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// His Letter
// Story: A Letter From a Friend
// by Flutterpriest

Dear Twilight,

How have you been? It's Hard to bElieve it's been three months since I left
Ponyville! I haven't gotten a single letter from you, so I figured, "Hey this works
both ways!" I'm sorry that I left so abruptLy, and only by leaving a note, but I
had a train to catch. Also, I've probably had a bit too much to drink tonight. So,
sorry if I get a little too personal.

As I'm sure you and the others have read by now, I left town to go finally meet my
long time Penpal, who simply went by the name of Crystal. Well, as I'M sure you've
figured out by now, I love it here and have decidEd to stay. Crystal is just so
beautiful, Twilight. And It turns out she's born from royalty too!

She didn't want to give away her identity in her letters, so out of respect, I
won't either. But I knew instantly when I arrived that this place would be My new
home. The halls in her home are so vast and long that it's very, very easy to get
lost in them. HeCk, I don't really even remember where the front doors are
sometimes. However, since sHe's from Royalty, she has tons of guards and servants
that roam the halls and theY will happily escort me to my room.

I have to admit that it's a lot quieter over here than in Ponyville. Nopony wants
to talk or play. In fact, most of the time they aSk me to stay in my room. But, I
mean, it could be much worse.

My room hAs everything I need. A nice bed, that could probabLy be a little larger,
but I've always been a bIt too tall. A little toilet. No window, but they have a
new type of modern architecture they use, where a whole wall iS tranSparent,
including the door.

Which makes sense, since most ponies don't wear any clothes, but it still makes me
a little nervous to use the bathroom. Oh well.

The food is pretty good here, but I swear, I think everyPony is on a diet. I seem
to only get one meal a day. It's been fantastic for my figuRe though! I've lost so
much weight! And the good thing about diets is that you begin to forget how hungry
you are after a while.

Despite Crystal being a very, very busy mare, she still manages to find time for us
to spend some private time together. I know Rarity wIll want all the juicy details,
so I'll try to provide as much as I can. Usually every other night, I get a message
from one of guards that I'm being Summoned to her quarters. So then, two of her
servants help guide me up to her roOm.

You know, so I don't get lost.

And once I get iNside, her and I finally have some time to be alone. That's usually
when her and I get to have dinnEr. It must surely be a sign of the society, because
she always seems to be full, but I leave with an empty feeling. But at night, we
have all soRts of passion. I'm really not Into it every night, but she wants it, so
I end up going along with it. I mean, as long as she's happy, right?

Oh! I already found a new Job here, too. It turns out that they have a lot of need
for blUe-collar work. Since I got so used to it in Ponyville, it was a perfect fit
for me. Right now they have me working in construction, which iSn't so bad. Our
deadlines are very, very strict and the foreman can be a major jerk sometimes. But
I spend a lot of time carrying materials from one side of the castle to another, or
helping make the basement bigger, or breaking down some of the dirT and rock we
excavate from the basement.

It's very, very tiring work, and most nights I end up just feeling spent. The
nights that I get to spend with Crystal, I suppose I only get... maybe 4 hours of
sleep? So, sometimes I almost don't Want to go up to spend the night with her.

I alwAys end up feeling sluggish and weaker the next day. You'd think that all of
the hard work would strengtheN my muscles, but I'm beginning to think there's too
little protein in the food. I'm certainly lean, but I don't seem to be getting

It's a shame, I'd love to have some sweet muscles to show off. Otherwise, Things
aren't too much different from Ponyville over here. I spend some of my free time
daydreaming about what iT was like back in Ponyville, hanging out with you and the
rest of the girls. I really wish I cOuld come out and visit, but there always seems
to be some big project that forbids me from coming back. It's really a

I would love to get outside, smell the fresh Ponyville aIr and to feel the sun on
my skin again. Hopefully sometimE very soon, I'll be able to come back. So, I
suppose I should get to the oTher reason I'm writing you this letter. See, the main
reason why I'm not coming back is that Crystal and I are to be wed. THey want it to
be a very low key and quiet wedding, so I think you and the girls might be the only
people who will get to find out.

I asked if I could invite all of you gIrls over, but they really wanted everything
to remain private. It's really a Shame. If I could have, I would have made you best

But, you know the thIng about weddingS. That Means it'll be just a matter of time
before I become a father! I'm really nervous Twilight. I suppose their familY
really, really loves kids. They tend to have eight or more children per royal
daughter! Isn't that crazy? I get to be a Father. Sometimes I can barely remember
to make my bed every morning, and I always get IN trouble from the maids.

I have no idea how I'm going to be Able to take care of all of them, but CrystaL
doesn't seem to be worried. She says my body has a lot of room for love. I'm just
trying to hold onto that thought as tightly as I Can. Anyway, since I got a lot of
work over here pReparing for the wedding, I have a big favor to ask of you.

Would you help me and sell off all my things in PonYville? I know it's a lot to
ask, but since I won't be coming back, I might as well have the bits. Just hold
onto them for now, I'll send another letter for when I'm ready For you to send
them. Thank you sO much, Twilight.

And, I know you might not appRove of all of this happening so fast, but I'm happy.
Truly Happy, for the first time since I arrived in Equestria. I'm not sure how
you'll sell evErything but.

You're the smartest pony I know. Please figure it out.

Anyway, I hope this Letter can get through the mail service pretty quickly. I had
to pull a few strings to get this letter to you on express delivery. It seems they
lose mail quite often here. Oh well, I can't wait for your rePly.

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