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In this case, I think explanatory and qualitative research would be the best type of research
approach. Explanatory research is similar to exploration or detective work that is motivated by
pure interest. Researchers should rely on their instincts to uncover clues and explore new areas in
search of information. Flexibility is critical in exploratory research, and it is certain to result in
the generation of novel ideas, revelations, and insights. In this case, by this research, the
researcher can find some exact problems and solutions of Exclusive Footwear Ltd. It can help to
find out why exactly EPS has declined. Also, it will help to find out the problems related with
sales and financial issue of Exclusive Footwear Ltd. So explanatory research would be
appropriate for the researcher in this case. Another approach that will be suitable is the
Qualitative approach. The quantitative research process entails the collection and analysis of
numerical data. It is useful for identifying patterns and averages, making predictions, examining
causal relationships, and generalizing results to larger populations. Quantitative methods place a
premium on objective measurements and the statistical, mathematical, or numerical analysis of
data gathered via polls, questionnaires, and surveys, or by manipulating pre-existing statistical
data using computational techniques. Quantitative research is concerned with the collection of
numerical data and its generalization across groups of people or with the explanation of a
specific phenomenon. In this case, the researcher can use the quantitative research method to find
out exactly why the profit is declining. Also, this approach can be used for finding why the cost
of the raw materials is taking too much money. By proper surveys and questionnaires, this
method can be useful for the researcher to find out the issues. Therefore, as we have seen in the
given case study the most suitable research is Exploratory and quantitative due to the reason that
we will find out why our product sale is declining and how can we improve the same.

Independent Variable:
The attributes that we believe forecast the results of the interest are independent variables. In this
case how much the customers want a variety of Products in Exclusive Footwear Ltd. is an
independent variable. Besides that, how much the cost of capital has increased in the market and
also how much the firm is paying off its large amount of debt in the past few years are
independent variables. The independent variables in the case study are the pandemic, the
customer's inventory selection, and the customer's appetite for a range of goods.

Dependent variable:
The dependent variable to be evaluated and quantify is based on the independent variable. The
variable is calculated in a test. In this case, what kind of issue Exclusive Footwear is facing
because paying off the larger amount of debt is a dependent variable. Also, what kind of variety
the customer wants in Exclusive Footwear Ltd is also a dependent variable. A variable that
moderate is a variable that increases or decreases the relationship between the independent
variables and dependent ones is moderating variable. In this case. In a sentence sale, production,
EPS, etc. are the independent variable in this case.

Conceptual Model: A conceptual model is a description of a structure composed of ideas that

are used to assist people in learning about, comprehending, or simulating the topic the model
represents. Additionally, it is a set of definitions. In this case, we have to depend on the
Independent and dependent models to explain the conceptual model. Raw material costs are
increasing and due to that smaller businesses are winding up their business and tough
competition increase in the market. So, it can be seen that hiking the price of Raw material cause
this to Exclusive Footwear Ltd. Also, another framework can be that Because of the increasing
cost of capital the amount of debt has increased too. Due to that profit is declining and the raw
material is costing much too and Exclusive Footwear is performing less.

Hypothesis: Increase in Capital led to an increase in more debt, less profit, and less

The rules for assigning marks to variable properties are the most critical aspect of measurement
since weak rules result in nonsensical outcomes. Since concepts, such as "knowledge," are often
impossible to quantify explicitly, what is often evaluated are measures of constructs, such as
distance, reasoning, verbal ability, and so on. We can monitor the number of units previously
requested and the number by which they were rejected, the range of products desired by
consumers, and so on. Data need not be inherently numeric to be useful in analysis.

The concept "project restriction" refers to the constraints and risks inherent in a given
undertaking. Each project will face unique restrictions, which will eventually determine its
success or failure. The most significant project limitations that would need to be addressed in this
project are time and expense constraints. The cost (or budget) of an activity is simply the amount
of money that can be invested in order to achieve the desired result. The efficiency restriction is
concerned with the deliverable or product's characteristics. In general, the project's quality would
be determined by how well the result meets the standards established during the planning stages.
Customer satisfaction is another constraint to consider. When considering customer satisfaction
as a constraint, project managers must remember that merely completing a project on schedule,
under budget, and within reach does not guarantee customer satisfaction. In certain instances, I
do not have a proper "customer," but I would always need to meet the customer's needs. Finally,
project managers should take into account the availability of tools, both physical and human.
This restriction is generally synonymous with expense since the amount of money allocated to a
project dictates the degree of expertise and availability of services.

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