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Part 1

The book 'Manufacturing Consent' was written by Edward S. Herman and Noam Chomsky in
1988. They analyzed American media in that book. They clarified that large multinationals
dominate the mass media so that they are not impartial. They have said in their book the media
manipulation because they are bound to do so for mighty people or businesses. In Bangladesh,
the propaganda model of Edward S. Herman and Noam Chomsky functions equally for both
traditional media. We may assume that all of the old media filters in Bangladesh are government-
controlled, but in new media, all filters are not working like old media. The government of
Bangladesh still monitors its newspapers, television channels, and other outlets. They will also
ban anything if they find criminal activity from outlets. It is also very hard to express to the
government because they can ruin the property anytime. We have seen several decisions by our
government in recent years. For new media, certain plugins are not available. Anything now is
very widespread and users can get material online or through television channels. The
propaganda model also operates in digital media. The digital media are classified as Facebook,
Internet, online news site, Youtube, TV, news, radio, news. These media are very interesting and
widespread for all now. This media is connected to all people around the world and they can
gather knowledge from this source. Such networks are not autonomous. So it can be said that
Edward S. Herman and Noam Chomsky’s propaganda model works similarly for both the
traditional and new media in Bangladesh.

Distinguish between actor-network theory and network theory innovation growth. The performer
system theory considers both specialized and social determinism; for example, it does not rule
out the idea that creativity forms or are shaped by the public at large. Actors working with ANT
include both people and non-people, who are treated in the same way. Distinguishing between
both the two is difficult because it's impossible to say who took on the most important role. The
entertainers involved are the Pertinent Social Gathering, which consists of people who share a
passion for sculpting mechanical ancient rarities. Performers in ANT should maintain a high
level of performance at all times to ensure that the company runs smoothly.

Part 2

Yes, I do agree with the writer’s argument in the given article. Critical discourse research
expands on linguistic and psychosocial methods by examining evidence from a critical
perspective. These reviews not only look at the discourse – the social ‘plot' at play in the
investigation – but also why the specific individual is telling that particular story. Critical
discourse analysis investigates the dominant and minority debates available in society, as well as
opposition and misuse of discourses by various social actors (Williamson, 2018). Discourse
analysis, in doing so, not only reveals something essential about the social sphere, but also plays
an important ethical and political role in demonstrating how the social world is abstractly
comprised: it shows how things came to be as they are, that they may be different, and therefore
that they can be modified.

Text in CDA theory

Within CDA theory, there is significant variance in how the word 'text' is defined in regards to
what is fully integrated omitted as a textual element within the debate. On the one hand, Van
Dijk (1997a, 1997b, 1999, 2001), who serves as publisher of 2 significant discursive journals,
offers one of the most restrictive definitions of text. The variance within CDA theory about the
concept of text varies from an exclusivist view of the text as written language to a more
expansive view of the text as theoretically something produced by humans to express meaning.
As a result, the emphasis and method of study in any piece of CDA analysis can vary based on
the text's meaning. Each description introduces a unique set of analytical difficulties for the
researcher, depending on the project of study, which may be music, a news story, a painting, a
discussion, a television show, or an interrogation. In the article, we can see that the author
Abdullah Shibli was trying to understand the objective of the title which is written as “What we
need to know about artificial intelligence and privacy rights” (Kerry, 2020). By this article, he
analyzed the importance of our privacy rights including the significance of AI in our life. His
context was also telling us about how to keep safe our privacy in this modern era as everything is
now online based.

Context in CDA theory

Context is probably a sub-theoretical field of the CDA. However, to some degree, the presumed
extent of the lacuna relies on how meaning is defined. However, the most common subject
within the CDA in background studies has been the "real universe," where Norman Fairclough
was the most prominent theorist. The three-dimensional vision of rhetoric of Fairclough (1992, p.
72) set together with the «three methodological traditions» of language study. The context of this
broadly followed model in discourse processes, including texts and social practices, such as the
creation, dissemination, and representation of texts and ideologies. Here we can see that the
article context helps us to understand the context or the close relationship between AI and
privacy rights by the details of the article. The context showed us how Ai is affecting our privacy
and how can we solve it. In the context of a debate on the privacy of the AI system, the
discussion frequently reveals the weakness and inability of the AI system such as predictive
policing in the sense of the lack of experimentation by Amazon with an algorithm that replicates
the overwhelmingly male labor force that is present at the business. These both pose major
problems, but privacy law is sufficiently complex even though it does not address all the
sociopolitical concerns resulting from the use of data. The data concerns endemic of all AI's data,
such as false-positive or bad impacts, overfit or trends, and those unique to personal data usage
must be differentiated to determine the impact of AI on privacy.

CDA in interaction
Interaction Analysis is based on the need and the wish to examine the teaching and learning
process in terms of the behavior and responses of people and their socio-cultural background.
However, it may be problematic to rely solely on quantitative methods as they mask more than
the complications of the relationship between classrooms. Moving from this quantitative
standard, this research explores the discourse analysis (CDA) method, which builds on discourse
principles of poststructuralism and postcolonialism, to explore and interpret classroom feedback
and interactivity about power and domination. In addition, the study examines the processes of
discourse analysis (Leitch, 2010). This ethnological research sought to use CDA to explore gaps
in the rhetoric of men and women in the context of EFL as a medium for analytical reflection. In
this case, the article is iterating with the viewer through the message and awareness of how Ai is
good for us as well as bad too. It is showing that Ai is systematically ruining our privacy by our

unconcerned mind. It interacts with us by how we harness the power of AI and manage its
negative influence.

Kerry, C. F. (2020, February 10). Protecting privacy in an AI-driven world. Brookings.

Leitch, S. (2010, September 1). Analyzing Texts in Context: Current Practices and New

Protocols for Critical Discourse Analysis in Organization Studies. Wiley Online Library.

Williamson, K. (2018). Critical Discourse Analysis - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics.

Science Direct.


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