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The differences, similarities, advantages and disadvantages of

Function of Communication

The function of Communication serves many purposes, including informing and

raising awareness, educating, persuading, inspiring, controlling, and so on. The
communication function allows us to improve our ability to communicate with others.
The function of communication has differences, similarities, advantages, and

The differences between each function are as follows: in instruct, it instructs a

person on what they should do about something, in inform, it focuses on giving
information to other people, in persuade, it also gives information and tries to persuade a
person, in regulate/control, it gives specific rules about what the people should do, in
social interaction, it is about people talking in our daily lives, In motivate, It is used to
raise someone's mood or lighten someone's attitude by saying comforting words, in
therapy it gives advices or words that are comforting to help someone, and in
demonstration to illustrate how something is done. The function of communication is
similar in that we communicate with other people. The terms demonstrate,
regulate/control, and instruct are similar in that they all talk about what a person should
do. Inform and persuade are also similar in that they both provide information. Finally,
motivation and therapy are nearly identical because they both provide comforting
conversation or words.

The advantages of communication functions include the ability to help someone

progress in his or her career, boost our confidence, and have a better relationship with our
family. The disadvantages of communication functions include the possibility of being
misunderstood if we do not deliver it correctly, and the inability to express our emotions
if we do not seek help from others.

Communication functions have differences, similarities, advantages, and

disadvantages. It provides information dependent on how a person delivers it, such as
informing, comforting, and persuading. To live a fuller and better life, it is necessary to
express one's thoughts and feelings. The more we communicate, the less we suffer and
the more satisfied we are with our surroundings.

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