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I - Multiple Choice

Directions: Encircle the letter of the best answer.

1. Latitude and longitude are measured in ______.
A. inches B. degrees C. feet D. grams
2. These are lines that run east to west but measure north to south
A. latitude B. longitude C. tropics D. poles
3. Are lines that run North to South but measure east to west.
A. latitude B. longitude C. tropics D. poles
4. There are imaginary lines that measure the distance from the equator
A. longitude B. latitude C. meridians D. International Date Line
5. What body of water is located in the Southern Part of the Philippines?
A. Celebes Sea B. South China Sea C. Bashi Channel D. Pacific Ocean
6. What is the imaginary line dividing the earth into Northern and Southern Hemispheres?
A. equator B. Tropic of Cancer C. Tropic of Capricorn D. meridian
7. What is 900N latitude?
A. Antarctica B. Madagascar C. North Pole D. South Pole
8. Another name for the line of latitude
A. meridian B. parallel C. Prime Meridian D. Equator
9. It is a line of longitude where the day would change when crossed.
A. Prime Meridian B. Equator C. Tropic of Cancer D. International Date Line
10. What body of water is found in the western part of the Philippines?
A. Celebes Sea B. South China Sea C. Bashi Channel D. Pacific Ocean
11. The Prime Meridian passes through what country?
A. America B. France C. England D. Canada
12. What zones on earth experience the four seasons?
A. Tropical Zone B. Temperate Zone C. Frigid Zone D. Polar Zone
13. Which is the correct order in giving the coordinates of a plane?
A. longitude, latitude B. latitude, longitude C. either way D. latitude, equator
14 . Which directions do meridians of longitude measure?
A. North and West B. South and East C. East and West D. North and South
15. Which of the following is NOT true about Prime Meridian?
A. It measures 0 degrees.
B. It separates the Earth into Eastern and Western Hemispheres
C. It is the main line of latitude.
D. It is the main line of longitude.

II – True or False
Directions: Write True if the statement is correct and False if the statement is incorrect. Suppose false
underline the word/s that is incorrect.
_______1. To locate exact places, one must look at latitude only.
_______2. The Prime Meridian is at 00 latitude.
_______3. The Philippines lies in the Tropic of Cancer.
_______4. The Tropical zones experience the four seasons.
________5. The South China Sea is in the eastern part of the Philippines.


Know me!
Determine the different degrees of the following significant lines.
1. Prime meridian ________ 3. International Date Line ______
2. Western Hemisphere ___________ 4. Eastern Hemisphere _______
5. North Pole ____________

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