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Tardigrada Introductory article

Jonathan C Wright, Pomona College, Claremont, California, USA Article Contents

. Basic Design
The Tardigrada comprise a phylum of about 800 described species of minute aquatic . Diversity and Life Styles
animals, showing clear affinities with the arthropods. Many inhabit interstitial or temporary . Cryptobiosis
water bodies, surviving periods of drying by cryptobiosis. . Fossil History and Phylogeny

doi: 10.1038/npg.els.0004140
Basic Design
The essential features of a tardigrade are shown in Figure 1.
Most distinctive are the cylindrical, segmented trunk, usu- interconnecting four large segmental ganglia. These inner-
ally 100–1000 mm in length, and the four pairs of squat, vate the corresponding limbs and muscle groups. The name
‘lobopodial’ limbs bearing claws, the last pair of limbs be- tardigrade is derived from the Latin tardus (slow) and
ing terminal. There is a complex mouthpart apparatus gradus (step) and refers to the lumbering, bear-like gait of
comprising a buccal tube, a pair of piercing stylets and these animals; they are sometimes named ‘water bears’.
associated salivary glands and a tri-radiate muscular phar-
ynx. The pharynx opens into a large midgut, followed by a
shorter hindgut. Opening into the hindgut are three Ma-
lpighian tubules that probably serve in ionoregulation and
excretion, and the single dorsal gonad. The epidermis is
overlain with a flexible chitinous cuticle. Between the
alimentary tract and the epidermis is a spacious haemocoel
that contains large numbers of spherical haemocytes,
approximately 8 mm in diameter. See also: Chitin
The tardigrade nervous system shows a typical proto-
stome pattern. The brain consists of dorsal and paired
ventral ganglia, and is followed by paired ventral cords

Figure 1 Representative Tardigrada. (a) Echiniscus testudo, a common

and cosmopolitan heterotardigrade, showing the buccal sensilla and
thickened cuticular plates with projecting filaments. Length 250–400 mm.
(b) Macrobiotus richtersi, a large eutardigrade (600–1000 mm in length).
Note the curved stylets, wide buccal tube and bulbous pharynx with
masticatory placoids. Figure 2 Claw types of tardigrade genera.

ENCYCLOPEDIA OF LIFE SCIENCES & 2005, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 1

The ‘rolling’ gait arises from the locomotor rhythm in the cosmopolitan Macrobiotus richtersi, M. hufelandi and
which opposite and adjacent limbs move 1808 out of phase. Hypsibius prosostomus are facultative carnivores and
Tardigrade muscles comprise individual cells that originate may attack other tardigrades, rotifers and nematodes;
and insert at discrete points on the cuticle and work against Milnesium tardigradum appears to be exclusively carnivo-
the hydrostatic pressure of the haemocoel to bring about rous. See also: Nematoda (roundworms); Rotifera
locomotion and shape change. The muscle fibre ultra- Reproduction peaks in the summer months, but contin-
structure is intermediate between smooth and striated ues throughout the year in warmer latitudes. Tardigrades
types and resembles that of onychophorans. See also: have separate sexes, although males are generally rare. The
Onychophora (velvet worms) females reproduce mostly by diploid parthenogenesis. A
typical brood size is 3–15 eggs, exceptionally over 20, and
these are often deposited inside the moulted cuticle. The
eggs are frequently ornamented with projecting aeropyles,
Diversity and Life Styles which open into a mesh-like chorion; this probably serves
as a respiratory plastron. Meiotic (haploid) eggs are pro-
Two classes of tardigrades are recognized: the Heterotar- duced seasonally in some populations, but it is not known
digrada, which possess a generalized claw structure, ce- what factors control the switch between mictic (sexual) and
phalic sensilla and often dorsal cuticular plates; and the amictic (parthenogenetic) generations. Growth involves
Eutardigrada, which show simplified cuticular sensilla and periodic shedding of the cuticle (ecdysis) and continues
always possess paired claws. Heterotardigrades include a throughout life. Prior to ecdysis, the cuticular buccal ap-
marine order, Arthrotardigrada, and a predominantly paratus is shed, producing a nonfeeding simplex stage. The
freshwater/meiofaunal order, Echiniscoidea. The Eutar- new buccal tube and stylets are secreted by the salivary
digrada chiefly inhabit freshwater/meiofaunal biotopes. glands and smaller ‘claw glands’ secrete new claws.
Specific genera are most easily distinguished by details of
the claws and buccopharyngeal apparatus; examples are
illustrated in Figures 2 and 3.
Most tardigrades inhabit interstitial water. Habitats in- Cryptobiosis
clude coastal sands (Batillipes, Orzeliscus), marine rock
crevices or barnacle shells (Echiniscoides), soil water (Mac- Tardigrades are able to inhabit the ephemeral interstitial
robiotus, Hypsibius), and lichens and moss cushions water of mosses and lichens owing to cryptobiosis. This
(diverse Echiniscoidea and Eutardigrada). A few species extraordinary process enables the animal’s tissues to sur-
such as Macrobiotus dispar inhabit lakes and rivers. Mosses vive complete loss of liquid water, although some ‘bound’
and lichens frequently support large populations of water remains associated with macromolecules even at ex-
Echiniscus spp. and several eutardigrade genera. Most tar- tremely low water potentials. Hazards of dehydration in-
digrades feed on algae and plant cells, piercing tissues with clude intracellular concentration of electrolytes, protein
the protracted stylets and withdrawing intact cells or cy- denaturation, and loss of the hydrophobic–hydrophilic
toplasm with the pumping pharynx. Some species such as orienting forces that maintain thermodynamic stability of

Figure 3 Morphological variation in the buccopharyngeal complex of tardigrade genera.


are sugars such as trehalose and mannose, and various

polyols, particularly glycerol. As the moss cushion dries
and water potential declines, tardigrades contract into a
barrel-like tun (see Figure 4) and drying of the cuticle in-
itiates an abrupt decline in permeability. Thus protected
from rapid desiccation, the tardigrade begins a rapid syn-
thesis and mobilization of protectants that stabilize pro-
teins and substitute for membrane-associated water over
the succeeding hours.
Water is the essential solvent for biochemical pathways,
and cryptobiotic organisms in advanced dehydration show
a complete cessation of metabolism. Correlated with this is
a remarkable decline in senescence: tardigrades have been
revived from moss samples dried for over 10 years, and
cryptobiotes protected from oxidation by anaerobic con-
ditions or low temperatures may survive indefinitely.
Many damaging effects of physical or chemical extremes
arise from effects on water, aqueous solute systems and
metabolic regulation, and are ameliorated by drying. Ex-
amples are susceptibility to heating, freezing, organic sol-
vents, anoxia and radiation. The same sugars and polyols
that serve as membrane protectants also protect tissues
against freeze-dehydration and function independently as
antifreezes. High concentrations of trehalose and glycerol
allow some arctic tardigrades to supercool indefinitely
without prior dehydration, avoiding intracellular freezing
and resultant ice damage. This process is referred to as
cryobiosis and is a distinct category of cryptobiosis from
dehydration-induced cryptobiosis or anhydrobiosis.
See also: Water: structure and properties
Both eggs and adults of most ‘terrestrial’ or meiofaunal
tardigrades can exploit cryptobiosis. They share this ca-
pacity with bdelloid rotifers, several protozoans and nem-
atodes, all of which frequently occur with tardigrades in
simple meiofaunal communities. Many other organisms
possess a capacity for cryptobiosis in specific life stages,
including fungal spores, bacteria, pollen grains, seeds and
some insect eggs and larvae.
Freshwater and soil tardigrades may undergo seasonal
encystation in response to an unfavourable chemical en-
vironment. This represents another, distinct form of dor-
mancy. Cyst formation involves contraction of the animal
within the moulted cuticle and secretion of a protective,
heavily tanned cyst cuticle; this is shed at excystation. Cysts
show reduced metabolism and modest desiccation toler-
ance, but details of their physiology are poorly known.

Figure 4 Scanning electron micrographs of Hypsibius (Rammazottius)

oberhaeuseri during desiccation and entry into cryptobiosis: (a) partially
contracted; (b) tun (dorsal); (c) tun (ventral). Length of tun approximately
120 mm.
Fossil History and Phylogeny
Two clear tardigrades have been found: single specimens of
membrane phospholipid bilayers. Cryptobiotic species re- a eutardigrade and heterotardigrade from Cretaceous am-
place electrolytes with compatible osmolytes that serve the ber. However, recent fossil microarthropods from the
additional function of preserving macromolecular struc- Middle Cambrian of Siberia include a possible tardigrade.
ture. The most common of these ‘membrane protectants’ If verified, this would push the origins of the phylum back


Table 1 Tardigrade characters and their phylogenetic implications

Protostome Arthropod/Spiralian Derived characters
Paired, ventral nerve cords Metameric segmentation Small size/eutely
Spiral cleavage a-Chitin procuticle Tri-radiate pharynx
Embryonic protocoely Paired limbs per segment Buccal/stylet complex
Schizocoely (?) Haemocoel Cryptobiosis
rRNA sequence homology Malpighian tubules
Brain/CNS structure

to at least 520 million years ago. Unfortunately, the fossils relationships with the main euarthropod lineages (Crust-
in question are already miniaturized animals and give little acea, Tracheata, Chelicerata). It seems most reasonable to
clue as to the wider affinities of tardigrades. Their closest classify tardigrades, along with the onychophorans, as lob-
relatives among Palaeozoic fossils are probably the lob- opodial arthropods and sister taxa to the Euarthropoda. If
opodial arthropods from the Cambrian deposits in the Arthropoda is to retain phylum status, the Tardigrada
Chengjiang, China and the Burgess Shale, British Colum- and Onychophora should therefore be ranked as subphyla.
bia. These include the many-legged marine Burgessocha- See also: Chelicerata (arachnids, including spiders, mites
eta, Aysheaia, Luolishania and Xenusion, which bear and scorpions); Crustacea (crustaceans); Onychophora
superficial resemblance to onychophorans. Although these (velvet worms)
indicate that lobopodial arthropods were widespread dur- The systematics of the Tardigrada were initially laid out
ing the Cambrian, they again provide no information on by E. Marcus, who named the modern classes Heterotar-
when tardigrades first evolved. In the absence of additional digrada and Eutardigrada. While the taxonomic charac-
fossil evidence, we depend on comparative studies of extant ters outlined above provide the basis for a thorough
species to understand tardigrade phylogeny. See also: systematic breakdown of orders and families, more basal
Arthropoda (arthropods); Burgess Shale; Fossil record: relationships are speculative. Heterotardigrades are gen-
quality erally treated as the more primitive class on account of their
Several workers have proposed affinities between tardi- diversity in marine habitats. However, marine eutardi-
grades and the ‘aschelminth’ phyla based on ultrastruc- grades are known. Whether the Eutardigrada are the more
tural details of the gut and pharynx, and their capacity for derived group, and if so where they arose within the He-
cryptobiosis. Proposed affinities with aschelminthes are terotardigrada, are questions that should become clearer
mostly superficial similarities that fail to support homol- with accumulating molecular evidence.
ogy under closer scrutiny. Cryptobiosis might appear a
compelling phylogenetic character in view of its evident
complexity, but it occurs in all five kingdoms (Prokaryota,
Protista, Fungi, Animalia, Plantae) and several animal Further Reading
phyla; it is thus of doubtful value as a phylogenetic marker.
Bertolani R (1987) Biology of Tardigrades. Proceedings of the 4th In-
More seriously, perhaps, proponents of aschelminth affin- ternational Symposium on Tardigrades. Selected Symposia and Mon-
ities ignore the clear protostome traits seen in tardigrade ographs I. Modena: Mucchi Editore, Collana U.Z.I.
embryology and in the nervous system. The most compre- Dastych H (1988) The Tardigrada of Poland. Monografie Fauny Polski
hensive molecular analyses based on 18S rRNA sequence 16: 1–255.
data support the existence of a Tardigrada–Arthropoda Dewel RA and Dewel WC (1996) The brain of Echiniscus viridissimus
clade and do not indicate close relationships with the asc- Peterfi, 1956 (Heterotardigrada): a key to understanding the phylo-
genetic position of the tardigrades and the evolution of the arthropod
helminth phyla. Several features of tardigrades represent
head. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 116: 35–49.
probable consequences of miniaturization and adaptation Garey JR, Krotec M, Nelson DR and Brooks J (1996) Molecular anal-
to an interstitial habit, including eutely and the lack of ysis supports a tardigrade–arthropod association. Invertebrate Biol-
excretory organs in heterotardigrades; this probably ex- ogy 115: 79–88.
plains some convergent similarities with aschelminthes. Giribaret G, Carranza S, Baguna J, Riutort M and Ribera C (1996) First
Selected examples of tardigrade characters and their molecular evidence for a Tardigrada–Arthropoda clade. Molecular
phylogenetic implications are listed in Table 1. See also: Biology and Evolution 13: 76–84.
Higgins RP (ed.) (1975) Proceedings on the First International Symposium
Cladistics; Molecular phylogeny reconstruction
on Tardigrades. Memorie dell’ Istituto Italiano di Idrobiologia 32
Presently we cannot say very much about the phylogenetic (Sppl.): 1–469.
position of tardigrades within the Arthropoda. Molecular Kinchin IM (1994) The Biology of Tardigrades. London: Portland Press.
evidence, comparative embryology and ultrastructural Marcus E (1929) Tardigrada. In: Bronn HG (ed.) Klassen et Ordnungen
details of the cuticle and spermatozoa do not support clear des Tierreichs 5, section 4(3), pp. 1–608.


Morgan CI and King PE (1976) British Tardigrades. Synopses of the Brit- Weglarska B (1979) Proceedings of the Second International Symposium
ish Fauna No. 9, Linnean Society of London. London: Academic Press. on Tardigrades. Zeszyty naukowe Uniwersytetu Jagiellonskiego, Prace
Nelson DR (1982) Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium on Tar- Zoologiczne 25: 1–197.
digrades, Johnson City, TN, 1980. East Tennessee State University Press. Wright JC, Westh P and Ramlov H (1992) Cryptobiosis in Tardigrada.
Ramazzotti G and Maucci W (1983) Il Phylum Tardigrada (III edizione Biological Reviews of the Cambridge Philosophical Society 67:
riveduta e aggiornata). Memorie dell’ Istituto Italiano di Idrobiologia 1–29.
41: 1–1012.

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