are raw effects not the refined. There are many other factors (besides
dasha/antar) that either intensify or mild the usual transit effect. This includes, vedha, ashatakvarga, tara, murthy,
nature of sign and natal planet aspected by transiting planet. Hence approaching definite gochar phalam needs careful

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