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Name: Cassandra Obligado Date: 12/14/2020

Section: 10E Score:

Essay Title: Should death penalty be legal?

Thesis Statement: There is a lot of controversy about whether the death penalty should be legal or not. It is widely used,
with only 18 out of the 50 states having abolished it, but should it be permitted, regardless of the popularity of it? The
answer is no. It should be abolished because it demeans life, is cruel, prison is a better punishment, and it is not effective.

Key Arguments:

 The death penalty goes against our most basic human right – the right to life.
 No one has ever proven with numbers that killing murderers stops other people committing similar crimes.
 Mistakes are sometimes made in the law – what if someone is killed who is actually innocent.


The death penalty violates the most fundamental human right – the right to life. It is the ultimate cruel, inhuman
and degrading punishment. The death penalty is discriminatory. An innocent person may be released from prison for a
crime they did not commit, but an execution can never be reversed. Capital punishment violates human rights and
therefore cannot be justified for any reason. According to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, every human has
the inalienable right to life and the right not to be tortured or subjected to any cruel, inhuman or degrading punishment.
The death penalty is not always smooth and painless, and therefore it is torture.

Every legal system is fallible, and it would therefore be very possible for innocent lives to be extinguished. The
death penalty can be unfairly administered to the poor and minorities. The death penalty does nothing improve society
as it takes away any chance of rehabilitation and redemption. The death of a criminal is not for humans to decide, and
will only serve as revenge for the victims, not justice. The relatives of criminal o not usually support the death penalty
because they know the person and circumstances and feel that it is not warranted. The death penalty is more likely to
be supported by the victims of crime who go by the “eye for an eye” ideology of revenge. However, the purpose of the
legal system is not to deal out revenge, but justice. The death penalty is just state-sanctioned murder and revenge.
Offenders’ organ are used like the cheap base of supply without their permission. To conclude, if such violations do
happen, they are degrading and inhuman; therefore, the USA should abolish capital punishment not only because of the
United Nations but also for the welfare of the country’s citizens.

The death penalty is the incorrect way of punishing offenders, as it doesn’t act as a deterrent and provides the
possibility for executing innocents; thus human rights are ignored. We must think of several times. Rudeness isn’t the
solution of rudeness. Evil doing isn’t the solution of evil doing. And killing isn’t the solution of killing. Be wise to response
on any actions. Doesn’t mean it’s rude, you’ll do the same. Because, it just implies you are more than him/her. What the
person does, means a lot if you do so.

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