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<license id="45956cd5d6a34600aaec32c577d3414e" licensee="Rocla Oyj"

type="ViewerLicense" version="5." issued="20070510" restriction="Open"
SPPohrk6dop7bHx8=" />

sure ,
you can past the license when you install the CSS viewer , when it ask for it , or
you can just cancel it when it ask , then follow this info
1- open CSS Parts Book Viewer after you install it
2- go to tools
3- configuration
4- license
5- there is a green + press it
6- copy all of the code inside license.txt and past it in the license code
5- press the green + again and copy the key from the key.txt and past it
6- now time to add the books to the library , go to tools again then configuration
7- libraries
8- press the green + and point your books where did you save it
9- done and enjoy

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