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PTC is a policy recommending body to the medical staff and _____ of the hospital on matters related

to drug use. AOTA

 It should be all of the above since pharmacy department, staff and pharmacist are part of the
pharmacy department.

Has been defined as a review on the process of prescribing, dispensing, administering and ingesting of
prescription of drugs AOTA

 Drug Utilization Review, Drug Use Review, Medicine use Review are all the same

Has been designated to serve as nutritional infusions providing essential amino acids, COH, and
electrolytes for patients incapable of ingesting, digesting or absorbing food substances b and c

 Total Parenteral Solution and Total Parenteral Nutrition is the correct answer because it serve as
nutritional infusions providing essential amino acids, COH, and electrolytes.

The PTC should develop a list of supplies and drugs which ought to be in a _________.Emergency cart 

 Emergency cart is the one to be put in the list of supplies and drugs which PTC should develop.

Match the following Policy on In-patient Prescribing. Aminophylline- STAT orders

 Aminophylline is a stat order because it is reserved for the highest priority orders and life-
threatening situations that need to be dealt with immediately or within a limited time frame.

A low turnover indicates: AOTA

 A low turnover is a Dead inventory, Large purchases of slow moving items, and Duplication of

When medications are dispensed to inpatients at the same time of their discharge, labels must
include: I, II and IV only

 It should be Full name, Name of the drug, strength and amount dispensed, and Name of the
prescribing practitioner.

A hospital pharmacy that services patients who have left the hospital or who are visiting doctors in a
hospital out-patient clinic a and d

 It should be both, Ambulatory pharmacy and Outpatient pharmacy.

A single dose package can be defined as a: package containing exact dose of drugs to be administered
to a patient at a specific time

 A single dose is a package containing exact dose of the drug

The type of DDS for government hospital b. Floor Stock

 Floor stock should be the right answer to the DDS for government hospital.

Advantage/s of the floor stock system of drug distribution. minimized return of medication

 Minimized return of medication is the advantage of the floor stock system of drug distribution.

Which of the following is/are advantage/s of unit dose dispensing system? I, II and III

 Less drug losses due to waste and pilferage, greater accuracy in inventory control, cost
accounting and charging and improved ability of the hospital to attract & retain highly qualified
and motivated pharmacy personnel.

Refers to a drug distribution system wherein all drugs are retained in the pharmacy until the order is
received, & then a multiple dose supply is dispensed to the nursing unit labeled for use by a specific
patient: patient prescription system

 patient prescription system is the drug distribution system wherein all drugs are retained in the
pharmacy until the order is received

Which of the following are considered as drug distribution control information necessary to ensure
that a unit dose package is delivered as ordered to the right patient, at the right date and right
time?   I, III and IV only 

 Description of the unit dose ordered, Identification and location of the patient, and Time and
date of administration is the correct answer.

It is a multi drawer wheeled cabinet with the essential medication and tools that required in
emergency situations. AOTA

 Code cart, Crash cart, and Emergency cart are multi drawer wheeled cabinet with the essential
medication and tools that required in emergency situations.

Emergency Drug for sedation and seizures. Midazolam  

 For patient who undergo sedation and seizures we give Midazolam

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