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802356 BJI Journal of Infection PreventionBuchanan and Warren

Journal of
Original Article

Journal of Infection Prevention

Single-use of endodontic hand files: 2019, Vol. 20(1) 32­–36

© The Author(s) 2018
Article reuse guidelines:
perceptions and practise
DOI: 10.1177/1757177418802356

Glynn Dale Buchanan and Nichola Warren

Background: The concept of single-use of endodontic files remains controversial in the published literature. The extent
and attitudes concerning the single-use of endodontic hand files is currently unknown in many countries.
Aim: The prevalence and perceptions regarding the single-use of endodontic files was investigated in this descriptive
observational study.
Methods: A questionnaire regarding the perceptions and usage protocols of endodontic files was developed. Twenty-
seven South African dental practices were included in this study. Participation was voluntary.
Results: None of the respondents reported single-use of endodontic hand files. Several decontamination methods were
used by the respondents for reprocessing endodontic files.
Discussion: Financial constraints were reported as the primary reason for the reuse of endodontic files. As no stan-
dardised method of reprocessing these instruments exists for South Africa, written guidelines on this subject should be

Single-use, endodontic files, decontamination, reuse, infection control guidelines

Date received: 12 December 2017; accepted: 15 August 2018

Background •• The unreliable and unpredictable nature of the pro-

cesses used to clean endodontic files (Letters et al.,
Endodontic hand files are instruments used during endo- 2005);
dontic treatment to mechanically prepare root canals. •• Corrosion and dulling of metal instruments (Carrotte,
Historically, the reuse of these instruments on multiple 2004).
patients has been standard practice, provided cleaning and
sterilisation has taken place before reuse in subsequent Contrary to this view, literature supporting the routine reuse
clinical cases (Carrotte, 2004). In recent years, substantial of endodontic files also exists (Messer et al., 2003; Parashos
evidence has been published in the literature advocating the et al., 2004b). The most significant arguments in favour of
single-use of endodontic files rather than reusing these reuse are:
instruments (Aasim et al., 2006; Letters et al., 2005;
Morrison and Conrod, 2009; Walker et al., 2007).
Arguments for the single-use of endodontic files include:

•• Difficulty in adequately cleaning endodontic files Department of Odontology, School of Dentistry, University of Pretoria,
(Walker et al., 2007); Pretoria, South Africa
•• The risk of transmission of infectious diseases
Corresponding author:
(Laheij et al., 2001); Glynn Dale Buchanan, Oral and Dental Hospital, 4th level, 31 Bophelo
•• The potential transmission of prion disease (Kirby Road, Prinshof Campus, Riviera, Pretoria, 0002, South Africa.
et al., 2012; Walker et al., 2007); Email:
Buchanan and Warren 33

•• Laboratory trials have demonstrated the ability to •• Decontamination methods used for endodontic hand
remove 100% of stained debris from the surfaces of files;
endodontic files (Messer et al., 2003; Parashos et al., •• Quality control measures for assessing file cleanliness;
2004b); •• Reasons for multiple use;
•• The accepted reuse of the other stainless-steel dental •• Attitudes regarding the concept of single-use
instruments that contact the dental pulp, in some ter- protocols.
ritories (Messer et al., 2003);
•• The absence of prion proteins in the dental pulps of All statistical analyses were performed using the SAS soft-
individuals diagnosed with Creutzfeldt-Jakob dis- ware suite, Release 9.4 (SAS Institute Inc., NC, USA).
ease (Head et al., 2003); Simple descriptive statistical analysis was conducted. The
•• The increased cost incurred in implementing single- data obtained were expressed as simple percentages.
use protocols (Letters et al., 2005; Messer et al., The research protocol for this study was approved by
2003; Parashos et al., 2004b); both the Research Committee of the School of Dentistry,
•• Cleaning and sterilising procedures do not appear to Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Pretoria and the
be an important factor of the fracture resistance of Ethics Committee of the Faculty of Health Sciences,
nickel-titanium files (Hülsmann et al., 2005). University of Pretoria.

In 2007, the UK Department of Health advised dentists to

treat all endodontic files and reamers as single-use instru- Results
ments (Walker et al., 2007). Economic constraints, espe- The following results describe the answers to the question-
cially in developing countries, however, dictate the high naire as provided by the 27 respondents.
likelihood that endodontic files will continue to be repro-
cessed and reused. South Africa currently has no official
guidelines for the reprocessing of endodontic files. It is not Protocols followed for using endodontic
known whether any South African dental practitioners have hand files
adopted a single-use approach regarding endodontic files None of the respondents used endodontic hand files as sin-
and what the reasons for this may be. gle-use instruments. Endodontic hand files were only used
for a maximum of five clinical cases by 40.7% (n = 11) of
the respondents; 44.4% (n = 12) used these instruments for
Methods between five and ten cases before disposal. Some respond-
This descriptive observational study investigated the use ents (n = 3, 11.1%) used endodontic files to complete more
and decontamination methods of endodontic files of 27 than ten cases before being discarded. One respondent did
dental practices in Pretoria, South Africa. Participants not answer the question.
were recruited by convenience sampling. Selection was
accomplished by contacting dental practices by telephone
Reasons for discarding files
in Pretoria, South Africa, listed on an Internet database.
Dental practitioners who were known to offer endodontic The reason provided by 70.4% (n = 19) of respondents for
services were contacted directly. After a short telephone discarding an endodontic hand file was damage. Examples
conversation with the owner of the dental practice, an of damage included files that had separated (i.e. fractured),
appointment was scheduled—provided that the practice bent or deformed. Only 14.8% (n = 4) of the respondents
delivered endodontic services and the owner was inter- discarded an endodontic file after a predetermined number
ested in participating. During each appointment, the prac- of uses, regardless of the file’s condition. The remaining
tice owner was provided with an overview of the intended 14.8% (n = 4) of respondents used a file for a set amount of
study. Informed consent was obtained. A coding system cases but also discarded a file sooner had the instrument
guaranteed the anonymity of each participant. become damaged during use, despite not having reached
Interviews were administered by an interviewer and the predetermined maximum number of uses.
questionnaires were actively completed with the person(s)
responsible for the decontamination procedures of endo-
Decontamination methods used for
dontic hand files in each specific dental practice.
endodontic hand files
The questionnaire was designed to evaluate:
Methods of decontamination reportedly used by the
•• Protocols followed for using endodontic hand files respondents are summarised in Tables 1 and 2. No answer
(i.e. single or multiple use); was provided to this question by 7.4% (n = 2) of
•• Reasons for discarding files; respondents.
34 Journal of Infection Prevention 20(1)

Table 1.  Singular decontamination methods used. Table 2.  Combined decontamination methods used.

Percentage (%) Percentage (%)

Decontamination method of respondents Decontamination method of respondents

Manual cleaning (brushes and detergent) 29.6 Manual and ultrasonic cleaning 29.6

Gauze/sponge soaked in alcohol 7.4 Manual, ultrasonic cleaning with washer 7.4
Washer disinfector 14.8
Manual cleaning with washer disinfector 3.7
Total 51.8
Total 39.7

Quality control measures for assessing file

cleanliness condition. A combination of these factors was given by
7.4% (n = 2) of the respondents.
Methods of assessment of the cleanliness of files following The most common reason given by 22.2% (n = 6) of
routine decontamination procedures were reported as respondents for considering single-use of files was the
either: visual inspection with the naked eye, as reported by belief that single-use would be safer for their patients. One
77.8% (n = 21) of participants; or inspection with magnifi- respondent stated single-use would be safer for the person-
cation aids such as magnifying loupes or operating micro- nel working with these instruments. Some respondents
scope, as stated to be routinely used by 7.4% (n = 2) of the (n  = 4; 14.8%) believed that better endodontic treatment
participants. Some of the of respondents (n = 3; 11.1%) did outcomes could be achieved if single-use protocols were
not inspect their files before reuse. One respondent pro- implemented. One respondent named all the above-men-
vided an invalid answer to this question. tioned reasons in reply to this question. Several respond-
ents (n = 15; 55.5%) failed to answer this question.
Reasons for multiple use
Two respondents (n = 2; 7.4%) believed that complete Discussion
decontamination of endodontic hand files was achievable
by applying routine decontamination methods. None of the respondents of this study had adopted the pol-
One respondent asserted that endodontic hand files were icy of single-use endodontic instruments. The finding that
reused because achieving complete decontamination was hand files are reused for 5–10 cases the majority of the
attainable and often these instruments were still in good time and the fact that they are most often discarded due to
working condition after clinical use and reprocessing. damage is in agreement with previous research (Parashos
Another respondent reused endodontic files that were in et al., 2004a).
good working condition, unless a file had been damaged Research has demonstrated that South Africa has an
during initial use, in which case it was discarded. extremely low number of dentists, as low as 0.13 per 1000
Invalid responses by 22.2% (n = 6) of the respondents population ratio (Strachan et al., 2011). A survey conducted
discounted their views to this question. Furthermore, this in 2009 placed the total best estimate of South African den-
question was not answered by 37% (n = 10) of the tists working in the private sector to be only 3121 (Strachan
respondents. et al., 2011). At the time of writing, an online database
(Medpages, 2017) estimated the number of dentists in
Pretoria to be 360. The results of this study therefore pro-
Attitudes regarding the concept of single-use vide insight into the perceptions and practice of single-use
of endodontic hand files instruments only within the context of the city of Pretoria.
One-third (n = 9; 33.3%) of the respondents had consid- Future studies may consider a larger scale investigation
ered only using endodontic hand files once and then dis- into the subject.
carding them. The remaining two-thirds (n = 18; 66.6%) of Dental practitioners make use of referenced articles to
the respondents had never considered the single-use of assist them when making decisions on new treatment and
endodontic hand files. practices. The abundant literature demonstrating that endo-
Of those respondents who had never considered single- dontic files can be effectively cleaned and sterilised may be
use to be an option in their practices, one-third (n = 6; a strong influence on the trend of multiple use of these
22.2%) reported that the single-use of endodontic hand instruments (Messer et al., 2003; Parashos et al., 2004b).
files would be too expensive. Almost one-quarter (n = 6; The decision to reuse instruments should, however, be
22.2%) of the respondents believed it unnecessary to dis- made in conjunction with the international standard ISO
card endodontic files that were still in good working 17664:2017, which specifies the information that medical
Buchanan and Warren 35

device manufacturers must provide to users for reprocess- Just over one-quarter of the participants responded that
ing instruments in order for them to be safe to use, espe- the single-use of endodontic files would increase patient
cially if instruments are labelled as single-use items. The and personnel safety. This finding indicates that a signifi-
absence of guidelines for reprocessing endodontic files in cant proportion of the respondents felt that the single-use of
South Africa leaves the decisions regarding reprocessing files was probably better clinical practice than reusing
and reuse of these instruments with the individual dentist. them.
Single-use of endodontic hand files significantly Despite the controversy surrounding the concept of sin-
increases the number of instruments that must be purchased gle-use endodontic files in the published literature, dentists
by a practice, increasing the overheads associated with the have a moral and ethical responsibility towards their
provision of endodontic treatment and decreasing the profit patients to practise infection control procedures to a high
margin of providing such services. Some of the participants standard (Scarlett and Grant, 2015). Inadequate infection
from this study attributed the trend of multiple use of endo- control practices may lead to violation of these ethical prin-
dontic hand files to the cost of the instruments. Such finan- ciples. Currently, in some territories, the decision to imple-
cial considerations may deter not only private dental ment single or multiple use of endodontic instruments rests
practitioners, but also public and academic dental hospitals with the individual practitioner.
from implementing the single-use of endodontic files as The single-use of endodontic hand files is currently not
policy (Messer et al., 2003). While previous research has in place in private dental practices surveyed in Pretoria,
suggested financial reasons as a factor for not implement- South Africa. Furthermore, files are reprocessed and reused
ing single-use policies in dental practice (Messer et al., on multiple clinical cases. There is no standard decontami-
2003), the results of this survey confirm that this is indeed nation method used to reprocess files in South Africa and
the case. No data are available on the cost of reprocessing written guidelines should be developed for reprocessing
dental instruments in South Africa; therefore, a direct com- these instruments. The primary reason for the reuse of these
parison between reprocessing these instruments versus instruments are concerns surrounding the financial implica-
single-use is not possible. Future research should aim to tions of introducing single-use protocols.
address this gap in knowledge and a cost–benefit analysis
may be conducted to provide clarity. Declaration of conflicting interests
Great variation in the methods for decontamination of The author(s) declared no potential conflicts of interest with
endodontic files was found among the respondents to this respect to the research, authorship, and/or publication of this
survey. This finding indicates a lack of a standardised pro- article.
cedure for the reprocessing of these instruments and is
likely due the lack of written guidelines on the subject in Funding
South Africa. It has previously been demonstrated that den- The author(s) received no financial support for the research,
tal instruments may not be effectively cleaned and steri- authorship, and/or publication of this article.
lised to an acceptable standard within the South African
context (De Kock and van Wyk, 2001; Mehtar et al., 2007; Peer review statement
Oosthuysen et al., 2010; Yengopal et al., 2001). Previous Not commissioned; blind peer-reviewed.
research from other territories has, however, demonstrated
the unreliability of cleaning endodontic files, regardless of ORCID iD
the reprocessing method used (Letters et al., 2005). Glynn Dale Buchanan
The finding that some respondents used magnification
aids for instrument inspection before reuse is encouraging References
and demonstrates an increase in acceptance of this quality-
Aasim SA, Mellor AC and Qualtrough AJE. (2006) The effect of pre-soak-
control method. Whether this method of inspection resulted ing and time in the ultrasonic cleaner on the cleanliness of sterilized
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De Kock K and van Wyk CW. (2001) Infection control in South African
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36 Journal of Infection Prevention 20(1)

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