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Rewrite the following statements into reported 13. “Dave won’t accept your excuses; you have been
speech. very rude to him.”
1. “I’m having a party to celebrate my mum’s Mary told Julia that Dave wouldn´t accept her excuses
birthday next Saturday.” and added that she had been very rude to him.
14. “You must be at home when I come here tonight.”
John told us that he was having a party to celebrate
Dad said that I had to be at home when he came there
his mum´s birthday the next Saturday. that night.
2. “My brother hasn’t passed his maths exam.” 15. “You won’t improve your English unless you
Susan said that her brother hadn´t passed his maths practise every day.”
exam. The teacher told us that we wouldn´t improve our
3. “We travelled to Los Angeles on holiday last English unless we practise every day.
summer.” 16. “Patrick’s going to be disappointed if we don’t
The Browns commented that they had travelled to give him a nice present next Christmas.”
Los Angeles on holiday the summer before. Adam remarked that Patrick was going to be
4. “I won’t help you with your homework unless disappointed if we didn´t give him a nice present the
you pay attention to me.” next Christmas.
My father remarked that he wouldn´t help me with
my homework unless paid attention to him.
5. “I have just lost my glasses again.”
My grandmother complained that she had lost her
glasses again.
6. “You must study hard to get good marks.”
The teacher told us that we had to study hard to get
good marks. 17. “I broke my brother’s MP3 yesterday.”
7. “We’re meeting Paul at the French restaurant Sarah admitted that she had broken her brother´s MP3
tonight.” the day before.
My parents said that they were meeting Paul at the 18. “Our plane leaves tonight, so we must do the
French restaurant that night. packing now.”
8. “I forgot to send a postcard to my grandfather for Susan pointed out that our flight left that night, so we
had to do the packing then.
his birthday last week.”
19. “The new Sale Manager will visit the office
John commented that he had forgotten to send a tomorrow.”
postcard to his grandfather for his birthday the Mrs Brown announced that the new sales manager
previous week. would visit the office the next day.
9. “I can’t go to the concert unless my parents give 20. “My father can’t take me to school tomorrow
me the money for the ticket.” morning; I’ll have to walk.”
Sarah complained that she couldn´t go to the concert Megan commented that couldn´t take her to school the
unless her parents gave her the money for the ticket. next morning and added that she would have to walk.
10. “I’m going to join the photography club this 21. “There has been a terrible accident on the
afternoon.” motorway this morning.”
Dave announced that he was going to join the The news reported informed that there had been a
terrible accident on the motorway that morning.
photography club that afternoon.
22. “I have stolen your diamond ring last night, Mrs
11. “I didn’t want to disturb you tonight, but I’ve got a
serious problem.”
The butler confessed that he had stolen Mrs Black´s
Helen told Peter that she didn´t want to disturb him that
diamond ring the night before.
night, but she had a serious problem.
23. “If you don’t turn the TV off and start doing your
12. “The cost of living doesn’t stop going up these
homework now, I’ll punish you”
Mum told me that if I didn´t turn the TV off and
Mum complained that the cost of living didn´t stop going
started doing my homework then, she would punish
up those days.
24. “You can visit us whenever you want.”
Sally’s friends said that she could visit them whenever
she wanted.

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