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The Ten Plagues Of Egypt

[German: Die zehn Plagen Ägyptens] [Hebrew: ‫[ ]עשר מכות מצרים‬Spanish: Las diez plagas de
Egipto] [Italian: Le dieci piaghe dell'Egitto] [French: Les dix fléaux de l'Egypte] [Greek: Οι δέκα
πληγές της Αιγύπτου] [Norwegian: De ti plager i Egypt] [Polish: Dziesięć plag Egiptu] [Swedish:
Egyptens tio plågor] [Latin: De decem plagis Aegypti]

(Roman Piso, 12-03-2000, updated 01-18-2018. Originally written in the 1980's)

The truth about the Ten Plagues Of Egypt during the time of Moses - is that they were inside jokes and
allusions to Egyptian gods, and NOT really actual plagues. They were actually deliberately invented

The underlying truth which this exposes is that the author/inventor of these plagues was well versed in
Egyptian gods and religion. Which also supports our contention that the founder of the Jewish religion
(that is, the original author of Genesis) was actually an Egyptian Pharaoh who was the founder of the
12th Dynasty. And the Jewish religion was well as the Christian religion were then developed upon
elements of the Egyptian religion, which was an Itho-phallic religion, or, secretly, "penis worship".

Thus, throughout, we find many sex-related themes - many of which were well hidden, while others are
more apparent or obvious than others. However, in this particular study or paper, we are primarily
concerned with the Egyptian element that exposes the truth about the ten plagues of Egypt as portrayed
in the Bible.

(1) The First Plague (Exodus 7:17-25), was that of the contamination of (the Nile) water with blood (or
the changing of water into blood. Sounds suspiciously similar to Jesus turning water into wine. Doesn't
it?). This is an obvious allusion to the Egyptian Nile gods, particularly the bull god of the Nile
(Apis/Hapi), and the Ram god Khnum, who was the guardian of the Nile. It also includes Nun,* the
god of water (and fish), and Isis, the goddess of the Nile.

And this plague also includes a reference to fish in the Nile (dying), which would then involve the
goddess of fish, Hatmehyt. Why should Egyptian gods be alluded to in a most secret way within the
'Jewish' book of Exodus? Because the author was teasing (or nudging) the knowledgeable reader (other
royals) about the true ancestry of the Jewish leaders (himself included) as actually being Egyptian in

(2) The Second Plague (Exodus 8:2-14), is the plague of frogs. As one who is personally experienced
with frogs, it is most interesting to see frogs referred to as a plague. Granted, they can be a nuisance. I
have actually experienced what one might refer to as a 'plague' of frogs as have many other people who
live or who have visited areas near reservoirs of water, where frogs are.

When it rains fairly heavy, this can bring out frogs in abundance - and those frogs, by the way, can get
to be rather large. But, the majority usually are small to medium in size, small enough to step on, if you
are trying to get from one place to another outdoors where they are numerous and everywhere on the
ground. A person cannot help feel bad when stepping on them, but in such a circumstance, it generally
cannot be helped.

And frogs are relatively harmless, even in large quantities. Also, frog's legs have long been used as a
food (eaten), even back into the most ancient times. But these stories are not supposed to make sense as
that would require some actual thinking on the part of the intended audience.

This plague is an obvious allusion to the Egyptian goddess Heqet, who was the goddess of birth
(childbirth). She had the head of a frog. To the person who is knowledgeable enough to recognize these
allusions, they appear as what today we might call puns or tongue-in-cheek jokes, but they were "inside
jokes" (known to the insiders, who were royalty, educated in Egyptian gods and religion). Because of
the fact that these plagues are being written of as if they were actually real - that is, so that some people
will believe them to be true, we should view them as deliberate, and purposeful fraud.

(3) The Third Plague (Exodus 8:17), was the plague of gnats (or 'lice' as some translators have it). They
are brought forth out of the dry dust or sand. Gnats are almost invisible (very small) flying insects that
bite like fleas.**

These are the favorite insects of ancient story-tellers who wished to paint a picture of someone who is
slapping at imaginary bugs who were biting them, as if the person were only imagining them - for
whatever reason. That is, as a probably source of humor, in some respects. So, this would be seen as an
allusion to the desert were the dryness and lack of water, at times, can cause people to see (and feel)
things that are not actually there (much like how religious belief itself, can make people imagine a God,
etc.). But in terms of the desert causing people to imagine things, we are speaking, of course, of a

And as this plague is desert related, it alludes to the Egyptian god Set, the god of the desert. One might
also note that there appear to be what are called "running jokes" or puns in the form of allusions to
gnats in Greek and Roman literature, and their mythology. By the way, this would also be an allusion to
Serket, the Egyptian scorpion goddess, who was the goddess of bites and stings.

It is like Exodus (or at least the part about plagues) was created, in part, to give us a type of finger-print
or confirmation of the author's origin - and thus, the origin of the original 'Jewish' authors of the early
biblical material. And once one knows that this would also include the early Jewish leaders as well, it
helps us to get a much clearer picture of what was actually going on with the creation of these biblical

(4) The Fourth Plague (Exodus 8:21-31), was the plague of flies. Again, this is another allusion. Here,
we find it as a disguised reference to the Egyptian god Uatchit, who appears in the form of a fly. In fact,
it appears that the "Lord of the Flies", one Bezzelbub is being referred to (alluded to) here.

That is, these ancient authors would take from earlier sources (such as the Egyptian religion) and cause,
within new creations, the rebirth of an older god into a new one with a different name. He, Bezzelbub,
appears to have his origin in this particular Egyptian god. It is most interesting to find this Egyptian
god (or any of the others here, for that matter), being alluded to in this book (Exodus) and then to later
see him 'reborn' again with a new name in the biblical texts.

Seeing examples of such things as this over and over again eliminates any uncertainty. These items
were indeed, intentional. These fantastic stories were not true events, but rather served their creators as
a means to allude to the truth of the matter (an Egyptian source) while at the same time misleading and
fooling the majority of people in order to get them to believe in the religion represented by these
biblical texts. In this instance, the story facilitates the author with a means in which to allude to (or
point to) the origin of the Jewish leadership as having descended from the Pharaohs themselves.
This is not, in actuality, the conflict that one may think it to be at first. That is, the story of the Jewish
people versus the Egyptian Pharaohs, and the then 'new religion' against the "old" Egyptian one. That
story was subterfuge. This story of a Jewish Exodus from Egypt was created with the help of the
Pharaohs themselves, as they were royal cousins of those Jewish leaders.***

To know what some of us now know about this, you would have to have seen this very same thing
demonstrated so many times to understand that this really was not a matter of various peoples or
nations as it was about royalty sharing the same commonality as royals. Even more important to them
than being leaders of particular nations, was the fact that they were royals with the same common (but
royal) ancestry. The true reason that the author of Exodus (and the rest of the Jewish leaders who were
writing biblical texts) knew so much about the Egyptians was because they had sprung from a branch
of them.

(5) The Fifth Plague (Exodus 9:3-7), was that of animal disease or pestilence. This plague alludes to the
Egyptian deities that would come to the rescue in such an instance. One of these was Apis or Hapi, the
bull god and another was Hathor, the goddess with a cow's head - they represented fertility and a
healthy replenishment (or abundance) of livestock.

By the way, the use of or mention of, a golden calf deity being worshiped in the biblical texts (Exodus
32:1-35, etc.) also appears as an allusion to Apis the Egyptian bull god and Hathor, his feminine
counter part, as a golden calf would be representative of the offspring of these two fertility deities. And
thus, another inside or hidden joke for the author's fellow royals to enjoy. Ancient royals had not TV or
radios, but what they did have was written material that they could read and understand on an entirely
different level than non-royals. This was a main form of ancient royal entertainment, in addition to its
other uses.

(6) The Sixth Plague (Exodus 9:9-11), was that of boils. Boils were the symptom of disease. The
Egyptian goddess who would come to the rescue here would be Isis, as the goddess of healing. This
plague also alludes to the Egyptian god of pestilence, Sunu. And, the Egyptian goddess, Sekhmet, who
possessed the power to heal disease. While creating all of this biblical material, the ancient royal
authors were making fools of non-royals so that they could become and remain ignorant and
superstitious; that way, the royals could more easily control and manipulate the populace.

(7) The Seventh Plague (Exodus 9:18-34), was the plague of hail (and thus, also of an angry sky god &
goddess). It then, even if though only through inference, would include thunder & lightning. But, why
hail? Why any of these plagues?

Because each afforded an opportunity to allude to (and therefore, 'honor' or acknowledge) these
Egyptian gods and goddesses, because in reality, each one represented a real-life ancestor. We have
been used to thinking of ancient gods and goddesses as just being "made up" out of thin air. And though
they are in fact, created fictional characters, they were at one point created and 'played by' real, royal
individuals. And it is the real-life people behind these characters which was really being honored,
referred to and acknowledged.

Just as the author of Genesis was the inventor of 'Adam' and played him in the story, and Arrius Piso
was the creator of the NT Jesus and played him in that story, so were all of these other past gods and
goddesses created in the same manner. 'Zeus' too, as a fictional god, was not a real god, yet, the royal
individual who created him and played him in the original ancient stories was a real person. And it was
those real-life royals who were really being secretly referred to under the guise of their divine alternate
identities. Ancient royalty used these gods and goddesses as a means of preserving their true identities
and as a means of eventually tracing back their own ancestry and place within this royal parade through
history. It is now up to us to find out just who the real people were behind the ancient god facade.

Again, remember that the person who was authoring Exodus was supposed to be a Jew. Yet, we find
this author continually (though semi-secretly) referring to the Egyptian gods and goddesses. The use of
this hail story is an opportunity to allude to the Egyptian sky goddess Nut. And, also to Set again, as the
god of storms.

(8) The Eighth Plague (Exodus 10:4-19), was that of locusts. Locusts would indeed, eat and destroy
crops. But they, in turn, were edible if things were really that bad. It was probably somewhat common
for at least some people during those times to eat them - even if they may not have been their first
choice of something to eat. Here, we find the crop god, Osiris being alluded to, and also Uneg, the
Egyptian god of plants and vegetation. And also, the god Neper, the god of grain.

(9) The Ninth Plague (Exodus 10:21-26), was darkness. This was most certainly a very necessary
'plague' for the author, because it allowed him to allude to several very important Egyptian gods and
goddesses. Here, that great and powerful Sun god Ra (Re) is now also included in this parade of
Egyptian deities, as the hidden hero who would bring back the Sun (light), or come to life again.

And, Horus too, was a Sun god. But in general this was another 'sky plague', and so, required Nut and
Hathor, the sky goddesses as well. The 'darkness' (or death) in Egypt lasted for 3 days, after which, the
Sun or Sun god, was "living" once again. This is another thing that should sound familiar, and it ought
to, because that is the source for the NT Jesus dying and rising again after 3 days. Same theme, just
different characters. So, if we look carefully, we can actually see the construction of various parts of the
Jesus story within the ancient 'Jewish' texts, and secretly, Egyptian texts.

And just as those earlier texts were written to deceive, so was the New Testament. As I have been
informing and educating people to this fact for several years now, the actual purpose of the biblical
texts was not to be a guide to help people live their lives in a good way, but as a means of manipulating
and masses for those ancient royals and their descendants.

By now, the Bible has been shown many times and in many ways as having been created by men (and
not by pious or holy men, but deceptive, conniving and lying men), for the express purpose of
exploiting other, less intelligent, less educated people. In reality, the organized religion that they had
created is a form of psychological warfare. And that is why it must now be exposed for that it really is,
so that they cycle of irrational belief and superstition (which is the real and genuine plague upon
Humanity) will one day eventually end, as it most certainly should.

(10) The Tenth Plague (Exodus 11:1-9), was the threat of death to the Pharaoh's first born son (along
with all other first born sons in Egypt). This too, we see reenacted in the New Testament when King
Herod seeks the same such in order to find the "new born King" (i.e., Jesus).

So, why the Pharaoh's first born son? Because it is that son who would naturally succeed him when he
has grown to a suitable age. Both the Pharaoh and his first born son were seen as gods. They were, in
fact, considered as the sum total of all of their 'god' ancestors incarnate or reborn. Which, is also why,
these ancient royals had placed such a high value on the gods of their past.
This plague was an allusion to the Egyptian reproduction or fertility (phallic) god Min. And alludes to
Isis as the protector goddess of children. It appears that this plague also alludes to Heget (or Heqet), the
goddess of childbirth as well.

And since each and every one of these ten plagues deals with subject matter relating directly to
Egyptian gods and goddesses, the real and deliberate purpose of the author creating the plagues in the
story of Exodus is now made known. And as such, we are furnished with an excellent example of just
how various stories in the Bible were actually created and how we can tell that they were not actually
true, but instead, designed specifically to deceive and mislead all non-royal people.


* The god Nun. This god was also identified with fish. And in turn, was used as a euphemism for both
male and female sex organ. Read the work that has been done regarding the use of certain words and
terms for sexual organs, etc., by various authors, including James Ballantyne Hannay, his peers and the
(Oxford) Encyclopedia Biblica, c. 1910.

** Note that gnats are also found in stories of other cultures. Which means that the rulers of those
cultures have an association with the Egyptians as well. Such as the Roman rulers, whose ancestry
traces back to the ancient rulers of Troy.

*** Both royal lines had the same common ancestry, which was Egyptian ancestry. See my work in this
area, including 'The Biblical Dynasty'. Both the Jewish leadership and the Egyptian Pharaohs during
the time in which the Exodus was set, were descended from the founder of the 12th Dynasty,
Amenemhet I (aka 'Adam-en-em-het', aka 'Adam' of Genesis, c. 1992 BCE).

The Biblical Dynasty

Other supporting papers:

The Roman Piso Papers


Sir E.A. Wallis Budge, 'The Gods of the Egyptians'.

'The (Egyptian) Book of the Dead'.
Herodotus, Loeb Classical Library edition.
'Encyclopedia Mythica'.
'Ancient Egyptian Religion', by Henri Frankfort.
'Egyptian Myths', George Hart.
'A Dictionary of Egyptian Gods & Goddesses', George Hart.
'Ancient Egyptian Religion', Stephen Quirke.
'Development of Religion and Thought in Ancient Egypt', James Henry Breasted.
'Daily Life of the Egyptian Gods', Dimitri Meeks and Christine Favard-Meeks, Cornell University
Press, 2001.
This Title, 'The Ten Plagues Of Egypt' In Other Languages:

[Afrikaans: 'Die tien Plagues van Egipte']

[Albanian: 'Dhjetë plagët e Egjiptit']
[Arabic: '‫]'العشرات من الوبئه في مصر‬
[Armenian: 'Եգիպտոսի տասը պատուհասները] '
[Bosnian: 'Deset pošasti u Egiptu']
[Bulgarian: 'Десетте язви на Египет']
[Chinese: '埃及的十災']
[Croatian: 'Deset pošasti u Egiptu']
[Czech: 'Deset ran Egypta']
[Danish: 'De ti plager i Egypten']
[Dutch: 'De tien plagen van Egypte']
[Esperanto: 'La Dek Plagoj De Egiptujo']
[Estonian: 'Kümme Egiptuse nuhtlust']
[Filipino: 'Ang sampung salot ng Egipto']
[Finnish: 'Egyptin kymmenen Vitsa uksia']
[French: 'Les dix fléaux de l'Egypte']
[Galacian: 'As Dez Plagas do Exipto']
[Georgian: 'ათი სასჯელი ეგვიპტე']
[German: 'Die zehn Plagen Ägyptens']
[Greek: 'Οι δέκα πληγές της Αιγύπτου']
[Hebrew: '‫]'עשר מכות מצרים‬
[Hindi: 'म स क दस प ग']
[Hmong Daw: 'Lub kaum Plagues ntawm tim lyiv teb chaws']
[Hungarian: 'A tíz csapás Egyiptom']
[Icelandic: 'Tíu plágur Egyptalands']
[Indonesian: 'Sepuluh tulah-tulah Mesir']
[Italian: 'Le dieci piaghe dell'Egitto']
[Japanese: 'エジプトの 10 の災い']
[Korean: '이집트의 재앙 10']
[Latin: 'De decem plagis Aegypti']
[Latvian: 'Ēģipte desmit nomoka']
[Lithuanian: 'Dešimt Egipto rykščių']
[Luxembourgish: 'Déi zéng Plaggen Ägypten']
[Macedonian: 'Десетте неволји на Египет']
[Malay: 'Sepuluh wabak Mesir']
[Maltese: 'L-għaxar Plagues ta ' l-Eġittu']
[Mongolian: 'Египетийн арван гамшиг']
[Norwegian: 'De ti plager i Egypt']
[Persian: '‫]'طاعون ده مصر‬
[Polish: 'Dziesięć plag Egiptu']
[Portuguese: 'As dez pragas do Egito']
[Romanian: 'Cele zece plăgi ale Egiptului']
[Russian: 'Десять язв Египта']
[Samoan: 'O mala e sefulu o Aikupito']
[Scots-Gaelic: 'Na Deich Plàighean san Eiphit']
[Serbian: 'Десет огромне су']
[Sindhi: '‫]'مصر جي ڏهن ادارن‬
[Slovak: 'Desať rán Egypta']
[Slovenian: 'Deset zla Egipta']
[Somali: 'Tobankii Dhimashada ee Masar']
[Spanish: 'Las diez plagas de Egipto']
[Sundanese: 'The Ten Plagues Of Mesir']
[Swahili: 'Mapigo kumi ya Misri']
[Swedish: 'Egyptens tio plågor']
[Turkish: 'Mısır 'ın on vebası']
[Ukrainian: 'Десять виразок Єгипту']
[Urdu: '‫]'مصر کے دس آفتیں‬
[Uzbek: 'Misrning o'nta jaroxati']
[Vietnamese: '10 bệnh dịch của Ai Cập']
[Welch: 'Phla deg o'r Aifft']
[Yiddish: ' ‫]'די צען פלאגז פון מצרים‬
[Zulu: 'Izinhlupho Eziyishumi EGibhithe']


Key Words & Terms)

Roman coins, denominations, coinage, province, Augustus, Claudius, Nero, Vitellius, Domitian, Trajan,
Hadrian, Antoninus Pius, Marcus Aurelius, Septimius Severus, Severus Alexander, Elagabalus, Gordian
III, Philip I 'The Arab', Claudius II 'Gothicus', denari, denarii, denarius, coins, coin, ancient coins,
numismatic, celator, ancient mints, silver, gold, copper, aureus, drachm, didrachm, tetradrachm, follis,
antoninianus, antoninianii, potin, billon, error, restrike, restrikes, silver wash, silvered, limes, AE, AE3,
AR, AV, miliarense, siliqua, centenionalis, argenteus, dupondius, quadrans, cistophorus, sestertius,
quinarius, as, As, Semis, triens, sextans, unica, quadrigatus, moneyer, victoriatus, solidus, scripulum.

History, Ancient History, Rome, Ancient Rome, Roman Empire, Roman Emperors, Popes, Papal
History, Christianity, History of Christianity, Origin of Christianity, Emperor, Emperors, Roman
Catholic History, Holy Roman Empire, Arrius Calpurnius Piso, Roman Piso Family, Ancient Alias
Names, Ancient Pen Names, Gordian Emperors, Emperor Antoninus Pius, Arius Antoninus, Marcus
Aurelius, Oligarchy, Royal Supremacy, Royal Language, Aliases, Genealogy, Ancient Genealogy,
Ancient Genealogies, Historia, Historia Augusta, Flavius Josephus, Pliny The Younger, Suetonius,
Tacitus, Plutarch, Hero of Alexandria, Apollonius of Tyana, Philostratus 'The Athenian', Philostratus
'The Younger', Herodian, Emperor Constantine, Vespasian, Titus, Domitian, Nerva, Trajan, Hadrian,
Lucius Verus, Commodus, Pertinax, Pescennius Niger, Didius Julianus, Clodius Albinus, Septimius
Severus, Severus Alexander, Maximinus, Maximus, Probus, Clodius II, Constantius, Constantius
Chlorus, Eusebius, Pope Eusebius, Church Father, Early Christianity, Roman Creation of Christianity,
Nero, 666, Julius Calpurnius Piso, Julius Piso I, First 10 Popes, Justin Martyr, St. John 'The Divine',
The Revelation, gospels, The Gospel of Thomas, Gnostic, Gnostic Gospels, Apocryphal, texts, holy,
sacred, free, info, sample, paper, papers, research, research paper, Heron, Herod, Agrippa, Philo, Logos,
Talmud, Pharisee, pharisees, sect, Cornelius, Theodosius I, Arcadius, Honorius, Byzantine, Byzantium,
Constantinople, ancient literature, forensic history, censorship, Medieval, medieval censorship,
Inquisition, Crusade, crusades, Church, Church History, comparative, religion, religious, organized
religion, Abelard Reuchlin, Professor, Bruno Bauer, James Ballantyne Hannay, Marcus, Antonius,
Cleopatra, Julius, Caesar, Caesars, Antonius Primus, Cestius Gallus, Nero, Vitellius, Otho, Licinianus,
Frugi, Piso, Julius Servianus, Julius Severus, Julius Constantius I, Galba, New, New Testament, Bible,
gospels, epistles, Panegyricus, Timothy, Justinian The Jurist, Proculus Calpurnius Piso, Silanus Piso,
Herodes Atticus, ben Pantera, Scribes, genealogy, genealogies, royal, royal line, royal blood,
historiography, philosophy, history of, historical Jesus, Dark Ages, Secular Humanism, Atheism,
Atheist, Atheists, Historical Anthropology, Anthropology, Anthropology of Religion, Imperial, Imperial
Rome, Roma, Classics, Classical Antiquity, Religion as psychological warfare, Bible, God, Jesus.

Anthropology, genealogical charts, genealogy, archaeology, Origins of Christianity, Holy, Holy Roman
Empire, Imperial Rome, Roman Empire, popes, emperor, emperors, King James, Bible, biblical,
classics, classical history, historic, Pliny The Elder, Seneca, Aria, Arria, Arria The Younger, Arria The
Elder, Arius, Arrius, Fadilla, Arria Fadilla, Arria Antonina, Antonius, Marcus Antonius, Antonius
Primus, of Alexandria, of Tyana, of Rome, of Athens, Gnostics, gospel, Gospel of, Thomas, Mary,
Magdalan, magi, three, three days, three wise men, rooster, hen, cock, crow, crew, Alexander, Sabina,
Gaius Calpurnius Piso, Constantine, Julius Constantius, Constantius Chlorus, Emperor, emperors,
Flavia, Flavian, Flavians, Titus, Domitian, Vespasian, Nerva, Augustus, Julius Caesar, Caesar, Tiberius,
Gneius Calpurnius Piso, Gaius, Caligula, Claudius, Nero, Galba, Otho, Vitellius, Trajan, Hadrian,
Antoninus Pius, Marcus Aurelius, Commodus, Pertinax, Didius Julianus, Clodius Albinus, Septimius
Severus, Severus Alexander, Pupienus, Claudius Gothicus, Probus, Gallienus, Tacitus, Florian,
Florianus, Balbinus, Postumus, Philip I, Philip II, Pacatian, Jotapian, Aquilia Severa, Annia, Annia
Faustina, Julia Soaemias, Julia Maesa, Diadumenian, Elagabalus, Julia Domna, Caracalla, Lucius
Verus, Lucilla, Geta, Titiana, Manlia Scantilla, Didia Clara, Pescennius Niger, St. Peter, Saint, Saint
Peter, Linus, Gnostic, Apocryphal, Apocryphal New Testament, Gnostic texts, Gnostic Gospels, Gospel
of, Ignatius, St. Ignatius, Saint, Saint Ignatius, Pliny, canon bible, canon new testament, extra-biblical,
bible, god, gods, inside jokes, jokes in the new testament, emperors in the new testament, Josephus,
Inner-Circle, The Oligarchy, Royal Supremacy, the Royal Language, the 1%, royal blood, grail, holy,
King James, King James I, of England, Lady Di, Lady Diana, Prince Charles, Queen Elizabeth, Prince
William, Prince Harry, royal family, Buckingham palace, earl of, prince of, Wales, the Tower, inherit,
religion, religious, religions, dumb-down, apocryphal, duke of, royal title, sir, lord, lady, duchess.

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