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Baliwag Polytechnic College

Dalubhasaan Kong Mahal

2nd Semester A.Y.: 2020-2021


Student, BEEd 1-B Professor


Lesson 1
Let’s try
QUESTION NO. 1: What are the values? Name the kind of values.

ANSWER: Philosopher Aristotle stated that “the ultimate good is to find things that will give us
happiness”. In line with that, we can find values in anything and in anywhere because a value is
the one who gives fulfillment to the human needs. We can say that ‘values’ is anything that is
important or significant to us, like family, friends etc. and everything that special and
memorable to us are values. We can also classify good acts as values because it gives us

The four kinds of values are the following:

1. Biological values – it is important because it is for physical survival and growth of

human beings, it is also our primary need like food, shelter, work, pleasure, medicines
and others;
2. Psychological values – this contributes to our psychological and social life examples are
companionship, friendship, marriage etc.;
3. Intellectual values – this develops man’s mental fulfillment such as truth, science, art
and religion; and
4. Moral values – this is for the formation of one’s character. Examples are generosity,
kindness, charity and honesty.

QUESTION NO. 2: What are moral values?

ANSWER: Moral Values are about functions of intellect and our free will, when we say moral
values we are talking about our freedom. It can be our choices, decisions and even action that
become our routine. Moral values have these characteristics. First, it should be good acts
without any doubt. Second, it must be universally accepted by all people and lastly, it is our
obligation that we must follow.
Baliwag Polytechnic College
Dalubhasaan Kong Mahal
2nd Semester A.Y.: 2020-2021


Student, BEEd 1-B Professor


QUESTION NO. 3: Try to reflect and name some of the values you think you posses.

ANSWER: I have the positive disposition in life and also I am willing to share my knowledge,
skills time, effort and expertise to others.

Lesson 2
Human Reasoning
QUESTION NO. 1: What are the types of human reasoning?

ANSWER: The types of human reasoning are the following:

1. Deductive Reasoning– it is the form of reasoning in which a conclusion follows logically and
coherently from the factual premises and proposition;
2. Inductive Reasoning– it refers to reasoning that takes specific information and makes a
broader generalization that is considered probable, allowing for the fact that the conclusion may
not be accurate;
3. Adductive Reasoning – is a method of reasoning in which one chooses the hypothesis that
would, if true, best explain the relevant evidence;
4. Reductive Reasoning – it is proving a statement true by reducing to the opposite of it and
showing the absurdity of the opposite result; and
5. Fallacious Reasoning– It is not real reasoning; it is the faulty premises for critical thinking
and logic.

QUESTION NO. 2: What is Utilitarianism?

ANSWER: Utilitarianism refers to the doctrine that the useful is the good and that are
determining consideration of right conduct should be the usefulness of its consequences.
Furthermore, it comes from the word “utility” means that anything that is of use to the agent is

QUESTION NO. 3: Do you think Utilitarianism is a good moral theory?

ANSWER: Absolutely yes because it always act to produce the greatest possible balance of
good over bad.
Baliwag Polytechnic College
Dalubhasaan Kong Mahal
2nd Semester A.Y.: 2020-2021


Student, BEEd 1-B Professor


Lesson 3
Let’s Try
QUESTION NO. 1: Name the types of courage and try giving an example for each one.

1. Physical Courage - This is the courage most people often subscribe to bravery at the risk of
bodily harm or death. And one example of this is the courage of soldiers they are ready to offer
their whole life to the nation just to show their love and patriotism to country.
2. Social Courage - This type of courage is common to most of us because it involves the risk of
social embarrassment or exclusion, unpopularity or rejection. LGBT community is the example
of this type of courage. They are willing to showcase their genuine personality even though
there are lots of criticisms.
3. Intellectual Courage - This talk about our willingness to engage in cerebral fitness by raising
questions on things we know and will know, as well as to avoid the risk of making mistakes.
One of the examples of this type of courage is you are raising bravely your suggestions for the
improvement of something.
4. Moral Courage - This involves doing the right thing, particularly when risks involve shame,
opposition, or the disapproval of others. You are ready to tell the truth even though others
might feel embarrass or humiliated is one of the examples of this type of courage.
5. Emotional Courage - This type of courage opens us to feeling the full spectrum of positive
emotions, at the risk of encountering the negative ones. Example of this type of courage is you
failed in the examination but you do not lose hope instead you work hard and you review your
notes well.
6. Spiritual Courage – Courage that deals with questions about faith, the purpose, and meaning
of life whether in a religious or nonreligious framework. Example: You are not afraid to voice
out your query about your faith.

QUESTION NO. 2: What is moral courage?

ANSWER: Moral Courage involves doing the right thing, particularly when risks involve
shame, opposition, or the disapproval of others.
Baliwag Polytechnic College
Dalubhasaan Kong Mahal
2nd Semester A.Y.: 2020-2021


Student, BEEd 1-B Professor


Let’s See What You Have Learned

QUESTION NO. 1: What are values?

ANSWER: Philosopher Aristotle claimed that “the ultimate good is to find things that will give
us happiness”. In line with that, we can find values in anything and in anywhere because a
value is the one who gives fulfillment to the human needs. We can say that ‘values’ is anything
that is important or significant to us, like family, friends etc. and everything that special and
memorable to us are values. We can also classify good acts as values because it gives us

QUESTION NO. 2: What is human reasoning?

ANSWER: It deals with reason only as far as it enables man to act . Human reasoning is our
sense of obligation to do what is right even if we do not want to do it.

QUESTION NO. 3: Define conscience.

ANSWER: It is a feeling or inner voice that served as a guide to the correctness or error of one's
behavior. Moreover, it is the sense or consciousness of the moral goodness or blameworthiness
of one’s own conduct, intentions, or character together with a feeling of obligation to do right or
be good.

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