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Title of proposed study: Effect of yoga Nidra and Pranakarshan pranayama on sleep

quality of students.

Area of study: To evaluate the effect of yoga on sleep quality.

Background of the study : Until the 1950s, most people thought of sleep as a passive,
dormant part of our daily lives.  Sleep is a naturally recurring state of mind and body,
characterized by altered consciousness, relatively inhibited sensory activity,
reduced muscle activity and inhibition of nearly all voluntary muscles during rapid eye
movement (REM) sleep, and reduced interactions with surroundings.  Sleep quality is defined as
one’s satisfaction of the sleep experience, integrating aspects of sleep initiation, sleep
maintenance,sleep indices of interest, sleep duration, sleep efficiency, number of awakenings,
and duration of awakenings . Good sleep quality is associated with a wide range of positive
outcomes such as better health ,less day time sleepiness, greater well-being and better
psychological functioning. Poor sleep quality is one of the defining features of chronic insomnia
and leaves a negative impact on our daily life activities and performances.

Factors of poor sleep quality: Caffeinated drinks such as coffee, and drugs such as diet pills
and decongestants stimulate some parts of the brain and can cause insomnia, or an inability to
sleep. Many antidepressants taken by few students suppress REM sleep. Heavy smokers often
sleep very lightly and have reduced amounts of REM sleep. They also tend to wake up after 3 or
4 hours of sleep due to nicotine withdrawal. Late adolescence, a period from 18 to about 22
years, is a period when transition from school to college as well as from adolescence to
adulthood takes place and thus is a highly stressful transitional phase. The developmental tasks
during this period involve preparing for a career, achieving socially responsible behavior,
building a sound personality, developing healthy attitude and formation of identity. students
move away from home for the first time, have difficulty in adjusting to more rigorous academic
expectations Students, poor sleep habits and consequent poor sleep quality can have many mental, as well
as physiological consequences.

Impact of poor sleep: Deprivation of sleep to less than six to seven hours per day can lead to
serious impairment of cognitive and psychomotor function (reduces concentration, memory and
thinking strategies), daytime dysfunction, increased incidence of sleep related accidents (Teter,
2006; Banks, 2007; Brown, 2002) , and diminished academic performance, often resulting in
poor grades (Teter, 2006; Smith, 2005; Tsai, 2004). If students experience sleep deprivation
(with decreased REM sleep), irregular sleep schedules, or poor sleep quality, the rate at which
they learn new material will be reduced (Buboltz, 2001). Sleep deprivation can have serious side
effects on different processes in our body, including endocrine, immunologic, metabolic and
cardiovascular. The extents of these effects depend on how severe the sleep deprivation is (Teter,
2006; Buboltz, 2002). It was noticed that students experiencing sleep deprivation try to avoid
more difficult tasks (Trockel, 2009) .
Biological alterations during puberty contribute to a sleep phase delay, shifting the body’s
internal clock and making it more difficult for adolescents to fall asleep before 11 p.m.
(Hagenauer et al., 2009). There is poor sleep and risk for the development of mood changes,
anxiety, suicidal tendencies, and substance abuse in young adults (Mallon, 2005; Ford, 1989;
Breslau, 1996).

Yoga, is such a term which is broad in itself having both philosophical and scientific aspects
having long lasting effect on body mind and soul. Many of the yogic techniques like Bhramari
pranyama relaxaes the sympathetic nervous system and calms the mind from unnecessary
thoughts which can be a factor of poor sleep quality.So among many,Yoga Nidra  and
pranakarshan pranyama are one of the yoga's most effective technique for improving sleep

Statement of the Problem:

“Effect of yoga nidra and pranakarshan pranayama on the sleep quality of hostel students in
colleges and universities”.

Young adult is the most important period of human life, a period of growing to maturity, a time
for adaptation to realities of life, a time of striking changes, and a unique period full of crisis. In
period of fighting with these the adults get trapped in and affected by various psychological
dysfunctions among which change in sleep quality is mostly seen according to previous studies.
The 2011 Sleep in America Poll by the National Sleep Foundation reported that 95% of the
respondents used electronic media within the hour before bed and there was reduction in total
sleep time.  Also, they often are not aware that the difficulties they have academically can be directly
related to their poor sleep quality (Engle-Friedman, 2003)  and might get depressed about someone with a
lower cognitive ability scoring better on a test than them, due to the fact that the latter had a better night’s
sleep. Various studies have been done among nursing students, adolescents of schools to measure the
sleep quality through different tools, and also on the effect of yogic interventions I have choosen on
sleep, stress, anxiety, well being, self esteem life stress EEG&GSR ,depression etc .

Study Gap: Studies have been done to know the factors affecting the quality of sleep not to improve it
properly. The studies done on students on sleep quality by using yogic interventions were done before
more than ten years back and on small scales , the samples selected were from the class of yoga only , it
can be possible there that other variables must have had an impact on their quality of sleep or other
parameters taken.

The study on effect of yoga Nidra and Pranakarshan pranyama on sleep quality of hostelers of colleges or
universities has not been done yet in my knowledge and findings. Yoga Nidra and Pranakarshan
pranyama are such wonderful techniques, not only for physical or mental relaxation but also for
preparing the mind for spiritual discipline.
This study I believe will must improve the sleep quality of hostel students and with this
parameters, other parameters like well-being will be improved. Also in case of insomnia,
obstructive sleep apnea, aging sleep, narcolepsy, restless leg syndrome(RLS), fatal familial
insomnia etc. this intervention will must leave a positive impact on it.

Objective of the study: It is well known that sleep quality has neurobehavioral and
physiological consequences that might affect students health, well-being, and academic
functioning positively or negatively. Therefore, the purpose of this study is :-

 To assess the effect of yogic interventions on the sleep quality of hostel students in college &
 To assess the effect of yogic interventions on well-being of hostel students in college &

Hypotheses: There is no significant effect of yoga Nidra and Prankarshan pranyama on the sleep
quality of hostel students in college and university.

Literature Review:
 Kumar .Kamakhya, Joshi ,bhanu(2009), The study was aimed to find out the effect
of yogic practices on student’s physiology. Forty students of 18-25 yrs age groups were
selected from MBPG College Haldwani, Nainital, Uttarakhand. A package of Yoga
nidra practice and Pranakarshan pranayama was given for 40 days. The effects studied
on the alpha EEG and GSR level showed a significant change. On the basis of that it is
concluded that practice of yoga helps to improve the immunity of the students.

 Kamakhya Kumar,(2004) study aimed at finding out the effect of Yoga nidra on stress,
anxiety and general well being on college going students at the yoga clinic of Dev
Sanskriti Vishwavidyalaya. Practice time was 30 minutes the duration was 6 months.
Forty students were taken from P.G. yoga classes for observing the effect as well as 12
was in control group. The result shows a significant change as yoga nidra positively
decrease the stress level of the subjects whereas no significant change seen in anxiety
level. As well as yoga nidra positively increase the general well being of the subjects.

 Ms. Christine Michael,(2017) Effect of Yoga Nidra on Stress among Nursing

Students ,the study revealed that there was significant difference in the pretest and postest
stress among nursing students in the experimental group.
There was significant difference in the post test stress among nursing students in
experimental and control group the stress among nursing students decreased with the
practice of Yoga Nidra. Reliability was established by test retest method (r= 0.75). The
main study was conducted in selected colleges at Hyderabad. The data collected were
tabulated, analyzed and interpreted using SPSS package.

 Kim Sang Dol,(2019) To assess the effects of a yoga nidra on life stress and self-esteem
in university students. Forty university students were selected by convenience sampling,
with 20 assigned to a yoga nidra group and 20 to a control group. The yoga group
participated in bi-weekly, 1-h sessions of yoga nidra for 8 weeks.The yoga nidra group
showed significantly decreased life stress intensity levels compared to the control group.
The yoga group also showed significantly increased self-esteem scores compared to the
control group.

 Bhalendu s. vaishnav,Samruti B. Vaishanv, Jagdish R. Verma(2018) Effect of Yoga-

nidra on Adolescents Well-being: A Mixed Method Study was carried out in adolescent
students aged 13–15 years.There was statistically significant difference in all items of
PGWBI-short subscale measuring anxiety, vitality, depressed mood, self-control and
positive well-being, and vitality, respectively. There was also significant improvement in
post intervention overall positive general well-being index .

 Sudhanshu Verma*, Govind Kumar Kashyap**, Dr. Kamakhya Kumar**(2016)

Can Pranakarshan Pranayam helps to cope up the stress? The total sample of 40 students
ranging in age from 18 to 25 years was selected from the population of the post graduate
students from Dev Sanskriti Vishvavidyalaya, Haridwar, Uttarakhand in experimental
group. All the subjects for this research were selected by the purposive sampling,
measured by stress scale developed by Dr. M. Singhthe stress level had shifted from
severe stage to normal stage, which denotes that, the practitioners of Pranayama get relief
and feeling relaxed. The correlation (r) .90 and SEd is 0.141 and obtained t-value is 3.93
which are statistically significant at 0.01 significance level of confidence.

 Joshi,Rupali.(2020) Anxiety and depression related to yog nidra among professional

students The aim of this study was to explore the effectiveness of yog nidra for reducing
anxiety and depression among first-year professional students. The level of anxiety was
measured by using State, Trait, and Free-Floating Anxiety Scale developed by Tripathi
and Rastogi (1986). The Hindi version of Beck Depression Inventory by Arora and
Prashant (1988) was used to assess the depression level of participants.
The study was conducted in three phases. The intervention group was given yog nidra
training regularly for 5 weeks. which indicated the effectiveness of practicing yog nidra
for reducing anxiety and depression and its positive effects among professional students.

 Kumar, K., and Joshi, B. 2009,. A study has been conducted to observe the effect of the
Alpha EEG and GSR level. Forty students of 18 - 25 age groups were selected from
M.B.PG College Haldwani, Nainital, Uttaranchal. A package of Yoga nidra practice and
Pranakarshan Pranayama has been given to them for 40 days. The result shows a
significant change on the alpha EEG and GSR level the basis of that it can be said that
practice of yoga helps to improve the immunity of the students. .

Theoretical framework: This word yoga nidra was mentioned in a yogic text YOGA
TADAVALI authored by Adya Sankaracharya . He quoted yoga nidra as:

Vichhina sankalpa vikapla mole, Nihshesh Nirmukt Karma Jale/

Nitantarat Nitant Bhadrasa,Jambhrite Yogini Yoga Nidra//.

“When mind has transcendental maya , when ego has become static , when senses are no more
functioning, and when all communication between the mind and the senses has been cut, when I
and you no longer exist for a period of time , Yoga Nidra starts . For a long time practice ,when
being disappointed from every resolve and imagination and every obstacles of karma becomes
destroyed, the yogi gets the state of Yoga Nidra”.

The word Pranakarshan pranyama (derived by Sriram Sharma Acharya) is one of the wonderful
practices to controlling the mind through conserving pranic energy from cosmos, and for the
purification and additions of mental and physical health, Akand Jyoti, year 1947, volume-2.

Proposed Research Design:

Sample: The present study will be done on the hostel students of college and universities,

Sampling: by the purposive sampling

Trial design: Randomized control trial with allocation in 1:1 ratio.

Duration of intervention: for 30 minute daily , and the post test will be taken after 3 months of
Parameters to measure: Sleep quality and General well being.

Tools of measurement: (a) Pittsburg sleep quality index (PSQI) developed by Buysee for sleep

(b) PGI G WBM by S.K. Verma &Anita Verma for measuring the General well being.

 Brown,F.C.& Bubottz, W.C.(2010). Relationship of sleep hygiene awareness,
sleep hygiene practices, & sleep quality in university students, Behaviour
Medicine, 1(28), 33-38,

 Bruni,O.& Sette,S.&Fontanesi,L.& Laghi,F. Technology use &sleep quality in

preadolescence & adolescence, JCSM, Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine,

 Joshi,R.(2020). Anxiety & depression related to yoga nidra among professional

students, yoga mimamsa , Kaivalyadhama, 1,(52),29-23

 Kumar, k. & joshi,B. (2008). Study on the effect of pranakarshan pranyama and
yoga nidra on alpha EEG & GSR , Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge, 8(3),

 Kumar, k.(2004). Yoga Nidra and its impact on student’s well being, Research
Gate 1(36),31-35,

 Kumar,K.(2007). A Study on the impact on stress and anxiety through yoga nidra ,
International joiurnal of traditional knowledge , 7(3),401-404,

 Michael , M.C.(2017). Effect of yoga nidra on stress among nursing students in

selected colleges of nursing, Research Article, A&V Publication,
 Tashjian, S.M.& Goldenberg,D. & Monti, M.M.& Galvan, A.(2018). Sleep quality
&adolescent default made network connectivity, Social cognitive and affective

 Vaishnav,B.S.&Vaishnav,S.B.& Vaishnav,V.S.&Varma,J.R.(2018).Effect of yoga

nidra on adolescents well being : A mixed method study , International journal of
yoga, 11(3),245-248,

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