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A- Before reading the newspaper article, answer these questions :

*What does gender-neutral mean?

*If you don’t know its meaning, just brainstorm and guess its meaning.

Pink is raising her children gender-neutral — ‘We are a very

label-less household’ 
Pink wants her children to know that they can be whatever —
and_________________ (1).

The 38-year-old singer, who has 6-year-old Willow and 11-month-old Jameson with
husband Corey Hart, revealed that she’s raising the kids as gender-neutral.

“We are a very label-less household. Last week Willow told me she is going to marry
an African woman. ________________________(2) the singer told The Sunday

“And she’s like: ‘Sure Mama, and we are going to live with you while our house is
getting ready.’”

Pink has always been outspoken about nonconformity, including at the MTV VMAs in
August ______________________(3)

______________________(4) “the ugliest girl” she knew and said she looked like “a
boy with long hair.”

In response, Pink created a PowerPoint with images of famous androgynous music

icons, including David Bowie and Annie Lennox.

“When people make fun of me _________________(5) or I’m too outspoken. Do you

see me growing my hair? Do you see me changing my body? Do you see me selling
out arenas all over the world?” she told Willow.

“Baby girl, we don’t change. We take the gravel in the shell and make a pearl. We
help other people to change,________________(6).”
B- After reading the newspaper article, try to complete the missing parts with the sentences

A. whoever— they want.

B. where she accepted the Video Vanguard Award.

C. they say I look like a boy or I’m too masculine

D. so they can see all kinds of beauty

E. I was like: ‘Great, can you teach me how to make African food?’”

F. At the time, the singer revealed that Willow had called herself

C- Read the sentences and find out whether they are true , false or not mentioned according
to the article

1. Pink is the most cautious mother among the celebrities __________

2. Pink is in her forties ________________

3. Pink never wanted a girl baby __________________

4. When her children told her that she wanted to marry with an African woman, Pink
rejected at once._____

5. Pink did nothing to encourage her child to have a self confidence _____

6. David Bowie is the only one Pink used in her Powerpoint ________

7. Pink has two children _________



Pink wants her children to know that they can be whatever — and whoever— they want.

The 38-year-old singer, who has 6-year-old Willow and 11-month-old Jameson with husband
Corey Hart, revealed that she’s raising the kids as gender-neutral.

“We are a very label-less household. Last week Willow told me she is going to marry an African
woman. I was like: ‘Great, can you teach me how to make African food?’” the singer told The
Sunday People.

“And she’s like: ‘Sure Mama, and we are going to live with you while our house is getting ready.’”

Pink has always been outspoken about nonconformity, including at the MTV VMAs in August
where she accepted the Video Vanguard Award.

At the time, the singer revealed that Willow had called herself “the ugliest girl” she knew and said
she looked like “a boy with long hair.”

In response, Pink created a PowerPoint with images of famous androgynous music icons,
including David Bowie and Annie Lennox.

“When people make fun of me they say I look like a boy or I’m too masculine or I’m too outspoken.
Do you see me growing my hair? Do you see me changing my body? Do you see me selling out
arenas all over the world?” she told Willow.

“Baby girl, we don’t change. We take the gravel in the shell and make a pearl. We help other
people to change, so they can see all kinds of beauty.”








7. T

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