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Basic 3D Animation using Blender


Kaumudi Sahasrabudhe
Freelance Animator and Illustrator
Animation principles (Disney)
Disney’s twelve animation principles are introduced by
Disney animators in the book Illusion of Life*
 Squash & stretch  Arc
 Anticipation  Secondary action
 Staging  Timing
 Straight ahead action & Pose to Pose  Exaggeration
 Follow through & overlapping action  Solid drawing
 Slow in & slow out  Appeal

* Ollie Johnston and Frank Thomas

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▪ What are the three stages of Animation?

▪ Anticipation principle

▪ Why, Where and How is this principle used

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What is the difference?

Action A Action B
Action A is without Anticipation principle
 It looks pale and without energy.
 It shows that batsman is just pushing the ball forward
Action B has the Anticipation principle applied
 Adds more energy and makes the action look more interesting
 It adds additional force to hit the ball harder

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Three stages of a shot
Every shot has three main stages
 Anticipation
 Action
 Follow through/Reaction

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What is Anticipation?

The preparation for an action is Anticipation

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Why use Anticipation?
 Audience could not register the main action

 Doesn't give any clue/space to follow the main action

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Anticipation Examples

 Pose before jumping

 Pose before running

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Application of Anticipation
Magician is the perfect example to learn how to add anticipation.

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Adding Anticipation
Anticipation is always in the opposite direction of the main Action.

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Adding Anticipation
Anticipation is always in the opposite direction of the main Action.

Action Anticipation
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 Captures attention of the audience for the main action
which is about to happen.

 Builds curiosity.

 Adds realism.

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Before using this principle always find out
 Reason/intention behind particular action
 Volume, weight and properties of the object
 Demand of realism or exaggeration

Based on this information:

 Decide percentage of Anticipatory action
 Think of various options to get the appropriate results

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Thank you

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