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La Moderna

Animal Farm
Chapter 1

Complete the following chart about chapter 1

Main Characters Mr. Jones: is the owner of the “Manor Farm”, shows to be a drunk
Give a brief and does not take care of the animals in the farm
Old Major: Old pig who wants to pass the message that animals
deserve better and not just to serve humans.

Boxer: He was one of the biggest animals in the farm, he was not
very intelligent, but was respected and a hard worker

Conflict Internal conflict: Old Major thinks that all human habits are evil and
no animal should behave as a human being, due to the fact that he
perceives it as an act of evilness.

External conflict: The animals feel as slaves of men and they get
nothing but the necessary in exchange for their labour.

Four relevant 1. Old Major gives the speech to the other animals in the farm.
2. The animals vote in order to decide if they agreed to have the rats
and rabbits as comrades.

3. Old Major sings “Beasts of England” and after he finishes, the

animals sing to it three time in a row.

4. Mr. Jones woke up because of the noise, he saw a fox in the yard,
seized the gun and let fly a charge of number 6 shot into the

Offline activity.

1. Pop-hole: a small opening through which an animal may pass

2. Lurches: an abrupt uncontrolled movement, especially an unsteady tilt or roll
3. Scullery: a small kitchen or room at the back of a house used for washing dishes
and other dirty household work.
4. Tushes: long pointed teeth, in particular canine teeth of a male horse.
5. Stout: a person somewhat fat or of heavy build.
6. Mare: the female of a horse or other equine animal.
7. Plough: a large farming implement with one or more blades fixed in a frame,
drawn by a tractor or by animals and used for cutting furrows in the soil and
turning it over, especially to prepare for the planting of seeds.
8. Dung: the excrement of animals
9. Grumble: complain about something in a bad-tempered way
10. Falter: start to lose strength or momentum
11. Stirring: an initial sign of activity or movement
12. Fluttering: moving with a light irregular or trembling motion.
13. Barn: a large farm building used for storing grain, hay, or straw or for housing
14. Ensconced: establish or settle someone in a comfortable, safe, or secret place.
15. Straw: dried stalks of grain, used especially as fodder or as material for
thatching, packing, or weaving.
16. Bean: an edible seed, typically kidney-shaped, growing in long pods on certain
leguminous plants.
17. Foreleg: either of the front legs of a four-footed animal.
18. Ducklings: a young duck.
19. Lump: a compact mass of a substance, especially one without a definite or
regular shape.
20. Plaited: a single length of hair or other flexible material made up of three or
more interlaced strands; a braid.
21. Sturdy: strongly and solidly built.
22. Calves: a young bovine animal, especially a domestic cow or bull in its first year.
23. Foals: a young horse or related animal.
24. Hindquarters: the hind legs and adjoining parts of a quadruped.

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