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Sex education is a process of acquiring knowledge and skills and forming attitudes, beliefs, and

values with regard to human sexuality. Sex education includes all the educational measures
which regard to the particular that center on sex. It is education that stands for protection,
presentation,improvements and the developments of the family based on accepted ethical
ideas. Education helps students understand the physiological, social and emotional changes
they have experienced as they mature, develop healthy and rewarding relationships and make
wise informed and responsible decisions on sexuality matters.Sex education gives knowledge to
the young people to make informed decisions about their sexuality and health. Sex education is
effective in assisting young people to engage in early pregnancy. They need to acquire the
knowledge, skills, values and attitudes which will allow them to develop healthy and responsible
relationships and make informed and responsible decisions. Sex education gives current and
age appropriate knowledge to the children in terms of social, emotional skills. The children and
youth will be equipped to protect themselves from sexual advances and abuse, avoidsexual
experimentation and activities that lead to problems related to teenage pregnancies.Sex
education gives a lot of knowledge to the young people and aware them through the problems
related to the teenage pregnancy and protect the young people to the disease that comes from

Counter Arguments

 Implementing Sex education in the Philippines is a lesson that brings wrong signals for the
innocent child. Sex education is a lesson that brings innocent children to be aware on sex
activities, they will give them appropriate knowledge of the possible outcome to the disease that
comes from the sexual activity.

Sex education is designed to help young people gain the information and skills they need to
make the best decisions for themselves about sex and relationships throughout their lives. Does
Sex Education Work?
Sex education gives young people the knowledge and skills they need for a lifetime of good
sexual health. They learn how to have healthy relationships, make informed decisions about
sex, think critically about the world, be a good ally to those who are marginalized, and love
themselves for who they are. Research shows that sex education that’s culturally responsive
and inclusive helps young people develop the social and emotional skills they need to become
caring and empathetic adults. This type of sex education early and often leads to appreciation of
sexual diversity, dating and intimate partner violence prevention, development of healthy
relationships, prevention of child sex abuse, improved social/emotional learning, and increased
media literacy. It also helps young people avoid unintended pregnancies and sexually
transmitted infections (STIs).

Sex education works best when it’s; taught by trained professionals, taught early and often
throughout the lifespan.
And it works if it Includes both information and skill-building activities. It is evidence-informed
and Inclusive of LGBTQ+ youth and rooted in anti-racism practices. If it also trauma-informed
and of course adapted to the needs of the community.

Sex education should begin in a mild level at the primary school level itself, to protect children
from abuse. They must be taught about the different parts of their body, and the difference
between a good touch and bad touch. Sexual predators prey on children as young as three or
four and we must protect these children from abuse.

There are some people who are against sex education for young children. These people argue
that the rate of teen pregnancies is higher in the countries that conduct sex education classes
for their students. However, this argument is not based on facts, and is not only a foolish idea,
but it is also dangerous. By equipping children and teenagers with the power of knowledge, we
are ensuring that they will make informed decisions for themselves. We are leaving the choice
to them to practice safe sex, even if they choose to be sexually active. Instead of forbidding
youngsters from having sex at all, by clearly explaining concepts and risks, we are empowering
them to be more responsible.

Every child should know that they can decide who can touch them. Puberty brings out dramatic
physical and mental change to an unprepared child. Sex education should be mandatory in
school. Parents should not be allowed to opt-in or opt-out of something they are going to need
in their life. Sex education doesn’t increase the engagement of a child to sex but actually does
the opposite.

The objective of sex education is to help children, teenagers understand the body of men and
women and improving their attitudes towards sexual and reproductive health behaviours.
Understanding the differences and similarities between the genders will help them to know more
about their body and how it changes as they grow up. This mindset will set up a foundation for
future development in acquaintance with their friends or lovers. Sex Education sow a seed of
responsiblity in one’s mind towards others as well as oneself. It is about self-acceptance and
embracing one’s body. 

The importance of sex education:

It is important for a person to realize the health, well being and dignity of not only themselves
but also of others. It simply means honoring and having empathy with the range of experiences
and identities that exist in the world that every human goes through. 
Developing respectful social and sexual relationships will enhance life quality. Some people
choose to be in a relationship, some people don’t. Some people will have feelings of attraction
not restricted to one gender. But that’s okay. Every individual’s likes and dislikes vary.
Relationships can be dramatic but all of these need to be acknowledged as human experiences,
even when they are different from one’s own. The past few decades have seen drastic changes
towards the equality and the rights of LGBTQ+ individuals yet they face discrimination and
harassment at some point in their life because of sexual orientation and gender identity. 
Sexual health can affect the academic success of students. The Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention (CDC) has reported that students who choose to not engage in sexual activity
tend to have higher academic grades than the students who choose to engage. Health-related
problems and teenage unintended pregnancy can lead to absenteeism and dropping out.  
Good Sex Education teaches the young generation what consititutes sexual violence.
Sometimes kids are unaware of the sexual exploitation they are experiencing, they hesitate to
tell their parents about it because they are not aware of it. Sexual violence is wrong and kids
have the right to know about their body and ask for help if they have been assaulted. 
Good Sex education instills an understanding of how the choices affect their well-being and that
of others. Having mutual respect results in reliable relationships, how we interact with other
people possess a powerful and long-lasting impact on the people involved. 


Sex education should be compulsory in every school. Comprehensive sex education is

important for young people to prepare themselves for any bodily changes and maintain their
healthy and hygienic well being. Sex education doesn’t promote to have sex, which should be
realized by the parents. Knowing about your sexuality gives altogether a better and productive
mindset and relationship in the future.

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