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JOURNAL OF MORPHOLOGY 239:255–269 (1999)

Morphometry, Histochemistry, and Innervation of Cervical

Shoulder Muscles in the Cat
MRC Group in Sensory-Motor Neuroscience, Department of Physiology,
Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada K7L 3N6

ABSTRACT Morphometric and histochemical methods were used to esti-

mate the force-developing capabilities and fiber-type contents of four muscle
complexes (rhomboideus, levator scapulae, trapezius, and sternomastoideus)
that link the shoulder girdle to the skull and cervical vertebrae. Each complex
contained at least two member muscles that were distinctive architecturally
and often had specialized innervation patterns. Trapezius and sternocleido-
mastoideus were innervated by both cranial nerve XI and cervical spinal
nerves. Glycogen depletion of trapezius suggested that the nerves derived
from cervical roots might be entirely sensory. Muscles within each complex
varied in physiological cross-sectional area from less than 0.1 cm2 to greater
than 1 cm2. They showed differences in fiber-type composition that suggested
specialized roles for different behaviors. The morphometric features of the
cervical shoulder muscles suggest that they have considerable potential to
produce head movements and should be incorporated into feline head-
movement models. J. Morphol. 239:255–269, 1999. r 1999 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
KEY WORDS: cervical shoulder muscles; feline head-movement models; morphometry

The rostral half of a cat is often viewed as vered head and neck (Runciman and Rich-
if it is composed of two separate parts, an mond, ’97). Shoulder muscles appear to
appendicular forelimb and an axial body con- have a central role in this balancing act. The
sisting of the head, neck, and trunk. Experi- EMG patterns of at least three large mus-
ments to understand the control of these two cles with scapular attachments— rhomboi-
different parts have generally been con- deus, levator scapulae, and trapezius—are
ducted as separate lines of research, with known to be modulated during movements
little consideration of the dependencies be- of the head (Richmond et al., ’94; Thomson et
tween them. For example, biomechanical al., ’96). Further, contractions in these
models to date of the feline head-movement muscles change not only the forces acting on
system usually include the skull and cervi- the shoulder girdle, but also the position of
cal column but lack a scapula (Pellionisz and the scapula; this affects the moment arms
Peterson, ’88; Statler et al., ’94); models of and lengths of all other muscles with scapu-
the forelimb often represent the trunk as a lar attachments (Runciman and Richmond,
single unit without a head (Rushmer et al., ’97).
’83; Lacquaniti et al., ’90). We are interested in understanding the
motor contributions of shoulder muscles dur-
A number of recent observations, however,
ing head and forelimb movements. However,
have drawn attention to the potential impor-
our ability to study and model shoulder
tance of understanding the physical intercon- muscles is limited by our incomplete under-
nections that link the head-neck and fore- standing of even the most basic aspects of
limb motor systems as a critical step in their size, histochemistry, and innervation.
appreciating the biomechanics and control To address this need, we have carried out a
principles that govern their movements. In-
verse static analyses suggest that the shoul-
der is an important site at which ground-
reaction forces propagated through the Contract grant sponsor: MRC of Canada.
*Correspondence to: Dr. Frances J.R. Richmond, Department
forelimb must be balanced by gravitational of Physiology, Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada
and muscular forces acting on the cantile- K7L 3N6. E-mail:



systematic analysis of the morphometry, his- The physiological cross-sectional area of

tochemistry, and innervation of cervical each muscle was calculated by dividing the
muscles with scapular attachments. In- mass of the muscle by the product of its
cluded in this group are muscles with bran- normalized fascicle length and density (as-
chial origins, including trapezius, sternomas- sumed to be 1.06 g/cm3; Mendez and Keys,
toideus, and cleidomastoideus, as well as ’60). The physiological cross-sectional area
muscles with segmentally-derived motor in- is normally determined by multiplying the
nervation, including rhomboideus, levator cross-sectional area by the cosine of the angle
scapulae, and levator scapulae ventralis. made by fibers with the estimated line-of-
pull of the muscle. For the neck muscles
studied here, attachments to tendons never
Cadaveric dissections were carried out to introduced a pinnation angle of more than
define the attachments and innervation of 10° (cos 10° ⫽ 0.98). Because the cosine of
cervical shoulder muscles of six cats (Felis such small angles changes values by less
domesticus) euthanized for other physiologi- than 2%, the cross-sectional area was consid-
cal studies. Additional experiments were con- ered to be equivalent to the physiological
ducted on fourteen cats weighing 2.2–4.5 kg cross-sectional area (Selbie et al., ’93). The
that were anaesthetized with sodium pento- potential tetanic force-developing capability
barbital (initial dose, 35 mg/kg, supple- of each muscle was estimated by multiply-
mented as needed i.v. to suppress with- ing its physiological cross-sectional area by
drawal reflexes). Cats were housed and a previously determined estimate of specific
tended according to guidelines of the Cana- tension in feline muscle (31 N/cm2; Scott et
dian Council of Animal Care under protocols al., ’96; Brown et al., ’98).
approved by the animal ethics review com-
mittee of Queen’s University. Glycogen-depletion of nerve territories
Motor territories supplied by different mo-
Anatomy and morphometry tor nerves and nerve branches were studied
The head of the cat was supported in a by stimulating nerve bundles using fine bipo-
stereotaxic frame and the neck was posi- lar stimulating electrodes with 0.2 ms pulses.
tioned in a vertical posture typical of alert, The distribution of resulting contractions, if
sitting cats (Vidal et al., ’86). In three cats, X present, was observed and recorded. In seven
rays were taken of the skull, vertebral col- cats, one or more branches of the spinal
umn, and scapula to confirm the positions of accessory nerve supplying trapezius were
bones to which muscles of interest were at- isolated and sectioned. The nerve distal to
tached. The muscles were exposed and the the section was placed on bipolar stimulat-
lengths of muscle fascicles were measured at ing electrodes and coated with low melting
several sites across the width of the muscle. point paraffin wax. Nerves were stimulated
In muscles in which fascicle length changed intermittently for 1 hour using 40-Hz trains
progressively across the width or depth of of stimuli at 4 X threshold for just-detect-
the muscle, the muscle was modelled as one able contraction, delivered for 330 ms every
or more parallelograms and mean fascicle second. Immediately following stimulation,
length was computed by averaging the the muscle was removed, divided into blocks
lengths of fascicles on the long and short whose orientation was recorded, and frozen
sides. The orientation of the fascicles with in liquid nitrogen. Sets of 10 or more serial
respect to the line-of-pull of the muscle was sections were cut at 15-µm thickness at 1–5
measured with a protractor. Muscles were mm intervals throughout the muscle and
removed and weighed. In three cats, muscles stained using the periodic-Schiff procedure
on the contralateral side were allowed to go for glycogen (PAS) with or without dimedone
into rigor after death with the neck in a blockade (Bulmer, ’59) and for ATPase activ-
vertically held posture. Small bundles of rig- ity. The distribution of depleted territories
ored muscle fibers were removed from at was reconstructed from line drawings of
least three different parts of the muscle and spaced sections onto which were mapped the
mounted in glycerol on glass slides in order extent of territories containing different pro-
to measure sarcomere lengths (Selbie et al., portions of blanched fiber profiles.
’93). Measurements made at 10–20 locations
throughout each bundle were averaged to Fiber-type composition
obtain a value that could be used to normal- and end-plate distribution
ize fascicle lengths to an optimal sarcomere Muscles were removed immediately after
length of 2.5 µm (Herzog et al., ’92). death and divided into numbered blocks that

were mounted on cryostat chucks in a re- bution was determined in each cross-section
corded orientation. Blocks were coated in by counting the relative numbers of fibers of
talcum powder and frozen in liquid nitrogen. different types in three separate sites, each
Ten or more transverse serial sections, 10– containing 100–300 fibers. Where regional
15-µm thick, were cut from well-spaced re- variations were present, one sample was
gions within each muscle. At least six sec- made in the region with highest slow-fiber
tions were stained for ATPase activity content, a second in the region with the
following alkaline preincubation (pH 10.4) lowest slow-fiber content, and a third in a
(Guth and Samaha, ’70). This method was region with intermediate proportions.
found previously to produce reliable differen- In two cats, muscles under study were
tiation of fast glycolytic (FG), fast oxidative- removed and stained for acetylcholinester-
glycolytic (FOG), and slow oxidative (SO) ase activity using a modification of the tech-
fiber subtypes. In muscles from three nique described by Karnovsky and Roots
cats, additional sections were stained with (’64) in which substrate concentration was
myofibrillar ATPase without preincubation increased by a factor of 5–10 X.
(Padykula and Herman, ’55) and with an
ATPase method following preincubation at
pH 4.35 (modified from Guth and Samaha, Morphometry and innervation
’70). In the other muscles, remaining sec- Trapezius
tions were processed to demonstrate NADH- Trapezius is a superficial, dorsal muscle
tetrazolium reductase activity (Dubowitz and sheet that is divided into three separate
Brooke, ’73). Type FG, FOG, and SO fibers heads (Fig. 1). The most rostral head,
were identified by their characteristic stain- clavotrapezius, is largest (Table 1). Rostrome-
ing profiles as documented elsewhere (Rich- dially, clavotrapezius attaches along the
mond and Abrahams, ’75). Fiber-type distri- lambdoidal crest of the skull. This attach-

Fig. 1. Felis domesticus. Line drawings to show the location and anatomy of different
trapezius heads. The penetration of levator scapulae ventralis (LSV) between clavotrapezius
(CT) and acromiotrapezius (AT) is apparent close to the clavicular attachment of clavotrapezius.
ST, spinotrapezius.

ment extends caudally for about 4 cm along most perpendicularly to the vertebral col-
the nuchal midline raphe. The muscle nar- umn compared to the longer (7–9 cm) caudal
rows and thickens as it wraps ventrolater- fiber bundles of this triangular muscle. De-
ally around the neck toward the clavicle. spite their differences in shape, acromiotra-
Here, its fibers attach not only to the clavicle pezius and spinotrapezius have a similar
itself, but also to a tendinous raphe, called physiological cross-sectional area (Table 1).
the cleidohumeral ligament, that extends Each accounts for about 25–30% of the total
from the lateral end of the clavicle. The physiological cross-sectional area of trape-
clavicle and connective tissue raphe sepa- zius.
rate clavotrapezius from the forelimb muscle The three heads of trapezius receive a
clavobrachialis that attaches to its distal dual innervation from cranial nerve XI and
side. Clavotrapezius has the largest and most from segmental nerves (Fig. 2). The spinal
variable physiological cross-sectional area of accessory nerve from cranial nerve IX can be
the three heads, ranging from 0.33–1.1 cm2 identified as a large nerve trunk running
(Table 1). caudally from the jugular foramen along the
Acromiotrapezius muscles are thinner ventral surface of trapezius. It divides into
sheets that originate from either side of an several branches along its course as re-
aponeurotic saddle over the spines of lower ported briefly by Liinamaa and coworkers
cervical and upper thoracic vertebrae (Fig. (Liinamaa et al., ’97). Two to three nerve
1). Fiber bundles run laterally for 4–9 cm branches enter the rostral portion of
and insert along the length of the scapular clavotrapezius close to C2 segmental nerve
spine and metacromion. At the midline, the branches. An additional one or two nerve
rostralmost edge of acromiotrapezius is ap- branches enter the caudal portion of the
posed to clavotrapezius, but it is separated muscle. Acromiotrapezius receives two or
more distally from clavotrapezius by the pen- three small nerve branches and the remain-
etration of levator scapulae ventralis (Fig. 1). ing nerve enters spinotrapezius at its rostral
Spinotrapezius is located most caudally. It end. Segmental innervation is supplied by
has a wide origin from the spinous processes shorter nerve bundles originating from sev-
of thoracic vertebrae T1 to T10–12, and con- eral spinal segments that often merge with
verges as it runs laterally to insert into the motor branches close to the muscle entry
fascial covering of two deeper scapular point. Clavotrapezius is innervated by four
muscles, supraspinatus and infraspinatus, separate nerves supplied by C2 to C5 spinal
close to their sites of insertion onto the scapu- roots, which enter the muscle as a rostrocau-
lar spine. The most rostral fiber bundles are dally spaced array (Fig. 2B). Acromiotrape-
relatively short (4–5 cm) and are oriented zius appears to be innervated by a single

TABLE 1. Morphometric parameters used to estimate muscle force developing capacity

Mean Fascicle length (cm) Mass (g) PCSA (cm2 )
Short length Mean Estimated
form n (µm) Mean corrected Range Mean Range Mean Range Fo (N)
deus SM 5 3.0
Lateral 10.8 8.7 10–12 2.1 1.1–3.3 0.22 0.12–0.33 6.82
Medial 8.1 6.5 7.5–9 1.2 0.6–2.0 0.16 0.07–0.26 4.96
deus CM 6 3.0 10.8 9.6 10–11 1.9 1.3–2.8 0.24 0.13–0.32 7.44
Clavotrapezius CT 7 2.7 10.1 9.7 10–12 6.4 4.5–10 0.65 0.33–1.1 20.15
zius AT 3 2.5 6.2 6.2 4–9.5 3.4 2.5–4.4 0.56 0.41–0.71 17.36
Spinotrapezius ST 3 2.3 6.5 7.1 4–9 4.0 2.6–4.8 0.52 0.34–0.65 16.12
capitis RHcap 6 2.4 10.1 10.5 9–11 0.9 0.7–1.0 0.08 0.07–0.09 2.48
minor RHmin 3 2.3 5.5 6.0 4.5–7 4.9 4.7–5.1 0.76 0.69–0.82 23.56
major RHmaj 3 2.6 5.7 5.5 5–6.5 1.8 1.3–2.2 0.32 0.19–0.38 9.92
Levator scapulae LS 4 2.5 6.9 6.9 5.5–8 8.9 8.2–10.3 1.20 1.1–1.3 37.2
Levator scapulae
ventralis LSV 5 2.6 9.9 9.5 9–10 2.0 1.3–3.0 0.20 0.13–0.27 6.2

Fig. 2. Felis domesticus. Photomicrographs and inter- area in A at higher power. In this view, levator scapulae
pretive line drawings to show the dual innervation of ventralis (LSV) has been retracted to show the complex
trapezius. A: Course of the spinal accessory nerve (SAN) nerve bundles from cervical segments (marked by aster-
is shown and illustrated on the ventral surface of isks and shown in black on accompanying line drawing).
clavotrapezius (CT) and acromiotrapezius (AT). B: Boxed

segmental nerve from the C5 spinal root draw the proximal limb and shoulder dorso-
that has its entry point rostrally in the cranially as it rotated the head laterally and
muscle. Spinotrapezius is innervated by at ventrally towards the shoulder. Acromiotra-
least three segmental nerves from T2, T3, pezius drew the scapula toward the midline,
and T4 spinal roots that enter the rostral and spinotrapezius rotated the vertebral bor-
third of the muscle as a spaced array. Nerve der of the scapula in a dorsocaudal direction.
branches from T5 and T6 spinal roots also In contrast, electrical stimulation of each
penetrate the muscle more caudally but it is segmental nerve branch produced what ap-
difficult from visual inspection to determine peared to be reflexive contractions. These
whether a component of these nerves sup- contractions were localized and inconsis-
plies spinotrapezius or whether the nerve tent. They were only elicited if segmental
bundles pass through the muscle without and spinal accessory nerve branches were
innervating it. intact.
Repetitive electrical stimuli delivered to Further evidence that motor innervation
the centrally sectioned spinal accessory was provided chiefly, if not exclusively, by
nerve always evoked powerful contractions the spinal accessory nerve was obtained by
in trapezius. As might be expected from their using glycogen depletion methods. Intermit-
attachments, clavotrapezius was seen to tent tetanic stimulation of the spinal acces-

sory nerve appeared to deplete extrafusal to clavotrapezius, and runs alongside the
fibers throughout the muscle heads when lateral aspect of sternomastoideus to attach
their glycogen levels were compared to un- onto the mastoid process deep to sternomas-
stimulated contralateral muscle. Over 85% toideus. Its physiological cross-sectional area
of extrafusal fibers in all muscles appeared is about half of that of sternomastoideus
blanched. The remaining fibers were light (Table 1). Both cleidomastoideus and sterno-
pink in color (Fig. 3) and were found to have mastoideus receive their motor supply from
the histochemical profile of type SO fibers in the spinal accessory nerve, and their sen-
adjacent ATPase stained sections. sory supply from C1 and C2 spinal segments
(Liinamaa et al., ’97).
Sternomastoideus and cleidomastoideus
The ventral muscle sternomastoideus can Rhomboideus
be subdivided for descriptive purposes into a Rhomboideus in the cat has commonly
medial part, taking origin from the ventral been considered as a single muscle but can
midline, and a conjoined lateral part, origi- be subdivided for purposes of analysis into
nating from the sternum (Fig. 4). The medial two parts that are homologous to rhomboi-
part is fan shaped, with progressively length- deus minor or cervicis and rhomboideus ma-
ening fascicles from its medial to lateral jor or dorsi in other species (Craigie, ’60;
edge. The fascicles all converge onto an apo- Reighard et al., ’61; Greene, ’68). In addi-
neurosis inserting on the mastoid process. tion, rhomboideus has a third head, usually
Fascicles composing the lateral head are called occipitoscapularis in feline descrip-
longer (Table 1), running from sternum to tions, that is homologous to rhomboideus
lambdoidal crest. The medial part of sterno- capitis in primates (Hartman and Straus,
mastoideus usually has a smaller physiologi- ’61). Occipitoscapularis is a delicate strap
cal cross-sectional area than the lateral part with a physiological cross-sectional area of
(0.16 vs. 0.22 cm2). less than 0.1 cm2 that runs for 10 cm or more
Cleidomastoideus originates from the between the coracovertebral border of the
clavicle and the cleidohumeral ligament deep scapula and the lamboidal crest (Fig. 5).

Fig. 3. Felis domesticus. Differences in glycogen staining in trapezius following stimulation

of the spinal accessory nerve. The arrows mark the edge of the muscle, which apposes adjacent
unstimulated muscle whose fibers stain more intensely. Scale bar ⫽ 100 µm.

of the scapula to insert on its superficial

surface near the glenovertebral angle. In
contradiction to its name, adopted from con-
ventions in man, rhomboideus major is much
smaller than rhomboideus minor (about 2
vs. 5 g) and has less than half the physiologi-
cal cross-sectional area (Table 1). As has
been noted previously (Liinamaa et al., ’97),
the muscle heads are innervated by several
nerve bundles from different segments.
Stimulation of these nerves resulted in re-
gional contractions of strip-like, in-parallel
subvolumes running from the muscle origin
to insertion.

Levator scapulae and levator

scapulae ventralis
Levator scapulae is a thick sheet that runs
deep to rhomboideus minor from the medial
aspect of the vertebral border of the scapula
to the transverse processes on cervical verte-
brae caudal to C2. Thus its fibers run
obliquely with respect to the long axis of the
vertebral column (Fig. 5). At its caudal bor-
der, levator scapulae can be difficult to distin-
guish from serratus anterior to which it is
joined. The line of division between these
two muscles was considered to be marked by
the presence of a blood vessel that pen-
etrated between the muscles at the level of
vertebra T1. Levator scapulae was the only
muscle of the present study whose values of
Fig. 4. Felis domesticus. Structure and relationships
of the two heads of sternocleidomastoideus. The sterno- physiological cross-sectional area were con-
mastoid head (SM) has two regions, sternomastoid me- sistently larger than 1 cm2, even in the small-
dial (SM med), attaching to the ventral midline and est cats (Table 1). Its rostral fiber bundles
sternomastoid lateral (SM lat), attaching to the ster- were 20–30% longer than the caudal bundles
num. It lies medial to the cleidomastoid head (CM).
and they were angled more acutely toward
the head.
Levator scapulae ventralis is a narrow
Rhomboideus minor is a much larger muscle strap that runs rostrally for 9–10 cm from
that attaches along the vertebral border of the ventral border of the metacromion and
the scapula between the glenovertebral angle the adjacent scapular fossa to the skull and
and a point about 1 cm rostral to the verte- atlas (Fig. 1). The primary attachment of the
bral spine. It fans to insert along the nuchal muscle is onto the caudal border of the lat-
raphe from the level of C2 to T2 vertebrae. eral process of C1, but some fibers also in-
Its rostral fiber bundles angle more rostro- sert onto the tendon of longus capitis, which
caudally and are relatively long (6–9 cm) ultimately attaches to the basiocciput of the
compared with the caudal bundles (4.5–5 skull (Reighard et al., ’61).
cm) that run nearly perpendicular to the
vertebral column. Rhomboideus minor ap-
pears contiguous with rhomboideus major, Fiber histochemistry
but a dividing line between the two muscles All shoulder muscles contained three sub-
can be usually discerned near the scapular types of histochemically differentiable fibers
site of attachment. Rhomboideus major is with FG, FOG, and SO profiles (Table 2).
widest at its vertebral origins from upper Fibers of all three types had a wide range of
thoracic spinous processes. It narrows and diameters from over 50 µm to less than 10
twists as it wraps over the vertebral border µm (Fig. 3).

Fig. 5. Felis domesticus. Line drawings to illustrate the anatomy and relationships of
rhomboideus [occipitoscapularis (OS), rhomboideus minor (RHMIN), rhomboideus major
(RHMAJ)] and levator scapulae (LS).

Trapezius Slow fiber proportions were higher in the

Fiber-type proportions were dissimilar in more caudal heads of trapezius. Acromiotra-
the three heads of trapezius. Clavotrapezius pezius contained about 25–40% SO fibers,
was composed predominantly of fast fiber and spinotrapezius usually had more than
subtypes (Table 2); typically only about 10– 40% SO fibers (Table 2).
15% of fibers had type SO profiles. The pre- Sternomastoideus and cleidomastoideus
dominance of type FG and FOG fibers was
particularly apparent on the superficial Sternomastoideus and cleidomastoideus
muscle surface where some fiber fascicles had the lowest proportions of slow fibers of
were devoid of SO fibers. The proportion of the muscles studied (Table 2). Typically ster-
SO fibers increased toward the core and nomastoideus contained less than 10% SO
ventral surface of the muscle. fibers and cleidomastoideus had about 15%
type SO fibers. However, sternomastoideus
also had a relatively high content of FOG
TABLE 2. Fiber-type distributions fibers, usually between 25–35%. Thus, its
in cervical shoulder muscles1 content of FG fibers was similar to or lower
Muscle n %FG %FOG %SO than that typically found in clavotrapezius.
In sternomastoideus, SO fibers were concen-
Rhomboideus trated in core regions of the muscle and in
Rostral cleidomastoideus, they were richest in the
-core 4 31 (23–45) 15 (6–19) 55 (48–59) deep half. In both muscles, SO fibers were
-deep 4 53 (45–59) 16 (6–25) 32 (17–48) rare or absent on the superficial surface of
Middle 4 47 (39–58) 19 (3–31) 34 (30–41) the muscle.
Caudal 5 62 (52–71) 22 (15–30) 15 (14–18)
Rhomboideus Rhomboideus
major 3 72 (63–78) 17 (13–21) 11 (5–16)
Levator scapulae 5 62 (54–66) 19 (13–26) 18 (17–21) Rhomboideus had a markedly non-uni-
Levator scapulae form distribution of fiber types (Table 2, Fig.
ventralis 3 50 (46–59) 23 (16–28) 26 (24–28)
Clavotrapezius 4 62 (57–64) 22 (15–26) 16 (13–21) 6). The rostralmost part of rhomboideus mi-
Acromiotrapezius 3 39 (36–42) 26 (24–29) 35 (29–39) nor, like occipitoscapularis described previ-
Spinotrapezius 3 21 (18–23) 32 (23–40) 47 (42–54) ously (Richmond and Abrahams, ’75), was
Sternomastoideus 3 61 (56–65) 30 (27–34) 9 (8–10) composed primarily of type SO fibers. The
Cleidomastoideus 3 55 (53–56) 27 (21–31) 15 (14–16)
deep muscle layer in rhomboideus minor
1n, number of cats from which data are reported; FG, fast-
typically contained fewer SO fibers than the
glycolytic fibers; FOG, fast-oxidative-glycolytic fibers; SO, slow-
oxidative fibers. Mean percentages of type FG, FOG, and SO superficial surface. In most muscles, concen-
fibers are accompanied by ranges in parentheses. trations of 30–40% were typical in deeper

Fig. 6. Felis domesticus. Non-uniform distribution of rostral parts of rhomboideus minor. Photomicrographs
fiber types in rhomboideus. The line drawing (top) sche- of typical cross-sections from different regions are shown
matizes the greater concentration of type SO fibers in (bottom). Scale bar ⫽ 100 µm.

regions, but in one muscle the deep rim were crossed by multiple end-plate bands.
contained less than 10% SO fibers. More The bands were discontinuous across the
caudal parts of the muscle showed progres- width of the muscle, so that each band was
sively decreasing SO fiber proportions, so relatively short and spaced at a variable
that the most caudal part of rhomboideus distance of about 0.3–1.2 cm with respect to
minor generally contained less than 30% nearby bands (Fig. 7). The muscles, how-
type SO fibers. Rhomboideus major had even ever, shrank to nearly half of their length as
lower SO fiber proportions, from 3–15% in a result of histological treatment. Thus, we
different specimens (Fig. 6). Instead, type estimate that bands are spaced by an aver-
FG fibers predominated. age distance of about 1 cm in untreated
Levator scapulae and levator muscles.
scapulae ventralis DISCUSSION

Levator scapulae had a relatively uniform The shoulder girdle is linked to the head
distribution of fiber types. FG fibers predomi- and cervical vertebral column by two major
nated, accounting for 45–65% of fibers (Table muscle systems. One system, comprised of
2). Proportions of SO fibers were usually trapezius and sternomastoideus-cleidomas-
between 15–25%. Levator scapulae ventra- toideus muscles, is thought to be of bran-
lis was also relatively rich in fast fibers. SO chial origin (but see McKenzie, ’55, ’62),
fibers were concentrated in the muscle core, whereas the other is somatic. Present work
where they accounted for 30–40% of fibers, suggests that each of these systems has a
and were lowest on the outer rim of the mus- substantial force-generating capability that
cle, where they accounted for 15–30% of fibers. could have important effects on head and
shoulder movement. However, the heteroge-
Distribution of end-plate bands neous distributions of fiber types among the
All of the shoulder muscles stained suc- different muscles and individual muscle
cessfully for acetylcholinesterase activity heads suggest that the muscles play special-

Fig. 7. Felis domesticus. Multiple end-plate banding in rhomboideus. Note the staggered
appearance of bands crossing different blocks of fascicles (marked by arrows). Scale bar ⫽ 1 cm.

ized functional roles ranging from the main- and Flowers, ’69; Green and Brien, ’85;
tenance of tonic posture to the production of Krammer et al., ’87), but others have been
rapid ballistic movements. These character- less convinced (e.g., Straus and Howell, ’36;
istics must be kept in mind when attempting McKenzie, ’55; Short et al., ’84; Soo et al.,
to model or understand the motor roles of ’93; Clavenzani et al., ’94; Nori et al., ’97).
individual shoulder muscles. Such model- In the cat, Corbin and Harrison (’39) re-
ling will also require determination of the ported that no muscle contractions could be
moment arms of each muscle with respect to elicited by stimulating the distal stumps of
each axis of motion and each joint crossed. segmental nerves C3–5. These findings are
These values could change greatly with over- consistent with present observations that
all posture. essentially all muscle fibers in trapezius
showed evidence of glycogen depletion follow-
Muscles supplied by the spinal ing exhaustive stimulation of the spinal ac-
accessory nerve cessory nerve. The only fibers that appeared
The muscles of the spinal accessory com- to retain some level of glycogen were type
plex are unusual because of their dual nerve SO fibers. However, it is well known that
supply. Research has been undertaken for type SO fibers have a high oxidative capac-
nearly a century to understand whether the ity that makes them relatively immune to
motor innervation to the muscles is supplied glycogen depletion (Burke and Tsairis, ’73;
only by the spinal accessory nerve or whether Toop et al., ’82). Thus we might expect that
motor axons derive also from the ventral the SO fibers of stimulated motor units would
roots of cervical spinal segments (see Straus continue to show some level of coloration. It
and Howell, ’36; Corbin and Harrison, ’39 for seems likely that there is no extrafusal inner-
historical review). Surprisingly, these stud- vation from segmental nerves, but an intra-
ies have not yet produced a firm consensus. fusal role cannot be excluded.
Most researchers appear to favor the view In contrast, the small, localized contrac-
that the sensory and motor supply are sepa- tions that were sometimes seen in trapezius
rated (Corbin and Harrison, ’39; Anderson following stimulation of intact cervical nerve

branches were found to be abolished by nerve strong burst of force (e.g., Burke, ’81). The
section central to the stimulating electrodes paucity of SO fibers suggests that feline
and were likely to be the result of reflex clavotrapezius, sternomastoideus, and clei-
activation. Similar localized contractions in domastoideus are poorly equipped for tonic
other neck muscles have been reported pre- postural activities. This conclusion is consis-
viously and have been called cervicocollic tent with the results of EMG studies show-
reflexes (Bilotto et al., ’82; Ezure et al., ’83). ing that clavotrapezius and sternomastoi-
The pathways responsible for the reflexes deus are not active when cats sit quietly or
are still not well understood. In muscles of move their heads slowly, but were found to
the limb, such reflexes are often assumed to be activated vigorously during rapid, force-
arise from monosynaptic pathways between ful movements such as head shaking or aver-
spindle primary endings and motoneurons. sive maneuvers (Richmond et al., ’92). These
However, it has proven difficult to demon- rapid forceful contractions are likely to be
strate robust monosynaptic reflexes in neck essential for certain behaviors that are cen-
muscles (Abrahams et al., ’75; Anderson, ’77; tral to the animal’s survival in the wild, such
Rose and Keirstead, ’88; Richmond and Loeb, as fighting and killing prey. In bipedal spe-
’92). Thus cervico-collic reflexes may be pro- cies, such as monkeys and humans, these
duced, at least in part, by longer-loop path- whip-like head movements tend to be lost
ways (Peterson et al., ’92). Whether neck from the behavioral repertoire. Perhaps to
muscles with branchial origins will prove to support different roles, the attachments of
share similar reflex characteristics with so- the brachiomeric muscles are reorganized in
matic neck muscles remains to be explored. primates. The clavicular component of trape-
The presence of muscle reflexes may ex- zius is much smaller, and the muscles con-
plain some of the contradictory findings, par- tain higher proportions of slow fibers (Lind-
ticularly in the human literature, regarding
man et al., ’91; Kamibayashi and Richmond,
a potential motor role for segmental nerve
’98). This is reflected in a change in usage
branches (e.g., Soo et al., ’93; Nori et al., ’97).
patterns. Sternomastoideus is active during
In human subjects, it is obviously not accept-
a broader range of head turning movements
able ethically to section muscle nerves and
(Winters and Peles, ’90; Mazzini and Schiep-
thus discriminate between a direct or reflex
pati, ’92) and rostral trapezius is used also
origin of the contractions observed when cer-
for relatively slow, undemanding shoulder
vical nerve branches are stimulated intraop-
eratively (e.g., Nori et al., ’97). However, the movements (Bull et al., ’84; Eliot, ’96).
extensive paralysis of trapezius that follows The fact that the large neck muscles,
spinal accessory nerve palsy argues against clavotrapezius, sternomastoideus, and clei-
the presence of any substantial segmental domastoideus, appear to be composed pri-
motor supply (e.g., Roy and Beahrs, ’69; Big- marily of fast, seldom-used fibers poses an
liani et al., ’96). If segmental motor axons interesting problem for those who wish to
were available, they would not only provide model the neck using conventional optimiza-
some degree of motor function immediately tion techniques. In most animal or human
after damage to the cranial nerve supply, models so far developed, the potential of a
but also might sprout to innervate adjacent muscle to produce or influence a particular
denervated muscle fibers and thus improve movement has been inferred from a knowl-
muscle function within a few weeks after the edge of its force-generating capabilities (esti-
insult. mated from physiological cross-sectional
Histochemical analysis of muscles served area, moment arm, and pulling direction)
by the spinal accessory nerve showed that without consideration of fiber-type composi-
all were relatively rich in fast fibers com- tion (e.g., Winters, ’88; Pellionisz and Peter-
pared to most previously studied neck son, ’88; Winters and Peles, ’90; Keshner et
muscles (e.g., Richmond and Abrahams, ’75; al., ’97; Vasavada et al., ’98). Because cla-
Richmond and Vidal, ’88). The predomi- votrapezius and sternomastoideus-cleido-
nance of FG fibers is an attribute shared mastoideus have large physiological cross-
with homologous rodent muscles (Brichta et sectional areas and large moment arms with
al., ’87). It is significant functionally because respect to vertebral joints, large muscles
FG fibers are generally thought to be re- might be assigned roles in the maintenance
cruited only for short-lived but powerful con- of posture or the production of small, slow
tractions during motor tasks requiring a movements for which they are poorly suited.

The more caudal heads of trapezius, acro- in a vertical orientation, because it has a
miotrapezius, and spinotrapezius, were better moment arm across the lower cervical
found to have higher proportions of SO fi- joints. In contrast, more caudal parts of
bers, typical for muscles that are recruited rhomboideus minor were found to be rela-
more frequently during activities of daily tively fast. The functional role of caudal
living. Because the muscle heads attach more rhomboideus minor has not yet been studied
caudally, they are unlikely to participate specifically by EMG analysis, but fiber-type
directly in head movement but are probably distributions and attachments are consis-
more important for controlling the position tent with a role in scapular movement dur-
of the scapula during locomotor activities. ing locomotion.
This prediction is consistent with results of Rhomboideus capitis, rhomboideus minor,
EMG recordings made from shoulder and rhomboideus major in cats differ from
muscles of instrumented cats. Acromiotrape- their homologues in bipeds, and these differ-
zius was found to be active nearly continu- ences must be borne in mind before using
ously during locomotion, whereas spinotra- cats as models for the study of head move-
pezius was active when the limb was at the ments with the expectation of generalizing
extremes of flexion and extension (English, results to human subjects. In monkeys, the
’78). Spinotrapezius is particularly rich in rostral heads of the rhomboideus are rela-
type SO fibers and may also play a signifi- tively small and rhomboideus major is, in-
cant postural role. For example, it may help deed, the major head of the rhomboideus
to stabilize the scapula by opposing the family (Berringer et al., ’74). In human sub-
ground reaction forces from the forelimb that jects, these trends are even more apparent.
tend to rotate the vertebral border of the Rhomboideus major is much larger than
scapula caudoventrally when cats hold sit- rhomboideus minor, and, rhomboideus capi-
ting or standing postures (Runciman and
tis is usually absent (Johnson et al., ’96;
Richmond, ’97). However, EMG studies will
Kamibayashi and Richmond, ’98). The
be needed to test this prediction.
changes in size may be part of the adapta-
Rhomboideus and levator scapulae muscles tion of shoulder muscles to an upright pos-
The rhomboideus and levator scapulae ture of the trunk, which frees the forelimbs
muscles are among the largest muscles to for object manipulation rather than locomo-
attach onto the cervical vertebral column in tion (Tobias, ’92). Accordingly, muscle forces
the cat (see Richmond and Vidal, ’88, for to hold the neck in an erect posture appear
comparisons). Surprisingly, however, only the to be less important, because the weight of
smallest head, occipitoscapularis or rhomboi- the skull is borne largely as a compressive
deus capitis, which has an attachment to the force on the vertebral column. Further, the
skull, appears to have been studied in detail scapula has rotated to a frontal rather than
using EMG methods (Richmond et al., ’92; parasagittal orientation (Hogfors et al., ’95).
Keshner et al., ’97). Rhomboideus capitis Levator scapulae and levator scapulae ven-
has been shown to be active during quiet tralis have a more lateral placement and
sitting and standing and is modulated dur- orientation than rhomboideus, and are char-
ing flexion and extension of the head and acterized by a higher fast-fiber content.
neck. Its postural role is reflected in its These findings are consistent with EMG evi-
wealth of type SO fibers (Richmond and dence that the muscles have more phasic
Abrahams, ’75) that presumably permit the patterns of activation associated with head
head to be held extended for long periods turning but not with the maintenance of an
without fatigue. upright, midsagittal posture (Thomson et
A similar postural role is probably played al., ’96). The feline levator scapulae has con-
by the rostral part of rhomboideus minor at siderable force-developing capability, com-
least, although specific actions may vary pared to other neck muscles implicated in
along the muscle width. Rhomboideus minor head turning. For example, the physiologi-
is supplied by several muscle nerves that cal cross-sectional area of levator scapulae
compartmentalize its motor units into sepa- (1.1–1.3 cm2) reported here is nearly twice
rate strip-like territories (Liinamaa et al., that of splenius (0.78 cm2; Richmond and
’97). In present studies, rostral parts of the Vidal, ’88), a muscle that is often considered
muscle were found to be richest in SO fibers. as a particularly important muscle for head
This muscle part would seem particularly turning. The role of levator scapulae in cats
well suited to hold the heavy neck tonically is different from that in man. In man, leva-

tor scapulae appears to be relatively inac- likely to oversimplify the motor problem and
tive during head movement, but is recruited restrict the strategies for motor control. Re-
readily during arm movements (e.g., Eliot, cent biomechanical studies of force transmis-
’96; Ludewig et al., ’96; Mayoux-Benhamou sion between the forelimb, shoulder girdle,
et al., ’97). and trunk suggest that stabilization of the
scapula is likely to depend on a dynamic
Fiber architecture in neck muscles balance between the gravitational loading
The neck muscles studied here all spanned on the head-neck complex, and ground-
a relatively long distance between origin reaction torques from the forelimb (Runci-
and insertion. Histochemical demonstra- man and Richmond, ’97). A role for cervical
tions of multiple end-plate bands and pres- shoulder muscles as dynamic tethers or force-
ence of small fiber diameters in many histo- transmitting elements in this system must
logical sections (e.g., Fig. 6) were viewed as be explored if the biomechanics of the fore-
evidence that the long muscles were com- quarters, neck, and head are to be described
posed of relatively short fibers arranged in realistically.
overlapping ‘‘in-series’’ arrays. Such arrange- ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
ments have been described quite commonly
in other mammalian and avian species (for We thank O. Morris, D. Reesor, Su Lin
review see Gaunt and Gans, ’92; Trotter et Lim, and Janet Creasy for excellent techni-
al., ’95). In muscles like clavotrapezius, a cal assistance.
specialized pattern of innervation also ap-
pears to be present in which different nerve LITERATURE CITED
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