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Top 5 Communication Skills and How to Improve Them

18 August 2021 18:09

Developing strong communication skills is essential when it comes to building a successful career. But your communication skills play a key role in your
private life too. Learn about the most in-demand communication skills and how to improve them.

Definisi : Communication skills : Keterampilan komunikasi merupakan serangkaian kegiatan yang pada akhirnya membuat kinerja publik menjadi

Communication saat ini:

• Very important both in the business world and in private life.
• Successful communication helps us better understand people and situations.
• It helps us overcome diversities, build trust and respect
• create conditions for sharing creative ideas and solving problems.

In the business world, many employers believe that proper internal communications can significantly increase employees’ productivity.

Although communication itself seems simple, often when we try to establish communication with others, there is always a chance for a lack of
understanding that might cause conflicts and frustrations in personal or professional life in relations with other people.

Kenapa Perlu Develop Strong Communication Skills ??

Dewasa ini, kita hidup dalam keadaan sering menerima mengirim pesan dan memproses pesan dalam jumlah besar tiap harinya.

Namun, komunikasi yang sukses, gak hanya sekedar sharing informasi , tetapi juga pemahaman "rasa"/Emosi dibalik informasi tsb.
Komunikasi yang sukses : memperdalam hubungan personal mau profesional. Sehingga dapat memahami lebih baik ttg orang dan situasi yang terjadi
dalam kehidupan sehari2.

Developing communication skills can help us avoid conflicts, compromise and help in better decision making.

The Power of Strong Communication Skills in the Workplace

>>clearly impact your business
>>bring solutions,
>>drive change,
>>motivate and
>>inspire their colleagues.

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Good communication skills enable managers to receive and send negative or heavy messages without creating frustration and disruption of trust. This
is important to keep employees motivated and engaged.

 Employee expect to be informed about every aspect of the business and not to miss any important information.
 Employee expect the Leader to communicate regularly their role and goals.
 Expect continues feed back.
 Expect to be able find info that they need in secs

Employers who manage to successfully communicate the company's values and business goals to their employees have much lover turnover

What's more, the way managers communicate with employees during change has a direct impact on the company's bottom line.
Indeed, most digital transformation strategies fail because of a lack of communication in the workplace.

Communication is more effective if it is spontaneous.

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5 Communication Skills You Can't Ignore
There are dozens of different communication skills to possess, there are top 5 communication skills we will focus on
These 5 skills are absolutely necessary for successful communication in the workplace or private life.
1. Listening --> understanding how the speaker feels during communication
2. Straight Talking--> Friendly conversation with colleagues can build mutual trust and even detect problems before they become serious.
A healthy dose of chatting with and unknown person can lead to a business opportunity. Be accessible and friendly because
then you will be able to talk to almost anyone.
3. Non Verbal Communication--> wordless communication, body position, facial expression, hand movements, gestures, eye contact, attitude and
tone of your voice, muscle tension and the way you/we breathe.93 percent of communication is non-verbal.
Developing the ability to understand others and use nonverbal signals will help you connect with others, express what you think, meet
challenging situations, and build better relationships at home and at work.

4. Stress Management: Stress can be very useful and encouraging for work. However, when the stress becomes constant and completely begins to
take effect, it can affect communication, clarity of opinion, and appropriate behavior and action.
5. Emotion Control : feelings play an important role. Making decisions more often affects the way you feel than the way you think.
Guided by emotions, your nonverbal behavior affects the understanding of other people and how others understand and perceive you.
If you are not aware of your feelings you are guided, you will not be able to express your needs and experiences. This can result in frustration,
misunderstanding and conflict.
Control of emotions provides you with tools to understand others, yourself and the messages you send.
Though recognizing feelings makes it simple, many people have strong feeling like anger, sorrow, or fear being pushed under the carpet.

4 Smart Ways to Your Improve Communication Skills

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Though recognizing feelings makes it simple, many people have strong feeling like anger, sorrow, or fear being pushed under the carpet.

4 Smart Ways to Your Improve Communication Skills

1. Listening with Empathy
2. Speak UP
3. Prepare what you're Going to say
4. Be Ready for Different answer

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