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The function of neuromuscular compartments in

human shoulder muscles

J. B. Wickham and J. M. M. Brown
J Neurophysiol 107:336-345, 2012. First published 5 October 2011; doi:10.1152/jn.00049.2011

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Journal of Neurophysiology publishes original articles on the function of the nervous system. It is published 12 times a year
(monthly) by the American Physiological Society, 9650 Rockville Pike, Bethesda MD 20814-3991. Copyright © 2012 by the
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J Neurophysiol 107: 336 –345, 2012.
First published October 5, 2011; doi:10.1152/jn.00049.2011.

The function of neuromuscular compartments in human shoulder muscles

J. B. Wickham,1 and J. M. M. Brown2

School of Biomedical Sciences, Charles Sturt University, Orange; and 2School of Biomedical Science, University
of Queensland, St. Lucia, Australia
Submitted 18 January 2011; accepted in final form 30 September 2011

Wickham JB, Brown JM. The function of neuromuscular com- length of their moment arms and the direction of their fiber
partments in human shoulder muscles. J Neurophysiol 107: 336 –345, orientation (lines of action) determining its subsequent func-
2012. First published October 5, 2011; doi:10.1152/jn.00049.2011.— tion at that joint (Ackland et al. 2008; Ettema et al. 1998).
The aim of this study was to use a surface electromyographic (sEMG)
technique with a ballistic isotonic shoulder joint adduction movement Furthermore, it has been hypothesized that a neural basis for
to determine the function of the neuromuscular compartments the independent control of NMCs may be that the descending
(NMCs) within the pectoralis major, deltoid, and latissimus dorsi supraspinal motor commands are directed to portions of a
muscles. Sixteen male subjects (mean age 22 yr) with no known muscle’s spinal motoneuronal pool as seen in the flexor digi-
history of shoulder pathologies volunteered to participate. Timing and torum superficialis in humans (Butler et al. 2005) and in the
intensity of muscle contraction, recorded with 15 pairs of bipolar hand muscles of the monkey (Buys et al. 1986; Lemon and
sEMG electrodes, were compared during performance of 40° coronal-
Muir 1983; Maier et al. 1993).
plane ballistic [movement time (MT) ⬍ 400 ms] shoulder joint
adduction movements. The results suggested that heterogeneous Although evidence of the spatial location of NMCs is accu-
mulating in muscles such as the masseter (Widmer et al. 2003),

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sEMG was present across the breadth of all three muscles, indicating
the presence of individual NMCs with significant (P ⬍ 0.05) differ- temporalis (Korfage and Van Eijden 1999), and vastus lateralis
ences observed within the three muscles in NMC onset, duration, (Sjostrom et al. 1992), little evidence is currently available
timing of peak NMC intensity, or relative intensity of NMC activa- regarding the function and spatial location of NMCs within
tion. For example, within the deltoid NMC activation was closely muscles producing movements of the glenohumeral joint
related to moment arm (MA) length with the NMC, with the largest
(GHJ). Structurally, muscles attaching the trunk and shoulder
antagonist MA deltoid NMC3 having a late period of activation
[antagonist (Ant)] to slow glenohumeral joint (GHJ) rotation and girdle to the humerus are characterized by broad origins with
maintain its final joint position [with agonist 2 burst (Ag2)]. The most muscle fascicles converging toward a narrower insertion. In-
obvious triphasic EMG patterns (e.g., Ag1-Ant-Ag2) were observed tuitively, the convergent lines of muscle fascicle application
between the first NMCs activated in the two agonist muscles and the onto the humerus might favor an in-parallel arrangement of
last NMC activated in the antagonist deltoid muscle. In conclusion, NMCs, as suggested by previous studies (Paton and Brown
our findings suggest the presence of in-parallel NMCs within the 1994, 1995; Wickham and Brown 1998). To test the function
superficial muscles of the GHJ and show that biomechanical param- of these potential NMCs, three convergent and predominantly
eters, such as the MA at end-point movement position, influence the parallel-fibered GHJ muscles, the pectoralis major, the deltoid,
function of each NMC and its contribution to alternating patterns of and the latissimus dorsi, were investigated. To investigate the
agonist and antagonist muscle activity typical of ballistic movement.
presence and function of NMCs a surface electromyographic
muscle segment; triphasic electromyogram (sEMG) technique was utilized. In a previous study sEMG was
used to locate NMCs within the human triceps surae muscle
(Staudenmann et al. 2009). By covering a large portion of that
IN BOTH HUMANS AND ANIMALS, skeletal muscles may be parti- muscle with miniature surface electrodes it was possible to
tioned into neuromuscular compartments (NMCs) (Lucas- locate heterogeneity (e.g., variations in the timing or intensity)
Osma and Collazos-Castro 2009; Mu and Sanders 2001; Wid- of muscle activation indicative of underlying NMC activity.
mer et al. 1997). A NMC has been defined as the “smallest Therefore, the first aim of the present study was to utilize a
portion of a muscle to receive exclusive innervations by a set multichannel sEMG technique to identify individual NMCs by
of motoneurons” (English et al. 1993). NMCs are generally detecting heterogeneous sEMG activity across the surface of
thought of as a subvolume within a muscle that completely three superficial muscles controlling movements of the GHJ.
encloses the territories of a group of functionally similar The second aim of the study was to determine the function of
motoneurons (English and Weeks 1984, 1989). Although NMC each identified NMC by correlating its timing and intensity of
boundaries have yet to be fully defined, it has been proposed activation, and also its moment arm length, to movement
that NMCs are generally arranged either in parallel across the variables such as the initial and peak displacement of the upper
breadth of a muscle (Korfage and Van Eijden 1999) or in series limb, peak velocity, and peak acceleration.
(Lexell et al. 1994), although other arrangements have been To stress the GHJ muscles into robust activity that might
proposed (Mu and Sanders 2001). Importantly, NMCs may be amplify heterogeneity of NMC function, a ballistic isotonic
independently controlled by the central nervous system (CNS) GHJ adduction task was utilized. Ballistic movements are
to provide fine control of muscle force around a tendon or joint controlled by a complex series of agonist (Ag1)-antagonist
(Brown et al. 2007; Soderberg and Dostal 1978), with the (Ant)-agonist (Ag2) muscle activations (Angel 1975; Cheron et
Address for reprint requests and other correspondence: J. M. M. Brown,
al. 2007) which initially accelerate the limb (Ag1), and then
School of Biomedical Science, Univ. of Queensland, St. Lucia, 4072 Australia brake it (Ant), before finally positioning it at its target joint
(e-mail: angle (Ag2). Both high intensities of muscle activation, and
336 0022-3077/12 Copyright © 2012 the American Physiological Society

complex intermuscular coordinations, are required to complete possible.” Trials that were not within ⫾5° of the target angle of 50°
ballistic motor tasks in a total movement time (MT) of ⬍400 of abduction (⬃50% of attempted trials) were rejected from the
ms (Brown and Gilleard 1991; Brown and Cooke 1981). It was analysis.
expected that if NMCs within the muscles investigated were
independently controlled by the CNS, then significant (P ⬍ Electromyographic Technique
0.05) variations in the timing and intensity of NMC sEMG To minimize electrode cross talk, miniature gold-plated bipolar
activity would occur as each NMC was recruited to play its surface electrodes (6.5-mm interelectrode distance; 1.6-mm active
unique functional role, as determined by its moment arm, in the plates) were manufactured by the authors. Fifteen pairs of bipolar
ballistic shoulder adduction task. surface electrodes were applied to each subject: four over the deltoid,
five over the latissimus dorsi, and six over the pectoralis major
METHODS (Fig. 2). The anatomical criteria utilized to position each bipolar
surface electrode, as determined by anatomical dissection, were
Experimental Procedures guided by evidence of NMC location suggested in previous studies
(Wickham et al. 2004b). Briefly, these criteria included distinctive
The work described in this study was approved by the Human origins and/or insertions, architectural differences within the muscle
Ethics Committee of the University of Wollongong. mass (strap vs. pennated segments), and intramuscular facial thicken-
Sixteen right-hand-dominant male subjects (mean age 22 yr; range ings within the muscle mass (Johnson et al. 1994). Where broad
18 –30 yr), with no known history of shoulder pathologies, volun- expanses of seemingly homogeneous tissue were evident, muscle
teered to participate in this study after signing an informed consent fascicles with a ⬎10° difference in angle, compared with adjacent
approved by the University of Wollongong Human Ethics Committee. fascicles, were considered potentially independent (Wickham and
Each subject was seated in a dental chair with his 90° abducted right Brown 1998).
upper limb resting on a padded arm rest just distal to the elbow joint The miniature surface electrodes were secured to the subject by
to eliminate excessive valgus forces at the elbow (Fig. 1). The arm rest double-sided tape after the skin had been shaved, abraded, and washed
was attached by lightweight rope that ran through an overhead with alcohol to reduce skin resistance. Electrode gel was utilized to

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electrogoniometer (10 turn, 20 k⍀ via DC amplifier) before attaching improve conductance. Reference surface electrodes (3M pediatric
to adjustable free weights positioned on the floor. No muscular electrodes) were positioned over the acromion, the clavicle, and the
activity was necessary to maintain the abducted upper limb position, anterior superior iliac spine. The 15 bipolar surface electrodes, and
as the free weight balanced the weight of the resting upper limb. their reference electrodes, were connected to differential preamplifiers
Each subject was asked to perform a series of ballistic shoulder and HUMTEC 100 EMG amplifiers (input impedance of 1 ⫻ 1013 ⍀,
adduction movements in response to a verbal “go” signal. From an
CMRR of 110 db, signal-to-noise ratio of 1,000:1, 1000 k gain). The
initial 90° position of shoulder joint abduction (in the coronal plane)
raw EMG signals were amplified and filtered (10-Hz high-pass and
the GHJ was rapidly (MT ⬍400 ms) rotated, against the resistance
1-kHz low-pass Butterworth filters) prior to A/D conversion (with the
afforded by the free weights, through 40° of adduction as measured by
electrogoniometer output) at a sample rate of 2,000 Hz over a
the electrogoniometer utilizing visual feedback of limb position and
2,000-ms recording period.
target angle displayed on a cathode ray oscilloscope.
After an initial series of 30 practice trials, a further 10 trials, at an
intertrial interval of at least 30 s, were recorded for analysis. The Moment Arm Analysis
subjects were asked to perform each trial “as fast and as accurately as
Currently there do not exist moment arm data at 90° of cadaveric
shoulder abduction (start position of movement) for each NMC
analyzed here because of technical difficulties related to cadaveric
joint integrity at high angles of shoulder abduction. Moment arm data
are available, however (Wickham et al. 2004b), at 50° abduction,
which was the end position of the movement employed here.
The method utilized to determine moment arm involved the posi-
tioning of a bisected cadaver on a fixture in front of a milling machine
and manipulating the X, Y, and Z slides of the mill to gather
three-dimensional coordinates of origin and insertion points relative to
a reference position and then later using AutoCAD software to obtain
lines of action and moment arm data. It should also be noted that a
fixed center of rotation located in the middle of the humeral head was
used as the axis of rotation, which has also been used in previous
biomechanical models of the shoulder joint (Hogfors et al. 1987).

Data Analysis
Data analysis utilized Digital Signal Processing (DSP) software for
assessment of the timing and intensity of sEMG (Fig. 3) within each
Fig. 1. Experimental setup. The right arm was firmly secured within an arm rest Timing analysis. For each trial the beginning (OnD) and end of
that was connected to an overhead electrogoniometer and then to a floor GHJ motion (PkD) were determined (Fig. 3) as well as measures of
weight, which was adjusted to equilibrate the weight of the abducted upper
GHJ peak velocity (PkV) and peak acceleration (PkA) (Fig. 4).
limb. Muscle activity within each neuromuscular compartment (NMC), during
each ballistic 40° glenohumeral joint (GHJ) adduction movement (90° to 50° To determine the timing of muscle activity within each NMC, the
of abduction), was detected through 15 pairs of miniature surface electromyo- raw EMG waveforms were rectified and smoothed with a 20-Hz
graphic (sEMG) bipolar electrodes. Subject feedback on movement accuracy low-pass filter. Threshold detectors (10% peak amplitude), combined
was provided by a cathode ray oscilloscope (not illustrated). Movement time with visual analysis, were used to identify the onset (On), peak (Pk),
was ⬍400 ms. and cessation (Off) of activity within each muscle segment in relation

J Neurophysiol • doi:10.1152/jn.00049.2011 •


Fig. 2. sEMG electrode placement. The NMCs of

the 3 shoulder muscles investigated were subjected
to sEMG analysis. Anatomical observations of pre-
vious studies (Paton and Brown 1994, 1995; Wick-
ham and Brown 1998) were used as a guide to
position each electrode pair over a series of in-
parallel NMCs within the pectoralis major (P1–P6),
deltoid (D1–D7), and latissimus dorsi (L1–L6). Be-
cause of subsequent sEMG channel limitations (a
16-channel EMG amplifier was used; 15 sEMG and
1 channel for the movement trace), sEMG from L4,
D2, D4, and D6, used in the above-mentioned for-
mer studies, were excluded from the present analy-
sis. Evidence of significant (P ⬍ 0.05) heterogeneity
in sEMG (timing or intensity) across the breadth of
the muscles investigated was used to identify indi-
vidual NMCs.

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to OnD (Fig. 4). From these data the duration (Dur) of muscle compared with the remainder of its muscle mass. Pearson’s correla-
activation could be determined. The timing of muscle peak intensity tion coefficients were used to determine the relationship between the
(Pk) was also compared with PkV and PkA within each trial. timing of NMC activity and the NMC’s location within the muscle.
Intensity analysis. Each EMG waveform was integrated (iEMG) to Preliminary analysis revealed that performing correlations on individ-
determine the intensity of muscle activation within each NMC. Inte- ual data points for each subject instead of group average data gave
gration was performed on the duration of each burst, which repre- similar correlation results compared with group average data. All
sented an average of 210-ms duration (60% of the overall movement correlation coefficients and all other data (On, Pk, Dur, and intensity)
duration of 354 ms). Full-wave rectification and then integration are therefore expressed in the text as group average data. The statis-
(10-ms bins) determined the iEMG for each NMC. The iEMG was the tical evaluations were designed to determine whether the timing and
average intensity of motor unit activation within each NMC. To
contraction intensity of each NMC varied significantly 1) within each
normalize the intensity data, the average iEMGs from all NMCs
individual muscle and 2) across all three muscles investigated. The
within each of the three muscles, from each trial, were totaled together
to produce a “muscle” iEMG. Within each muscle, the intensity of level of significance was set at P ⬍ 0.05.
motor unit activation of each NMC was then expressed as a percent-
age of the total intensity of that particular muscle [e.g., normalized
iEMG NMC1 (%) ⫽ (iEMG NMC1/total iEMG of muscle) ⫻ 100]. RESULTS
The intensity of the first burst of the agonist and of the antagonist
NMCs were expressed in this way. Any additional burst (2nd burst) of Timing of NMC Activation
activity within the agonist or antagonist NMCs (if present) was An overview of the temporal patterns of muscle segment
expressed as a percentage of the first burst.
activation, relative to the movement of the upper limb in
adduction, is provided in Fig. 5. Given the ballistic nature of
Statistical Evaluation
the GHJ movement task, differences in the timing (e.g., On,
Repeated-measures two-way analysis of variance (RM ANOVA) Off) of NMC activity were measured in milliseconds, re-
with independent variables of NMC and movement was used. It sisting statistical interpretation. As a result, regression anal-
should be noted that the original statistical design incorporated two ysis, rather than ANOVA, was found to be the more useful
movements (adduction and extension), although only the adduction evaluation tool.
data are reported in the present article. Student-Neumann-Keuls post The raw data (Table 1) suggested that all NMCs of pectoralis
hoc analysis techniques were used to evaluate the data when the main major and latissimus dorsi were activated before the adduction
effect of NMC was significant (P ⬍ 0.05) for that particular dependent
variable (e.g., peak, intensity, duration). Only one segment from each
movement was initiated (On) and reached peak intensity before
muscle was chosen to perform post hoc comparisons in an effort to or just after movement onset (OnD). All NMCs within these
simplify and clarify the data analysis. The earliest activated NMCs of muscles had periods of activation (Dur) that approximated 50%
each muscle [pectoralis major (P)6, latissimus dorsi (L)6, and deltoid of MT. Their time of peak intensity (Pk) occurred well before
(D)7] were chosen for these comparisons as these were, from previous PkV and peak deceleration (PkDc) but generally approximated
experience, most likely to show significant (P ⬍ 0.05) differences PkA (Table 2).
J Neurophysiol • doi:10.1152/jn.00049.2011 •

major NMC time of peak intensity (Pk) had the highest

correlation (r2 ⫽ 0.76) with moment arm length.
The NMCs of the antagonist deltoid muscle displayed more
variability in the timing of activity compared with the NMCs
within the two agonist muscles. Review of Table 1 shows that
the NMC with the longest antagonist moment arm (D3) tended
to be activated after movement onset (On) and significantly
(P ⬍ 0.05) later than NMC D7, which had an agonist moment
arm. NMCs with shorter antagonist moment arms (D1 and D5)
were activated together at a time closer to movement onset
(On). Across the breadth of the deltoid, NMC onset times (On)
were highly correlated (r2 ⫽ 0.83) to agonist or antagonist
moment arm length as shown by linear regression analysis.
While all deltoid NMCs reach peak intensity some 112 ms
after movement onset (On), they had significantly (P ⬍ 0.05)
different periods of activation (Dur), with NMC D7 (agonist
moment arm) displaying the longest (P ⬍ 0.05) activation time
(Dur) (Table 1). Interestingly, NMC D3 (longest antagonist
moment arm) was the least variable in its timing of activation
within the deltoid muscle. Compared with the two agonist
muscles, the NMCs of the deltoid reached peak intensity after
(P ⬍ 0.05) PkV and PkA but in closer proximity (P ⬍ 0.05) to

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PkDc (Table 2), confirming their predominantly antagonist

Intensity of NMC Activation

There were no significant differences between the intensity
of activation (expressed as % of total muscle intensity) in all
NMCs of the pectoralis major and the latissimus dorsi except
NMC L1, which had a significantly (P ⬍ 0.05) lower (12%)
activation than more inferior NMCs within the latissimus dorsi
(Table 2). The deltoid NMC D3 (with longest antagonist

Fig. 3. Raw sEMG waveforms derived from NMCs within the pectoralis
major (P), deltoid (D), and latissimus dorsi (L). The timing (ms) of each
muscle burst (ON, OFF) was determined in relation to the onset of
displacement (OnD) of the adduction movement. Duration (Dur) was the
difference between ON and OFF. Movement time (MT) was the difference
between the beginning (OnD) and end (PkD) of the GHJ adduction move-
ment. A typical triphasic EMG pattern showing a first antagonist burst
(Ag1), an antagonist burst (Ant), and a second agonist burst (Ag2) was
most obvious between the primary agonist (e.g., L6, P6) and primary
antagonist (e.g., D3) NMCs.

While ANOVA results detected few significant timing dif-

ferences between individual NMCs (Table 2), linear regression
analysis suggested a sequential activation (On) of inferior to
superior NMCs in both the pectoralis major (r2 ⫽ 0.94) and the
latissimus dorsi (r2 ⫽ 0.93). The sequence of NMC activation
in the latissimus dorsi extended into the posterior-medial mus-
Fig. 4. Measures of angular displacement, angular velocity, and angular
cle fibers (NMC D7) of the deltoid (Fig. 6). Within the acceleration from 1 trial. The timing of each NMC (ON and OFF) was
latissimus dorsi NMC onset times (On) were highly correlated compared with the onset of displacement (OnD), peak displacement (PkD),
to moment arm length (r2 ⫽ 0.82), while in the pectoralis peak velocity (PkV), and peak acceleration (PkA) in each trial.

J Neurophysiol • doi:10.1152/jn.00049.2011 •


and the time between peak NMC intensity (Pk) and PkV (r2 ⫽
0.42), PkA (r2 ⫽ 0.50), and PkDc (r2 ⫽ 0.38).


Overview of Aims
The first aim of the present study was to utilize a multichan-
nel sEMG technique to locate individual NMCs by detecting
heterogeneous sEMG activity across the surface of three su-
perficial muscles controlling movements of the GHJ. The
second aim of the study was to determine the function of each
identified NMC by correlating its timing and intensity of
activation to movement variables such as NMC moment arm
length and the timing of the movement’s peak displacement,
peak velocity, peak acceleration, and peak deceleration.

Use of Ballistic GHJ Movements

The ballistic (MT ⬍400 ms) GHJ adduction movement used
here to stress the GHJ muscle NMCs into robust activity was
utilized since it produced a complex series of agonist (Ag1)-
antagonist (Ant)-agonist (Ag2) muscle activations (Angel

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1977, 1981; Berardelli et al. 1984; Cheron et al. 2007; Gottlieb
et al. 1989), from which it was expected that heterogeneity in
the timing and intensity of individual NMCs might be detected.
This unique sequence of muscle activity, termed the “triphasic
EMG pattern” (MacKinnon and Rothwell 2000), is well estab-
lished across the joint as movement time decreases below 400
ms (Brown and Gilleard 1991). It was assumed that the
complexity of the ballistic movement studied here would
require each NMC to adopt a functional role consistent with its
unique moment arm—a functional role supported by a unique
pattern of motoneuron activation.
Table 1. Activation, time of peak intensity, and duration
of sEMG activity within each NMC

On Pk Dur
Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD
Fig. 5. Timing of NMC myoelectric activity in the pectoralis major (P), deltoid
(D), and latissimus dorsi (L). Vertical dotted lines indicate the onset (0 ms) and P6 ⫺118 20 ⫺10 27 185 33
end (354 ms) of the GHJ adduction movement as measured by an electrogo- P5 ⫺116 22 ⫺26 20 176 35
niometer. Heavy lines between diamonds indicate Ag1; light unbroken arrows P4 ⫺104 21 ⫺18 23 161 32
indicate Ag2; dotted lines between diamonds indicate Ant; triangles indicate P3 ⫺96 20 ⫺17 15 150 38
peak of myoelectric activity in that NMC. Ag2 activity was highly variable and P2 ⫺87‡ 17 2 34 163 62
is only shown if present in ⬎50% of trials examined. Group mean data from P1 ⫺88‡ 14 15 31 178 49
16 subjects are shown. D1 ⫺23*‡ 84 103‡ 51 205* 113
D3 40*‡ 27 114‡ 23 177* 41
moment arm) had a significantly (P ⬍ 0.05) higher intensity of D5 ⫺21*‡ 51 103‡ 62 277*‡ 85
activation (46%) compared with NMCs D1, P1, and P6. D7 ⫺86‡ 32 135‡ 108 390‡ 160
L1 ⫺108 23 67 80 257 80
Within the deltoid, the intensity of NMC activation (as % of L2 ⫺107 18 25 58 216 50
total muscle intensity) was moderately correlated to moment L3 ⫺120 17 5 71 215 80
arm (r2 ⫽ 0.62) although not related to the time between peak L5 ⫺130 18 ⫺6 82 193 27
NMC intensity (Pk) and PkV (r2 ⫽ 0.17), PkA (r2 ⫽ 0.15), or L6 ⫺135 27 19 94 201 50
PkDc (r2 ⫽ 0.16). In the agonist pectoralis major, the intensity
Values (in ms) are means and SD of group mean data from 16 subjects for
of NMC activation was not related to moment arm (r2 ⫽ 0.16), activation (On), time of peak intensity (Pk), and duration (Dur) of surface
although stronger relationships existed between moment arm electromyographic (sEMG) activity within each neuromuscular compartment
and the time between peak NMC intensity (Pk) and PkV (r2 ⫽ [NMC; pectoralis major (P), deltoid (D), and latissimus dorsi (L)]. For both On
0.71), PkA (r2 ⫽ 0.79), and PkDc (r2 ⫽ 0.71). Finally, the and Pk, values represent time either before (negative values) or after (positive
values) the movement onset, with duration representing the length of the first
intensity of NMC activation within the agonist latissimus dorsi EMG burst. Within-muscle analysis significant difference (P ⬍ 0.05): *to
muscle was not related to moment arm length (r2 ⫽ 0.22), NMC D7. Between-muscle analysis significant difference (P ⬍ 0.05): ‡to
while only weak relationships existed between moment arm NMC L6. Average movement time approximated 354 ms.

J Neurophysiol • doi:10.1152/jn.00049.2011 •


Table 2. NMC intensity time between peak intensity and the three kinematic variables of peak velocity, peak acceleration, and peak

NMC Intensity, %total Peak Intensity to Peak Peak Intensity to Peak Peak Intensity to Peak
muscle intensity Velocity, ms Acceleration, ms Deceleration, ms
Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD

P6 13‡ 6 ⫺101 29 ⫺8 26 ⫺203 33

P5 16 6 ⫺120 25 ⫺19 20 ⫺222 31
P4 20 4 ⫺112 22 ⫺12 21 ⫺214 26
P3 22 10 ⫺113 13 ⫺13 14 ⫺215 17
P2 16 6 ⫺92 32 9 35 ⫺195 31
P1 13‡ 6 ⫺79 31 20 28 ⫺181 35
D1 8*‡ 7 8‡ 49 108‡ 47 ⫺94‡ 52
D3 46*‡ 8 18‡ 16 119‡ 22 ⫺84‡ 12
D5 25 9 18‡ 40 119‡ 42 ⫺84‡ 40
D7 22 5 38‡ 102 139‡ 106 ⫺64‡ 98
L1 12† 6 ⫺25 79 75†‡ 77 ⫺127 80
L2 16 5 ⫺53 83 47 79 ⫺155 87
L3 26 11 ⫺79 77 21 77 ⫺182 76
L5 22 7 ⫺99 83 1 82 ⫺202 85
L6 24 6 ⫺76 97 17 93 ⫺178 103

Values are means and SD of group mean data from 16 subjects for NMC intensity (as % of total muscle intensity for each of the 3 muscles) and the time
between peak intensity (Pk) and the 3 kinematic variables of peak velocity, peak acceleration, and peak deceleration. Note that a negative value signifies that
the segment’s peak intensity occurred before the kinematic variable (peak velocity, peak acceleration, or peak deceleration) and a positive value indicates that

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the segment’s peak intensity occurred after the kinematic variable. Within-muscle analysis significant difference (P ⬍ 0.05): *to NMC D7, †to NMC L6.
Between-muscle analysis significant difference (P ⬍ 0.05): ‡to NMC L6. Average movement time approximated 354 ms.

Identification of Individual NMCs NMC onset times also appeared to reflect the magnitude and
direction of their antagonist moment arms. Together, these data
Evidence was found that individual NMCs were present, in suggest heterogeneous sEMG activity across all three investi-
a parallel spatial arrangement, across the breadth of the three gated muscles consistent with the presence of individual NMCs
muscles investigated based upon the presence of heterogeneous (Staudenmann et al. 2009).
sEMG (Table 2). Of most importance were the results of the
linear regression analysis, which indicated that the onset (On) Function of Individual Muscles
of NMC activation was highly coordinated. As seen in Fig. 6,
a strong relationship existed between the onset (On) of NMCs, The data suggested that each GHJ muscle had a unique role
in producing the ballistic shoulder adduction movement. The
in both the pectoralis major (r2 ⫽ 0.94) and the latissimus dorsi
(r2 ⫽ 0.93), and their anatomical position on the thorax. As strong correlation (r2 ⫽ 0.84) between agonist muscle moment
arm length and NMC onset time in the latissimus dorsi com-
shown by the regression analyses the ballistic adduction GHJ
bined with early NMC activation (Table 1), and a lack of a
movement was initiated by two synchronous waves of mo-
relationship between its timing and intensity and PkV, PkA, or
toneuron activation, both anterior and posterior, that com-
PkDc, suggested that its primary role was to strongly initiate
menced at the lower NMCs of P6 and L6 and then proceeded
the movement. In contrast, the pectoralis major, with its
to the upper NMCs of P1 and L1. Furthermore, the posterior
slightly later onsets (Table 1) and stronger temporal relation-
wave of activation then continued onto the antagonist deltoid
ships with PkV, PkA, and PkDc, appeared better suited to
muscle (D7), which seemingly acted more like a seventh NMC
contribute to the control of the adduction movement after its
of the latissimus dorsi. The caudal initiation of the movement
initiation. In contrast, most of the deltoid muscle, with its
in both muscles coincides with the more “optimal” lines of
antagonist moment arms (except NMC D7), acted to decelerate
action apparent in the lower segments of both these agonist
the upper limb at the target angle.
muscles (Wickham et al. 2004b). Specifically, NMCs P6 and
L6 have the most vertically oriented lines of action, compared
Function of Individual NMCs
with the abducted humerus, and would be well suited to
effectively adduct (rotate) the humerus, with less translation Prime movers. It has been shown, both within single muscles
(stabilization) typical of the more horizontal upper fibers, at (Wickham and Brown 1998) and across a muscle group
movement initiation. In support of this assumption were the (Brown et al. 2007), that individual NMCs may be classified
results of Brown et al. (2007), which showed that at 20° of according to their function during a motor task. Prime mover
shoulder abduction, performing a similar adduction task, NMC NMCs have been shown to have agonist moment arms and
L3 was now the first to be activated. The early involvement of early activations to initiate and drive the motor task (Brown et
NMC L3, and not NMC L6, can also be explained by a more al. 2007; Wickham and Brown 1998) and, from the results of
efficient rotatory component to its moment arm at this partic- this study (Table 3), to have a relatively high contribution to
ular position of shoulder abduction. the development of the adductor force impulse at the shoulder.
In regard to the NMCs of the deltoid muscle, significant This assertion is consistent with the findings of other authors
(P ⬍ 0.05) differences in onsets (On) were much more appar- who have reported that the first “peak” of muscle activation
ent than those seen within the two agonist muscles. These was always within motor units close to the optimal line of
J Neurophysiol • doi:10.1152/jn.00049.2011 •

Further observations revealed that the prime mover seg-

ments (L1 to L6, P3 to P6) all reached their maximal myo-
electric activity at about the time the upper limb commenced
the adduction movement (OnD) and well before peak move-
ment velocity (PkV), a result in agreement with other authors’
findings (Brown and Cooke 1990). Therefore, these segments
were capable of both initiating the motor task and then con-
tributing to achieving the target movement angle (50° of
In contrast, the duration (Dur) of NMC activation and the
relative intensity of that activation showed little variability
between the agonist segments. What was apparent from these
data was the remarkable consistency in the length of activation
(Dur), and the intensity of activation, once the NMC had been
called into action by the CNS. This was not a surprising result
given that there is a linear relationship between the duration of
Ag1 (first burst of the prime mover) and the duration of the
acceleratory phase of the movement (Cooke and Brown 1994).
Furthermore, it was also apparent that rapid movements are
controlled by periods of NMC activity that are shorter than the
duration of the movement (MT) itself, a finding consistent with
results from previous investigations of ballistic motor tasks
(Angel 1977, 1981; Gottlieb et al. 1989).

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Synergists. Those agonist muscle segments with smaller
agonist moment arms and/or lower relative contributions to the
generation of the adductor moment at the GHJ and activated
after the prime mover segments were termed “synergists”
(Wickham and Brown 1998). On the basis of our data it was
apparent that synergist NMCs were capable of both helping to
drive and guide the shoulder joint to the target movement
NMCs P1 and P2 (clavicular head), as well as NMC D7,
were assessed as having an agonist function for this motor task.
With moment arms for adduction (Table 3), their “synergist”
Fig. 6. Onset (ON) of latissimus dorsi (L), deltoid (D), and pectoralis major (P) status was confirmed by their significantly (P ⬍ 0.05) later
NMCs during the ballistic shoulder adduction task. Note the synchronized (about ⫺86 ms before movement onset) activation compared
waves of agonist NMC activation (arrows) sweeping superiorly from the with the prime mover segments.
inferior L6 and P6 NMCs toward and even into the deltoid (D7) (note the high
R2 values). The late onset of D3, after movement initiation (0 ms), along with Although both shared a synergist function during the adduc-
its large abduction moment arm (43 mm), suggests a primary antagonist role tion motor task, in many ways the activities of NMCs D7 and
for this NMC. P1/P2 were dissimilar. Although having similar activation
times (⬃86 ms before movement onset), D7 was shown to
action (for the movement) within the muscle (Flanders and have a significantly (P ⬍ 0.05) longer period of activation
Soechting 1990). (Dur), a later peak (Pk) of myoelectric activity compared with
In this experiment, all NMCs of the latissimus dorsi (L1 to movement onset (OnD), PkV, and PkA. Although NMC D7
L6) (Paton and Brown 1995), as well as those within the sternal had an agonist moment arm for GHJ adduction (Wickham and
head of the pectoralis major (P3 to P6) (Paton and Brown Brown 1998), it was small (⬃8 mm) compared with the other
agonist segments. Similarly, NMC D7’s line of action was
1994), were activated together and significantly (P ⬍ 0.05)
close to the neutral axis between adduction and abduction,
earlier than the other segments investigated. What functional
suggesting a greater joint stabilization, rather than joint rota-
conclusions may be drawn from this finding? Reference to our tion, function. These factors may explain why the activation of
own segmental moment arm data for the end position of the NMC D7 was, in part, more closely associated with the
adduction movement (Table 3) shows that all NMCs within antagonist NMCs (D1, D3, D5) of the deltoid than the synergist
both the latissimus dorsi and the pectoralis major were shoul- NMCs within the pectoralis major. Clearly, the CNS has
der adductors. This finding was in agreement with classical considerable flexibility to vary the activation of synergist
descriptions (Standring 2008) of whole muscle function and muscle segments, wherever they occur across the joint, to best
our own observations of each NMC’s line of action. With their meet the demands of the motor task.
collective times of activation being generally more than 100 ms Antagonists. From their significantly (P ⬍ 0.05) later times
before the adduction movement commenced, more than one of activation and their antagonist moment arms (Fig. 6; Table
electromechanical delay period (Gabriel and Boucher 1998; 3), it is possible to conclude that deltoid NMCs D1, D3, and D5
Vos et al. 1991), these NMCs could be confirmed as the “prime were all antagonist muscle segments. These NMCs provided an
movers” for this motor task. important braking force to help the limb reach its final target
J Neurophysiol • doi:10.1152/jn.00049.2011 •

Table 3. Architectural measures and moment arm data gathered from one cadaver for each NMC of pectoralis major, deltoid, and
latissimus dorsi as determined from cadaveric dissection

MA at 50°
Abduction, mm
ADD ABD Volume, cm3 Muscle Length, cm CSA, cm2 Proportion Total Muscle CSA, % CSA Adjusted, cm2 Force, N

P6 44.3 26.6 20.3 1.3 11.0 1.7 49.4

P5 41.7 35.5 19.2 1.8 15.6 2.3 69.8
P4 45.3 33.9 19.4 1.7 14.7 2.2 65.8
P3 37.1 27.3 17.5 1.6 13.2 2.0 59.1
P2 31.5 50.8 17.1 3.0 25.1 3.8 112.6
P1 13.5 36.3 14.9 2.4 20.5 3.1 91.9
D1 6.2 55.3 15.6 3.5 15.2 4.2 126.1
D2 31.6 47.5 14.6 3.3 14.0 3.9 115.8
D3 42.6 62.1 12.4 5.0 21.5 6.0 178.6
D4 37.4 59.3 14.0 4.2 18.2 5.0 151.2
D5 27.0 42.6 12.1 3.5 15.1 4.2 125.6
D6 14.9 18.9 11.0 1.7 7.4 2.0 61.4
D7 4.4 26.7 13.4 2.0 8.5 2.4 71.0
L1 66.1 23.9 19.2 1.2 13.2 1.2 36.6
L2 65.8 42.9 23.1 1.9 19.7 1.8 54.6
L3 66.1 41.5 23.9 1.7 18.3 1.7 50.7
L4 60.1 44.4 25.6 1.7 18.3 1.7 50.7
L5 59.0 47.3 28.3 1.7 17.7 1.6 49.1
L6 57.8 26.7 22.1 1.2 12.7 1.2 35.2

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Values are architectural measures and moment arm data gathered from 1 cadaver for each NMC of pectoralis major (P), deltoid (D), and latissimus dorsi (L)
as determined from cadaveric dissection. The proportion of total muscle CSA% refers to cross-sectional area (CSA) with the NMC now expressed as a % of the
total muscle mass for that muscle. Adjusted CSA has been obtained by dividing a representative figure (multiple cadavers used) for the particular muscle by the
% of total muscle mass obtained in this study, with the size of the cadaver used in this study approximating values obtained by other authors (Veeger et al. 1991).
The force data were obtained by multiplying the adjusted CSA (cm2) by a constant (30 N) (Enoka 1994). Moment arm (MA) data, as derived from Wickham
et al. (2004b), determined the length (mm) of the NMC abduction (ABD) or adduction (ADD) moment arm at 50° of shoulder abduction in the coronal plane.

position (Berardelli et al. 1996; Brown and Cooke 1990; Roles in accessory movements. It is also interesting to
MacKinnon and Rothwell 2000). However, the significant speculate upon the role of the individual NMCs in controlling
(P ⬍ 0.05) difference in onset times between NMCs D1 and the small accessory movements (e.g., gliding, translations) that
D5, as opposed to NMC D3, suggested a contrast in function. occur whenever the shoulder joint rotates. For example, shoul-
It is clear that NMC D3 played the “primary antagonist” role der abduction and adduction are accompanied by lateral and
(Wickham et al. 2004a) in that its late activation and large medial humeral rotations that in part help to minimize com-
antagonist moment arm provided the major braking force for pression under the coracohumeral ligament (Yanai et al. 2006).
the movement, the true “Ant” component of the triphasic EMG On the basis of their moment arms, NMCs D4 –D7 (lateral
pattern (MacKinnon and Rothwell 2000). Its lower standard rotators) and D1, D2, and those within the latissimus dorsi and
deviations (Table 1) also indicate a more defined role with less pectoralis major (medial rotators) appear well suited to assist in
flexibility in timing, compared with other antagonist segments, these complementary motions. Likewise, the posterior glide of
if it is to play this important role. Differences in reciprocal the humeral head during shoulder extension/lateral rotation
innervation among the antagonist NMCs of the deltoid suggest would be promoted by NMCs D4 –D6, which all combine
that certain NMCs of the antagonist deltoid (ones with optimal moment arms for shoulder extension with the capacity to draw
lines of action and large moment arms) may receive “stronger” the humerus posteriorly. It seems probable that the presence of
neural inhibition that delayed the onset of the primary antag- independent NMCs, within shoulder muscles like the deltoid,
onist NMC of D3 (Wickham et al. 2004a). The smaller antag- each with unique moment arms, provide the necessary motive
onist moment arms, and earlier onsets for NMCs D1 and D5 drive to accomplish both the pure and accessory motions of the
(Table 1), indicated a “secondary antagonist” role to help guide shoulder joint.
the limb during the adduction motion. In this way, NMCs D1 Clearly, our results show that NMCs within three super-
and D5 appeared to be working as “synergistic antagonists” to ficial shoulder joint muscles may be functionally classified
help D3 control the adduction motor task. as prime mover, synergist, primary antagonist, and second-
In contrast to onset time (On), the antagonist NMCs ary antagonist segments on the basis of their timing of
within the deltoid (D1, D3, D5) all reached maximal activity activation, moment arms, and relative contribution to the
(Pk) significantly (P ⬍ 0.05) later, or ⬎100 ms after move- production of joint torque around the joint. It was apparent
ment onset, and within one electromechanical delay period that the “function” of each muscle NMC determined its
of peak movement deceleration. This finding was consistent “pattern” of activation and that each NMC’s function was
with other results (Karst and Hasan 1987; MacKinnon and determined by its moment arm, its spatial location on the
Rothwell 2000) that have suggested that the antagonist trunk and shoulder girdle, and its ability to contribute to, or
(Ant) muscle burst is always activated after the initial ago- resist, the adductor force moment around the shoulder joint.
nist (Ag1). The results of this study suggest that the CNS controls
J Neurophysiol • doi:10.1152/jn.00049.2011 •

individual NMCs, rather than whole muscles. Whether that Our findings are important in that they show, for the first
level of fine control is present in all human skeletal muscles time, how the CNS controls multiple NMCs within a group of
and how that level of fine muscle control is controlled (e.g., GHJ muscles, how they are temporally activated, and how their
through the intensity and spatial distribution of local muscle intensity of activation is modulated in relation to their moment
spindle populations) are questions that remain unanswered arms and consequent functional role in the movement.
at this time.
The authors thank Prof. Brian Key for thoughtful suggestions regarding the
Several limitations in the experimental design need to be manuscript. The authors also thank Monty Brown and Annette Wickham for
recognized and discussed. First, our analysis of NMC function assistance with preparation of the illustrations.
relied upon moment arm data that were available only for the
final position of the shoulder (50° of abduction) (Wickham et DISCLOSURES
al. 2004b) because of technical difficulties related to joint No conflicts of interest, financial or otherwise, are declared by the author(s).
integrity at higher angles of shoulder abduction.
We do not believe that this limitation would influence the
primary outcomes detailed here as, on the basis of previous
work at 20° and 50° of shoulder abduction (Wickham 2002), Author contributions: J.B.W. and M.J.B. conception and design of research;
J.B.W. performed experiments; J.B.W. analyzed data; J.B.W. and M.J.B.
only moment arm length, rather than direction, changes at interpreted results of experiments; J.B.W. prepared figures; J.B.W. and M.J.B.
greater angles of shoulder elevation. drafted manuscript; J.B.W. and M.J.B. edited and revised manuscript; J.B.W.
Second, while the utilization of a ballistic task was generally and M.J.B. approved final version of manuscript.
advantageous, the compressed nature of the subsequent NMC
sEMG waveforms produces dynamic movements shorter than REFERENCES

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