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Main Course Supplementary Materials

Unit 2B

Present Perfect / Present Perfect Continuous

1 Complete the statements with the correct form of the verbs. Put (+) if both forms are

1 Professor Owen is working on two articles for the next issue of National Wildlife
magazine. She has written / has been writing these articles since Monday.

2 National Wildlife magazine has published / has been publishing its annual report on the
environment. It’s an excellent report.

3 More than 500 African elephants have already died / have been dying this year.

4 Professor Owen has given/has been giving many talks about elephants in past lecture series

5 She has spoken / has been speaking at our school many times.

6 Congress has created / has been creating a new study group to discuss the problem of
endangered animals. The group has already met twice.

7 The new group has a lot of work to do. Lately, the members have studied / have been
studying the problem of the spotted owl.

8 Professor Owen was late for a meeting with the members of Congress. When she arrived
the chairperson said, “At last, you’re here. We have waited / have been waiting for you.”

9 Professor Owen has lived / has been living in Kenya for the last 2 years.

10 She has worked / has been working with environmentalists in Kenya.

2 Underline the correct word or phrase.

Example: You’ve been working / worked hard for months – you need a holiday.
1 How long have you been saving up / do you save up for a motorbike?
2 He’s learning / been learning Chinese for three years now.
3 I’ve been planning / planned my visit to the Amazon for years.
4 She’s known / been knowing him for years.
5 Don’t worry. I haven’t been crying / cried – I’ve got a cold.
6 He’s disliked / been disliking bananas since he was a child.
7 I’ve had / been having the same bank account since I was a student.

Main Course Supplementary Materials
Unit 2B

3 Complete the time expressions with for or since.

1 A: What happened? I’ve been waiting for you ________ 7:00.
B: My train broke down. I sat in the tunnel for an hour.
2 A: How long have you lived in San Francisco?
B: _______ I was born. How about you?
3 A: When did you and Alan meet?
B: I’ve known Alan _________ ages. We went to elementary school together.
4 A: Has Greg worked at Café Fidelio for a long time?
B: Not too long. He’s only been there ________ 2004.
5 A: Why didn’t you answer the door? I’ve been standing here ringing the doorbell
________ five minutes.
B: I didn’t hear you. I was taking a shower.
6 A: How long have you had sleeping problems, Mr .Yang?
B: _________ March. It started when I moved.
7 A: Celia has been studying English ________ she was 10.
B: That’s why she speaks so well.
8 A: Did you know that Gary plans to change jobs?
B: He’s been saying that _______ the past two years.

4 Complete the sentences below with either the simple or continuous form of present

1. Heidi is a writer. You ask her:

a. How many books __________________ (write)?
b. How long __________________ (write)?

2. Bill is waiting for you. You ask him:

How long __________________ (wait)?

3. You see Ken playing tennis. You ask him:

a. How many games __________________ (play)?

Main Course Supplementary Materials
Unit 2B

b. How long __________________ (play) tennis?

c. Ken __________________ (play) tennis since he was 5 years old.

4. Jill is learning Spanish. You ask her:

How long __________________ (learn) Spanish?

5. Jeff is smoking.
a. He __________________ (smoke) 10 cigarettes so far today.
b. He __________________ (smoke) all morning.

6. John is an actor.
He __________________ (be) in eight movies.

7. That movie is pretty good. I __________________ it a few times. (see)

8. I don't think your friend is coming. We __________________ for 45 minutes. (wait)

9. He __________________ at that company for 10 years. (work)

10. I ______________that grammar point three times and I still don't understand it. (read)

11. I don't have any energy left. We __________________ for two hours. (jog)

12. Sally is studying for a test. She __________________ for two hours. (study)

13. My ear is too sore to keep talking. We ____________the phone for three hours! (use)

14. I _______________ to my parents three times but they still haven't responded. (write)

15. Mr. Smith _______________ too many countries. (visit / not)

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