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01 - Somente uma 

das frases abaixo está correta quanto ao uso de SIMPLE PAST e PRESENT
PERFECT. Qual está correta?

a) Leonardo da Vinci has painted Monalisa.

b) Aristotle was a great philosopher. 
c) I´ve been to France last year. 
d) She was in Paris. 

02 - Escolha a opção que apresenta o verbo correto de acordo com o significado e contexto

nesta frase no PRESENT PERFECT.  
- I have never _______ to Paris. I want to one day! It´s a dream of mine! 

a) gone 
b) been 
c) visited 
d) known 

03 - Complete o diálogo com os verbos no SIMPLE PAST ou no PRESENT PERFECT. 

A: Look! Somebody __________ (drop) the carton of milk on the carpet.
B: When ____ it __________ (happen)? 
A: I´ve no idea. 
a) A: Look! Somebody HAS DROPPED (drop) the carton of milk on the carpet.
B: When HAS it HAPPENED (happen)? 
A: I´ve no idea. 

b) A: Look! Somebody HAS DROPPED (drop) the carton of milk on the carpet.
B: When DID it HAPPEN (happen)? 
A: I´ve no idea. 

c) A: Look! Somebody DROPPED (drop) the carton of milk on the carpet.

B: When DID it HAPPEN (happen)? 
A: I´ve no idea. 

d) A: Look! Somebody DROPPED (drop) the carton of milk on the carpet.

B: When HAS it HAPPENED (happen)? 
A: I´ve no idea. 

04 - Escolha a alternativa em que os tempos verbais “Past Simple” e “Presente Perfect” estão
aplicados corretamente.

a) Although I have studied a lot lately, yesterday I have got a bad grade on the Math test.
b) Although I studied a lot lately, yesterday I have got a bad grade on the Math test.
c) Although I have studied a lot lately, yesterday I got a bad grade on the Math test.
d) Although I studied a lot lately, yesterday I got a bad grade on the Math test.
05 - Escolha a alternativa que complete adequadamente a frase a seguir:
Marcela and Fernando _______ _________ a lot to each other this week.

a) Has talked
b) Have talked
c) Has talk
d) Have told

06 - Escolha a alternativa que responde adequadamente a seguinte questão:

What have you done lately?
a) I have traveled a lot lately. Last month I have been to New York.
b) I traveled a lot lately. Last month I have been to New York.
c) I have traveled a lot lately. Last month I went to New York.
d) I traveled a lot lately. Last month I went to New York

07 - Escolha a alternativa em que o “Present Perfect” e o “Past Simple” foram aplicados


a) Mary hasn’t painted her nails. She has done it two months ago for the last time.
b) Mary haven’t painted her nails. She have done it two months ago for the last time.
c) Mary hasn’t painted her nails. She did it two months ago for the last time.
d) Mary haven’t painted her nails. She did it two months ago for the last time.

08 - Escolha a alternativa em que o tempo verbal foi aplicado corretamente.

a) I never went to bed before midnight.

b) I just went to bed before midnight.
c) I always have gone to bed before midnight.
d) I have gone to bed before midnight yesterday.


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