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The Reign of God’s Love: A Journal Writing

Name: ___Quino, Fretz Nashia D._________ Course and Year: _BSID 2____

Instructor: ____Marilou Mandawe_________ Date: __September 2, 2022___

A. How do you feel about this statement “God loves you”? Do you accept this as truth? Why/Why not?

God loving me is an understatement. He doesn’t need to say it but rather felt by us. A single drop of water
is a treasure to those who thirst, a single bread for the hungry, and a world we step into day by day. I
accept that truth every single morning of my tomorrow. He provides and gives hope to the highs and lows
of people; the less fortunate and the comfortable.

B. What descriptions are associated with God’s love?

Love from God is beyond comprehension. Then, God's love must also be incomprehensible. Even though
we must be honest while describing his love, we will never be able to understand it because it is divine
love, which is unlike our love in the same way that his being is unlike ours. While it may be evident to us
right away that God will continue to love us, it is less obvious to us for some reason that his love differs
from human love in other respects, such as being independent, constant, all-knowing, just, and
passionless. Even in difficult times, in unique ways for each individual, and in what He permits or excludes
from our life, God is always good.

C. How does God show His love for you? /How do you experience God's love?

He shows me love every single day. I experience it by just waking up of my tomorrow and a portion of
food I could dine that serves as a blessing in every meal. I feel love as an adolescent through my
connections to my family and my friends. Promises, friendship, family, trust, love, and courage serve as
the foundation of these bonds. I believe that people are symbols of God’s love. An act of kindness proves
to me that the love of God is not dead and can be treasured by the people around.

D. When or what do you think can separate you from the love of God?

I think during those difficult times that I get to question myself and separate myself from God I’ve learned
to eventually disregard it. But God allows nothing to separate us from his love (Romans 8:38-39). Nothing
can separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord - not even the best of circumstances. God
wants to be with us and share his love, but he has to be accepted into our hearts. He won't force his way
through a door if he isn't invited. Giving that invitation means accepting Christ, which entitles one to all
of God's promises, including his love.

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