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Greatest Supplement of all: Prayer


We all need them, and believe it or not we all use them. We currently use or have used coffee,
candy, naps, energy drinks, protein powders, snacking, movement, classes, chocolate, cigarettes,
alcohol, or drugs. We are all filling in the cracks with something. You see, on our own we get
worn down, we hit the wall and need rest.

Some of us use something to wake up, something to workout, something to stay focused,
something to push through the afternoon and something to go to sleep. I tell people to use three
supplements: a multi-vitamin, a fish oil and a probiotic. There’s a lot of supplements that could
help us along the way that we think could really help us. But this isn’t about any of those
supplements, this is about the BEST supplement out there, the one that changes everything, that
can heal you, your family, and your friends.
You see, many people think they need coffee to wake up and wine to go to sleep but if you’re
looking for more energy in the morning and more restful peace in the evening then pray and pray
some more. Prayer changes everything. Pray for yourself, pray for others, and pray with others.
Pray blessings and grace over yourself, your marriage, your family, your calling, your finances,
and your fears. Pray prayers of gratitude for all you have, and for all your relationships, even the
hard ones.
Prayer is the ultimate supplement. When you wake in the middle of the night for no apparent
reason use that time to ask God what you need, and how you can live this life to the fullest
because prayer is the perfect supplement!

How is your prayer Life?

How often do you pray?

Why do you pray?

Questions like these force us to examine our prayer life. If you are like most people you
wish you could be better at communicating with God.

Prayer is one of God’s greatest gifts to his people yet it is often reduced to blessings at
meals and praying for our health and the health of our family and friends. Someone has
said, “Many people pray as if God were a big aspirin pill; they come only when they
hurt.” God wants our prayers to be so much more than prayer for our food and health.

Prayer is communication.

Prayer has played a vital role in the lives of people…

Abraham Lincoln; I have been driven many times to my knees by the overwhelming
conviction that I had absolutely no other place to go.
Martin Luther King Jr; “To be a Christian without prayer is no more possible than to be
alive without breathing.”

What are people praying for today?

More than any time in history, people are seeking answers to life’s struggles, problems,
and challenges. Natural and man-made disasters are causing more and more stress in
people, and their lives are under intense pressure. Hurricanes, earthquakes, floods,
personal debt, job losses -- it is hard to comprehend the pressure these exert upon
families struggling to make ends meet and survive.

While it seems more people are focused on prayers, their prayers reflect a desire for a
materialistic lifestyle rather than communication with God. On the website “Best &
Worst” the question was posed; “What are you praying for today?”

16% a new president

15% health

12% they would win the lottery

7% a new job

4% better sex

It seems we have strayed when it comes to understanding the purpose, value and
power of prayer.

I think you will agree with me life is hard. Every day we are bombarded by temptations,
schedules, sin and just life itself. However prayer is the shelter from this life. The
psalmist promise us if we will dwell in that shelter we will find rest in the shadow of the
almighty. Do you need to rest today, if so I invite you to come to the shelter of the
“Most High”, rest in his shadow by developing a prayer life that is intentional and a
prayer life that will give you clarity.

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