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MYSTERY ,NEWS  3K shares  4 minute read

“Anunnaki” Metropolis of more than 200,000 years old

discovered in Africa
Ansh Srivastava
April 20, 2017

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Something surprising has been discovered in an area of ​southern Africa. It is the

remains of a large metropolis that measures conservatively, around 1500 square
kilometers.(Anunnaki Metropolis)
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They have always been there, people noticed them before, but no one could remember
who made them or why. Until recently, no one knew how many there were, now they are
everywhere, thousands are not, hundreds of thousands of them !, and the story they tell is
the most important story of humanity, but it is one that many people may not be willing to
listen and accept (Anunnaki Metropolis)

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It is part of an even larger community of nearly 10,000 square kilometers and appears to
have been built. Are you ready? From 160,000 to 200,000 years before Christ !!

The image below is a close view of a few hundred meters of the landscape taken with
google-earth. The region is very remote and “circles” are often faced with local farmers,
who are supposed to have been made by some indigenous peoples in the past, but
strangely, nobody bothered to ask about who could have done it or how old it is.
(Anunnaki Metropolis)
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This changed when researcher and author Michael Tellinger teamed up with Johan Heine,
a local firefighter, and pilot who had been flying over the region for years observing the
ruins. Heine had the unique advantage of seeing the number and reach of these strange
stone foundations and knew that their importance was not valued. (Anunnaki Metropolis)

“When Johan introduced me to the ancient stone ruins of southern Africa, I had no idea of
​the incredible discoveries made in a year to two, the photographs, artifacts, and evidence
that have been accumulating, no doubt, a Lost and never seen before, civilization is prior
to all others, not for a few hundred years, or a few thousand years … but for many
thousands of years and these discoveries are so surprising that it is not easily digested by
the current Historical, fraternity as we have already experienced, will require a complete
paradigm shift in how we see our history of humanity – “. Tellinger

The area is important because of the surprising amount of gold deposits. “The thousands
of ancient gold mines discovered over the past 500 years point to a missing civilization
that lived and dug for gold in this part of the world for thousands of years,” Tellinger says.
“And if this is really the cradle of humanity, we may be looking at the activities of the
oldest civilization on Earth.”

To see the number and scope of these ruins of this Metropolis, we suggest that you use
google-earth and start with the following coordinates:

– Machadodorp

– 25 38 ‘07.82 “S / 30 21’ 18.79” E

Machadodorp – 25 39 ‘13.13 “E Badplaas – 25 47’ 33.45” Ads

S / 30by40 ‘38.76 “E Waterval –
-20% -35% -35% -12% -40% -47%
22.42 “S / 30 17 ‘03.25” E
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Then perform a low-level search inside the area formed by this rectangle. Simply

The site is about 150 km from an excellent port, where maritime trade could have helped
sustain such a large population, but remember we are talking about a Metropolis of
almost 200,000 years ago.

The individual ruins, mainly the most stone circles have been buried in the sand and are
only observable by satellite or by plane. Some have been exposed by erosion by melting
the sand, revealing the walls and foundations.

When explorers first encountered these ruins, they were supposed to be the corals of
cattle made by the nomadic tribes, as the Bantu people, as they moved south and settled
the land throughout the 13th century. There was no record Previous history of any
civilization capable of building larger as a densely populated community. Little effort was
made to investigate the site because the extent of the ruins was not fully known.

In the last 20 years, people like Cyril Hromnik, Richard Wade, Johan Heine and others have
discovered that these stone structures are not what they seem. In fact, these now believe
that the remains of ancient temples and astronomical observatories of the loss of The
ancient civilizations go back thousands of years ago.

These circular ruins extend over a huge area, can only be truly appreciated from the air or
through modern satellite imagery. Many of them are almost completely eroded or have
been covered by the earthmoving of agriculture and climate. Some have survived long
enough to reveal their large size with some original walls standing almost 5 feet high and
more than a meter wide in some places.

As for the whole city, or Metropolis, it is obvious that it was a well-planned community,
developed by a highly evolved civilization. The number of ancient gold mines suggests the
community’s reason for this location. We found roads, some stretching hundreds of
kilometers that connect the community and terraced agriculture, very similar to those
found in the Inca settlements in Peru. But a question asks for an answer – how could this
be achieved by humans 200,000 years ago?

To be continued..
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Evidence of Advanced Civilizations The Hidden Ancient Anunnaki City "Anunnaki - Messengers of the
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April 28, 2017 March 7, 2021 May 5, 2017
In "Mystery" In "Archaeology" In "Mystery"

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Ansh Srivastava
April 19, 2017

MYSTERY ,NEWS  2 minute read

Security Camera registers an “Extraterrestrial Entity” in Mexico


Ansh Srivastava
April 20, 2017
NEWS ,SCIENCE  3 minute read
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Earth-like exoplanet and great candidate to support extraterrestrial life is discovered(LHS
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SCIENCE  3 minute read

Earth-like exoplanet and great candidate to support

extraterrestrial life is discovered(LHS 1140b)
Ansh Srivastava
April 20, 2017

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“This is the most exciting exoplanet I’ve seen in the last decade,” says lead researcher
Jason Dittmann of the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics.

“We could not have a better destiny to perform one of the greatest missions of science –
in search of evidence of life outside the Earth.” LHS 1140b is what is called a superterra –
a planet with more mass than Earth.

In this case, the exoplanet has an approximate mass seven times greater than Earth, but
is only 1.4 times its size – what the team attributes to a much higher density, it is likely to
consist of a dense iron core. But what makes LHS 1140b so intriguing for its subsequent
analysis is not its size or mass – it is the fact that it orbits within the habitable zone of its
star, a tenuous red dwarf named LHS 1140, located in the constellation Cetus.

LHS 1140b is actually 10 times closer to its star than the Earth of the Sun – and
considering that the star LHS 1140 is also significantly colder and less bright than the
Sun, this means that the exoplanet would not be fried by proximity; And probably would
receive only half the light that the Earth receives from the Sun.

“The current conditions of the red dwarf are particularly favorable,” says a team member ,
astronomer Nicola Astudillo-Defru of the Geneva Observatory in Switzerland. “LHS 1140
rotates more slowly and emits less high-energy radiation than other similar low-mass
stars.” That is important because the amount of heat and light coming from the star is not
so hot so liquid water could exist on the planetary surfaceAds
– something
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to life as we know it.
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The researchers detected the exoplanet LHS 1140b using the European Southern
Observatory (ESO) HARPS instrument located at the La Silla Observatory in Chile. It is
estimated that the exoplanet is 5 billion years old, and may not have always been so
hospitable – most likely the red dwarf star when he was younger may have been more
volatile, which could have stripped the atmosphere of water Of LHS 1140b, if you ever had

The team is hopeful though that the planet may have retained or recovered an
atmosphere, perhaps by trapping the steam generated by the magma oceans that may
have boiled on the surface in its distant past.

To help verify this hypothesis, the team intends to further study the planet with the Hubble
Space Telescope and soon with ESO’s Extremely Large Telescope , which will be finalized
in 2024.

Of course, it is not the only distant world with which astronomers are enormously
motivated in recent times. Earlier this month, scientists announced the detection of an
atmosphere around another super-Earth called Gliese 1132b.

However, we can not celebrate the discovery of a “planet with extraterrestrial life”,
because even though these distant exoplanets offer promising signs of habitability, it is
not the confirmation that there is life until we know much more.
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enthusiastic when listening to comments from researchers like the following:
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“The LHS 1140 system could become an even more important goal for the future than
other planets previously discovered, such as TRAPPIST-1,” explained Xavier Delfosse and
Xavier Bonfils of the Center for Scientific Research.

“This year has been extraordinary for the discoveries of exoplanets!”

LHS 1140b

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Ansh Srivastava
April 20, 2017

NEWS  4 minute read

“Anunnaki” Metropolis of more than 200,000 years old discovered in Africa


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