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Spanish L2.

Lessons-1-084 and 1-085 Study Guide

Here is what you should be able to do after completing Chapter 6.

Remember... you can go back and reveiw the lessons at any time.

Translate the sentences.

1. My neurologist has a grey dog.

______________________________________________________________________ .

2. The cardiologist likes to stay in good shape.

______________________________________________________________________ .

3. Her sisters have a headache.

______________________________________________________________________ .

4. When mi brother has a fever, he takes a cold shower.

______________________________________________________________________ .

5. I don't need to call a doctor.

______________________________________________________________________ .

6. We have to take some medicines.

______________________________________________________________________ .

7. Their parents want to visit his parents.

______________________________________________________________________ .

8. I like your car and I don't like my car.

______________________________________________________________________ .

9. My family has to buy a house.

______________________________________________________________________ .

10. Her father needs a plaster cast.

______________________________________________________________________ .
Find the mistake and correct it.

11. ¿Qué me pasa al niño? _________________________________________________ .

12. Él quere jugar fútbol. ___________________________________________________ .

13. A nosotros nos duele las piernas. _________________________________________ .

14. Las personas tienen boca y los perros tiene hocico. __________________________ .

15. Yo tengo una fractura en tu pierna izquierda. ________________________________ .

16. Ella no necesitan una cirugía. ____________________________________________ .

17. Ustedes tienen que duermen en la casa. ___________________________________ .

18. Usted no puede come dulces. ____________________________________________.

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