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University of Sidi Bel Abbes 2020-2021 Semester 1

Faculty of Letters, Languages and Arts Level : Master 1 Liguistics

Department of English Language Module : Research Methodology in Linguistics

Lecture -1- Qualitative and Quantitative Research Methods


According to the study done by Creswell (2003), researchers need to focus on three
methods when carrying out business research: Quantitative, Qualitative and mixed
method approaches. He mentioned ‘The first has been available to the social and
human scientist for years, the second has emerged primarily during the last three
or four decades, and the last is new and still developing in form and substance’.
Starting to consider the most fashionable one which is quantitative research method
that deals with numbers and amounts to certain extend for describing an event in a
form of figures that support the hypotheses and predication modal. The other which is
qualitative enables researcher to use texts for justifying their findings, describing the
quality of subject, kind of providing mental picture from researcher view. The last one
which is less known than the two others is called mixed methods that includes the
mixing of both qualitative and quantitative data for improving the existing measures.

2.Definition of Quantitative

A method in which collection of numerical data which can be transformed into statistics
are taken into consideration. DeFranzo (2011) also mentions that it is used to quantify
attitudes, opinions, behaviors, and other defined variables – and generalize results from
a larger sample population. It also uses measurable data to formulate facts and uncover
patterns in research. If a researcher is handling a lot of numbers it means he/she has a
good command of interpretations of findings of a standard research method including
deviations, calculation, correlation etc. In this method data collection is done through
various techniques such as : online or document survey, mobile or kiosk survey even
some time face-to-face interviews, online pools and telephone interviews are also
considered as a part of it. Creswell (2003) also mentions knowledge that is
conjectural absolute truth can never be found . Thus, evidence established in such
research may appear « imperfect » . Some benefits of this type of research : one
conducts broad depth research for accurate results , data obtained are straightforward,
outcome easy to compare with other data. Paradoxally, the drawback of quantitative
method would be : we need to have access to the population which may be time-
consuming and costly, personal information can lead to a high risk of bias, and
questions for in-depth study need to short with no probing intentions.

3.Definition of Qualitative Research Method

According to DeFranzo (2011) this approach is used to gain an understanding of

underlying reasons, opinions, and motivations by providing insights into the
problem or helping to develop ideas and hypotheses for potential quantitative
research. That is to say, this method relies on observation for gathering non-numerical
data. The type of research includes various methods of collecting data through case
studies, interviews, focus group like group discussion ( researcher - participant and
observation). Among the best qualities of this type of research are : covering issues as
well as subject in depth and in details, data is more powerful as it is the result of human
experience rather than quantitative research. Usually in these types of research the
researcher has a clear vision on what to expect as framework of the study that can be
revised quickly with fresh information. But qualitative method comes up with some
disadvantages : the reseacher may unveil peronal opinion, subjective comments, time
consuming , rigidity and difficulty to assess tools. Creswell (2003) also said the process
of qualitative research is largely inductive, with the inquirer generating meaning
from the data collected in the field . These sorts of research are sometimes not
accepted especially within scientific communities’ environment.

4.Definition of Mixed Method Research

The third one that requires discussion is mixed research methods which is relatively
new in the market and it is still under development. According to Food Risc Resource
Centre(n.a.), mixed methods research is a methodology for conducting research that
involves collecting, analyzing and integrating quantitative (e.g., experiments, surveys)
and qualitative (e.g., focus groups, interviews) research. This approach to research is
used when this integration provides a better understanding of the research problem
than either of each alone.

This sort of approach provides a greater comprehensive understanding of the research

problem in details rather than focusing on separated quantitative or qualitative
approaches. In addition, the weaknesses of both methods are generally completed when
used together yet, designing these two methods can be very complex. It is not easy to
plan and implement one method by drawing the findings that is derived from another
research, so that is why the operation tend to take much more time and resource to be
planned accordingly. These methods be only suggested for use where/when
understanding a given phenomenon « in depth » plays a great importance to the
researcher. To resolve the discrepancies that can occur when investigating the findings
mainly when gathering quantitative data is followed by qualitative data.
Table -4- Quantitative,Mixed,and Qualitative Methods Creswell,(2014)


The paper has given a little insight of quantitative, qualitative and mixed methods
approaches when researching. Going further is seems to be appear that mixed methods
research will play a greater role in future research than the other two because it
contains the potentials to overcome criticism which are pointed at each methodology
individually. It should be pointed out that a research can never be biased on one
methodology as it varies from researcher to another. This depends upon the
phenomenon being studied. All in all, it has been shown that the question which we are
performing in the research drives the type of methodology to be used in the future.


Creswell, J. W. 2003. Research design: Qualitative, quantitative, and mixed method

approaches. Chapter 1, A framework for design. Sage Publications, Inc.
Second Edition.
Creswell, J. W. 2014. Research Design Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed
Methods Approaches (4th ed., p. 304). Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE
DeFranzo, E. S. (2011). What’s the difference between qualitative and quantitative
research?Retrieved from:
FoodRisc Resource Centre (n.a.). A resource centre for food risk and benefit

communication. Retrieved from:


Teacher in Charge of the Module : Dr. ZOULIM

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