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Spanish L2.

Lesson-1-032 Study Guide

Part 1: Introduce singular possessive adjectives: mi, tu, su

When the adjective or the noun ends with a vowel you create the plural by adding an 's'
at the end of the word

my mi
your tu
his / her / its su

Possessive adjectives
first person second person third person
mi tu su

Part 2: My immediate family

mother mamá
father papá
sister hermana
brother hermano
grandfather abuelo
grandmother abuela

Translate the sentences:

1. My mother is Spanish.

2.Your father is Manuel

3. Her father is Colombian.

4. His grandfather lives in Paris.

5. My grandmother is beautiful.

6. Your sister is older and your brother is younger.

7. His father works in my office.

8. My mother eats in my house.

9. My father works with my grandmother.

10. Her brother uses your computer.

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