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Home / 9 Month Planner Computer Engineering(CS)

Hi Warriors,

Please find a comprehensive study plan for your exam preparation. This Planner is for 9 months
but you may modify it for 6 months (by studying more hours per day). The number of hours
considered in this planner is 3 hours per day (on an average). For instance, if you see the Master
planner below, you will find we need approx. 220-250 hours during April + May + June. So if
we study 3 hours, on an average, for 90 days = 270 hours, we can easily cover what’s given in
the document.
Note: This planner is designed keeping in consideration students who have got top 100 ranks in
GATE or any national level exam in the past few years.
Note: This plan is designed in consideration with students who have got top 100 ranks in GATE
or any national level exam in the past few years
A similar plan is followed by many exam toppers and is highly recommended by most of The top
faculties of the country. You will realise while going through it that a lot of research is gone In to
make it helpful to you.
The following document contains
The following document contain

 Master plan
 Flow of a subject which should be followed
 How to make notes
 How to do Test Analysis
 How to do revison
 Subject wise( topic wise) time devotion plan

1.Master Plan
2. Flow of Studies for Any subject:
1. Notes
2. GATE que for past 10 years topic wise
3. Topic wise test on
4. Subject tests on
5. Extra practice que + revision of subject

3.How to Make Notes:

 If you attend lectures of any faculty through gateflix then you can easily make notes. If
you haven’t done so, go to online videos to do so. You may also go to Youtube:- Khan academy,
Nptel or the latest and most popular are Gateflix videos.
 Make notes neatly as they will be very very useful while revision in the last 30 days. Use
3 colour pen to indicate important, very important and very very important concepts.
 Make a separate handbook for formulas. In exams 40% questions are direct formala
based or implied formula based. Problem with students is that they tend to mix up formula. If you
have this handbook of formula ready and have revised the things atleast 2 times , I can gurantee
you the 40 % marks.
 Don’t Xerox someone’s notes because the moment you write youself then you can
memorise the concept for a longer duration.
 Leave one page Space after 2/3 pages or after every major chapter . This is to ensure that
if you come across any vital formula or Information or short trick while refering tests or refernce
book later then you may place That information in these spaces.
4.How to do a Test Analysis:
 Any test( Online or offline) need to taken in time frame.There is No point in taking the
test without a time Limit.
 Don’t take any test without revision of Notes of the syllabus covered in the test. It will be
a wastage if You just randomly take a test.
 Once the test time is over, don’t jump to answer Solution . Check the answer key and get
To Know your score.
 Now follow a 3 stage process .
Stage 1: Go to the right ones and check wheteher you were confident of answering that
question . If the answer is “yes” check the solution given in order to see which method was
better( yours or the given in Book or online portal ). Adopt the best you like.
Stage 2: Go to questions which you got wrong. Try to fight with the question that why you got it
wrong without looking at the solution yet. Try 3 or 4 times by re reading the question or even
refer notes. Maximum time it’s a silly mistake. These silly Mistakes can’t be zeroed but can be
reduced by practicing more .Refer notes again if needed. In case you are still not able to click
after a lot of Slumber, try to open the solution and check your mistake. If it was a new concept to
you, add in the void space you have kept in your notes. This will help to solve similar question
Stage 3: Now the turn of questions which are un attempted.This could be due to
1. Not knowing The concept or due to lack of time. If it was conceptual ignorance , go to
your faculty ( many online live class teachers are available , In case you don’t have one)and
learn the concept.
2. It was a lack of time issue try now and solve it. If you are taking a lot of Time try to
memorise few steps so that if it appears in exam you will be able to do it fast. Other students
might leave such question in exam , But you will probably dare to attempt such and score more.
 The key to successs in any entrance exam is solve More , analyse more. In each subject
you should Solve almost 1000+ questions including past year Actual Exam questions, topic wise
test, subject test and mock tests.

5. How To do Revision:
 Well this is dependent on the way you have prepared notes and how effectively have you
done the Test Analysis.
 Go through the whole cycle again in this revision phase like NOTES >- GATE
QUESTIONS >- Topic test >- Subject Test >- Extra questions (if any ).
 While Revising, don’t solve Each and every question from notes or tests. Try To
randomly pick 20 questions from different pages or test( purely random) . If you are able to recall
the logic of 16+ then you are good to go ahead. If you are Not able to solve more than 10 questions
then it’s a re revision time. Follow step 2.
 Try to have abird eye view and See topics on which questions Are asked again and
Again. Star mark them for making revision 2 and revision 3 effective.
a. General Aptitude

Numerical computation, numerical estimation,

Chapter 1 Numerical Ability
numerical reasoning, data interpretation
English grammar, sentence completion, verbal
Chapter 2 Verbal Ability analogies, word groups, instructions, critical re
and verbal deductions

Note: For the years 2014 to 2017 there have been 2 and 3 sets so we have taken the average
weightage of the topics for the same
 Column 1 represent Time to study and make notes + Solving GATE Questions of that
topic .
 The last 10 column represents year wise number questions( marks in Bracket ).

  Hours Remarks
Notes + Gate Questions 22
Master Topic test from 3 with Analysis
Plan Subject test from 2 with Analysis
revision overall 2
  Total 29hrs
b. Engineering Maths

Matrix Algebra,
Type of matrices,
Cramer’s rule,
Chapter 1 Linear Algebra
Systems of linear equations,
Rank of the equation,
consistency of the equation,
Eigen values and Eigen vectors.
Chapter 2 Probability & distribution Sampling theorems,
Conditional probability,
Baye’s theorem,
Random variables,
Expectation & Variance,
Discrete and continuous distributions,
Correlation and regression analysis,
correlation coefficient,
mode and standard deviation
Limits & continuity,
Basic differentiation & integration,
Mean value theorems,
Theorems of integral calculus,
Evaluation of definite and improper integrals,
Partial Derivatives,
Maxima and minima,
Chapter 3 Calculus
ultiple integrals,
Vector identities,
Directional derivatives,
Surface and Volume integrals,
Gauss and Green’s theorems.

 Column 1 represent Time to study and make notes + Solving GATE Questions of that
topic .
 The last 10 column represents year wise number questions( marks in Bracket ).

Maths Hours Remarks

Notes + Gate Questions 15
Topic test from 5 with Analysis
Subject test from 4 with Analysis
Plan revision overall 4
Total 28 hrs
c. Compiler Design

Language processing system,

phases of compiler,
Chapter 1 Introduction to compilers analysis of program,
lexical analysis,
input buffering
Syntax analysis,
role of parser,
context free bgrammars,
Chapter 2 Parsing top down parsing,
LL (1) grammar,
LR parser,
SLR parsing,
LALR parsing, error handling
synthesized attributes,
syntax trees,
Chapter 3 Syntax directed translation
translation schemes,
top-down translation,
run-time environment
Chapter 4 Intermediate code generation
three address code

 Column 1 represent Time to study and make notes + Solving GATE Questions of that
topic .
 The last 10 column represents year wise number of questions( marks in Bracket )
Hours R
Notes + Gate Questions 26
Compiler Design Topic test from 4 w
Plan Subject test from 3 w
revision overall 4
Total 37 hrs
d. Computer Networks

computer networks,
design issue of layers,
network hardware and topology,
transmission mode,
ISO OSI physical layer, LAN reference models,
Chapter 1
technologies layer functions,
TCP/IP model,
comparison of TCP/IP and OSI model,
physical layer,
transmission media,
communication satellite
Layer design issue,
error detection and correction,
error correcting codes,
Chapter 2 Data link layer data link protocols,
LLC protocol,
IEEE802.3 and Ethernet
Switching networks,
congestion control,
internetworking devices,
IP addressing,
Ipv4 and Ipv6,
Chapter 3 Network and transport layer
routing protocol,
transport layer and its duties,
OSI transport protocol,
subletting and super netting,
IP datagrams and routing
Chapter 4 Application layer and network Session,
security presentation and application layer,
digital signatures,

 Column 1 represent Time to study and make notes + Solving GATE Questions of that
topic .
 The last 10 column represents year wise number questions( marks in Bracket ).

Hours R
Notes + Gate Questions 49
Networks Topic test from 5 w
Master Subject test from 3 w
revision overall 6
Total 63 hrs
e. Computer Organization and Architecture

functional units,
numbers and arithmetic operations,
Chapter 1 Overview of computer system point representations,
Booth’s algorithm,
integer division,
non-restoring division algorithm
Introduction cycle,
addressing modes,
instruction formats,
Chapter 2 Introduction
microgram med control,
Wilkes design,
horizontal and vertical microinstructions
memory hierarchy,
emiconductor RAM memories,
Chapter 3 Memory organization virtual memory technology,
advantages of using virtual memory,
segmentation and paged segments,
secondary memory technology
I/O mapping and addressing modes,
I/O processor,
direct memory access,
DMA operation,
interrupt initiated I/O,
Chapter 4 Input and output unit data transfer techniques,
responsibilities of I/O interface,
IBM 370 I/O channel,
independent requesting,
local communication
Flynn’s classification of computer organization,
parallel processing applications,
Multiple processor
Chapter 5 multiprocessor architecture,
loosely coupled multiprocessor,
serial communication,
synchronous and asynchronous transmission.

 Column 1 represent Time to study and make notes + Solving GATE Questions of that
topic .
 The last 10 column represents year wise number of questions( marks in Bracket ).
Notes + Gate Questions 46
Topic test from 5
COA Master Plan
Subject test from 3
revision overall 5
Total 59 hrs
f. Digital Logic

Number systems
Chapter 1
octal and hexadecimal number system,
binary codes, complements
POS & SOP expressionskarnaugh map,
Boolean algebra and
logic gates,
logic gates
Chapter 2 basic gates,
universal gates,
special purpose gates,
implements of SOP & POS expression
Chapter 3 multiplexer,
DE multiplexer,
Sequential circuits
Chapter 4

 Column 1 represent Time to study and make notes + Solving GATE Questions of that
topic .
 The last 10 column represents year wise number questions( marks in Bracket ).
Notes + Gate Questions 32
Topic test from 4
Digital Master Plan
Subject test from 3
revision overall 3
Total 42 hrs
g. Database Management System

E-R model,
Chapter 1 model
E-R diagram
Levels of a database system,
Relational model attributes and tuples of relation student,
Chapter 2 keys,
  relational database design,
network data modelling concepts
serializable schedule,
recoverable schedules,
Chapter 3
cascadeless schedules,
implementation of isolation,
transaction definition in SQL,
testing for seralizability
Chapter 4 Quel Quel,
select statement,
defining a null value,
duplicate rows,
character strings and dates,
comparison operators,
logical operators,
character functions,
working with dates,
types of joins,
group functions,
terminology used in relational database,
table sal grade
Records and record types,
B-trees and other data structures,
Chapter 5 File structure
existence dependencies

 Column 1 represent Time to study and make notes + Solving GATE Questions of that
topic .
 The last 10 column represents year wise number questions( marks in Bracket ).

Hours R
Notes + Gate Questions 40
DBMS Topic test from 4 w
Plan Subject test from 3 w
revision overall 5
Total 52 hrs
h. Discrete Mathematics and Graph Theory

logical connectives and compound statements,
Propositional logic tautologioes and contradictions,
Chapter 1 local equivalents,
  predicates and quantifiers,
rules of inference,
ules of inference for quantified statements
Chapter 2 Set theory, relations Set theory,
and functions operations on sets,
  relations and its types,
epresentation of relation,
composition of relation,
onnectivity relation,
partial order relation and poset,
hasse diagram,
composition of functions,
prime numbers,
Number theory and greatest common divisor,
counting least common multiples,
Chapter 3
modular arithmetic,
  basic counting principles,
inclusion and exclusion principle,
permutations and combinations
irected graphs,
graph isomorphism,
Graph theory operations on graph,
Chapter 4 konigsberg bridge problem,
  coloring problem,
bipartite graph,
planar and dual graphs,
minimum spanning tree

 Column 1 represent Time to study and make notes + Solving GATE Questions of that
topic .
 The last 10 column represents year wise number questions( marks in Bracket ).

Hours R
Notes + Gate Questions 50
DMGT Topic test from 4 w
Plan Subject test from 3 w
revision overall 5
Total 62 hrs
i. Data Structures and Algorithms
Chapter 1 Introduction to data structures
linked lists
Stack and queue
Chapter 2
abstract data types,
performance analysis,
asymptotic notation
Sorting and searching Sorting,
Chapter 3 sorting algorithms,
Tree Binary tree,
Chapter 4 header nodes: threads,
  binary search trees
tree searching,
Heap and height balanced
optimum search trees,
Chapter 5 general search trees,
multiday search trees,
B- tree and B+ tree,
digital search tree
directed graph,
null graph,
finite graph,
Introduction to graph theory trivial graphs,
Chapter 6 subgraphs,
  shortest path algorithm,
linked representation of a graph,
graph traversal,
spanning forest,
minimum spanning trees
Greedy algorithm,
Design techniques
divide and conquer algorithm,
Chapter 7
dynamic programming,
 Column 1 represent Time to study and make notes + Solving GATE Questions of that
topic .
 The last 10 column represents year wise number questions( marks in Bracket ).

Hours R
Notes + Gate Questions 130
DSA Topic test from 7 w
Plan Subject test from 5 w
revision overall 5
Total 147 hrs
j. Theory of Computation

strings and languages,
operations on languages,
Finite automata and regular
automata and grammar,
Chapter 1 finite automata,
minimization of DFA,
regular expression definition,
regular grammars and language,
non-regular language
parse tree and ambiguity,
Context free grammars and
left recursion,
pushdown automata
Chapter 2 left factoring and normal forms,
deterministic and non-deterministic PDA,
quivalence of PDAs and CFGs,
context free languages and its properties
Chapter 3 Turing machine, unrestricted Types of Turing machine,
recursive and recursively innumerable languages,
unrestricted grammars,
linear bounded automata,
languages, complexity
Chomsky hierarchy,
complexity theory,
NP hard and NP complete problems

 Column 1 represent Time to study and make notes + Solving GATE Questions of that
topic .
 The last 10 column represents year wise number questions( marks in Bracket ).

Notes + Gate Questions 53
Topic test from 5
TOC Master Plan
Subject test from 3
revision overall 3
Total 64 hrs
k. Operating System

Process concept,
degree of multi programming,
process control block,
Process and deadlock
CPU scheduling,
Chapter 1
scheduling algorithms,
procedure consumer problem,
solution to IPC/synchronization,
solution to producer consumer problem using semaphores,
solution to reader and writer problem
Chapter 2 Memory management Introduction,
single partition allocation,
external and internal fragmentation,
virtual memory,
page replacement,
demand paging, page replacement,
  counting algorithms,
allocation of frames,
Interrupts applications I/O interface,
Chapter 3 block and character devices,
  kernel I/O subsystems,
stable storage implementation
file concept,
access methods,
File management
single level directory,
Chapter 4
types of access,
allocation methods,
free space management,
directory implementation

 Column 1 represent Time to study and make notes + Solving GATE Questions of that
topic .
 The last 10 column represents year wise number questions( marks in Bracket ).

Notes + Gate Questions 65
Topic test from 5
OS Master Plan Subject test from 4
revision overall 3

Total 77 hrs

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