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Date/ Host of the Name of 1st reading 2nd reading Gospel Reflection Pla

Time online Priest Act

10-04- Manila Eminence Isaiah 5: 1- Philippians4:6- Matthew Maybe you want We
2020/ Cathedral: Luis 7 9 21:33-43 different pandemic be a
8:00am Eminence Antonio G. Brief Brief Brief responses, or from
luis Cardinal summary: summary: Summary: better race gov
Antonio G. Tagle I will make Keep on doing Jesus said relations, or new and
Cardinal it a ruin: it what you have to them, economic the
Tagle shall not learned and “Did you programs, or a for
be pruned received and never read calm Supreme We
or hoed, heard and in the Court nominee help
but seen in me. Scriptures: procedure.  one
overgrown Then the God The stone to d
with thorns of peace will that the All are good the
and briers; be with you. builders causes, but how cas
I will rejected has you make from
command become the changes is eco
the clouds cornerstone important. Today’s rate
not to send ; by the Gospel offers a
rain upon it Lord has successful path
this been that is intelligent,
done, and it peaceful, and
is wonderful non-violent. 
in our eyes?

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