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April 24th, 2021

Agape Love

Agape love can be described as the unconditional love God has towards everything

he created, especially for humanity. It is the highest form of sacrificial and selfless love that

exhibits through God's love affair with the human race. It goes into the very depths of love

and it tells us how much God loves us and how humanity should reciprocate the love by

obeying God. However, in spite of human disobedience, rebellion, and decadence, God still

loves us. Agape love is a form of supernatural love that affects all other forms of love

including philia, eros, and storge. God's love inspires acts of benevolence and humanitarian

attitudes towards all creation.

I have always experienced God's unconditional love in numerous ways. One of the

most memorable days came the day God saved my life from a terrible accident. On that

fateful day, my friends and I were riding on a motorcycle when we suddenly lost control and

the locomotive started swerving towards a busy highway. I was extremely shocked because,

on that fateful day, we had experienced a minor accident that caused minor bruises and

injuries. However, through God's mercy and love, the rider regained control. I thanked God

for saving our lives to fulfill the divine plan.

Although I have experienced God's agape love in a variety of ways, the act of saving

our lives becomes the most memorable moment in my life. I firmly believe the experience

has forever changed my life because, through it, I understood how God communicates to
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humanity and the premonition signs that he gives. The first minor accident acted as a

warning sign not to use the busy highway, but through sheer ignorance, we proceeded and

rode on it anyway. Disregarding the premonition could have been lethargic but through

God's unconditional love, he spared our lives on that fateful day. The experience made me

aware of the underlying forces that control the physical universe w live in. I learned how to

use my intuitive faculties to sense any form of danger. I thank God for keeping me healthy

and alive.

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