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Unit 7 Oral quiz

Student A Ask these questions. Answer your Student B Ask these questions. Answer your
partner’s questions. Use the conversation strategy. partner’s questions. Use the conversation strategy.

Conversation strategy Conversation strategy

After your partner answers, ask a follow-up question. After your partner answers, ask a follow-up question.
A good follow-up question for question 1 is: A good follow-up question for question 1 is:
What time do you usually go to bed at night? What's your favorite class?
1. Are you getting enough sleep these days? 1. Are you enjoying school this semester?
not much is cold at night Yes a little bit
2. Are you taking any exercise classes? 2. What other classes are you taking?
yes half an hour a day electricity and fundamentals
3. How much are you walking these days? 3. How much are you studying these days?
half an hour almost all day
4. What sports are you watching these days? 4. Are you using a computer in your classes?
weights, football and cycling Yes all the time
5. Are you playing on a sports team this season? 5. Are you working these days?
No the truth yes

Student C Ask these questions. Answer your Student D Ask these questions. Answer your
partner’s questions. Use the conversation strategy. partner’s questions. Use the conversation strategy.

Conversation strategy Conversation strategy

After your partner answers, ask a follow-up question. After your partner answers, ask a follow-up question.
A good follow-up question for question 1 is: A good follow-up question for question 1 is:
Do you have a lot of homework? What are you doing in your free time?
1. Are you studying a lot this semester? 1. Are you having fun these days?
yes all day Yes a little bit
2. Are you taking any fun classes? 2. How much are you reading these days?
do not half an hour every day
3. Are you driving to school this year? 3. Are you going to the movies a lot?
I do not think so not always
4. Are you studying hard right now? 4. What are you watching on TV these days?
yes just the news
5. Are you playing any sports? 5. Are you spending a lot of time at home this
yes bike month?
Touchstone 1 © Cambridge University Press 2014 Photocopiable Unit 7 Oral quiz

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