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30/05/2020 Prize Frame – UMP University

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You must frame yourself as the “prize.”

This may sound counterintuitive.

How can you be the prize, but yet be the one approaching a girl, trying to build attraction and display
your value?

You are the one trying to win her over, right?

If you were to practice a sport, compete all year and then get the trophy, the trophy clearly wasn’t trying
to win you. You weren’t the prize.

There is a nuance to this.

Revising our Growth Mindset, you must not have an unhealthy and arrogant sense of entitlement that’s
baseless. You don’t deserve attraction and compliance from every single girl by default. Having these
expectations are simply unrealistic.

Repeating delusional mantras, such as “There’s no reason you’re not good enough” isn’t helpful. Instead,
strive to have a healthy ego and realize that you must keep growing. 1/4
30/05/2020 Prize Frame – UMP University

If you want to be the prize, you must first show her that you are through your words and actions. At first,
she won’t see your potential or value or your ‘prizability.’ You must show her and create the perception
and frame that she is winning from being with you.

Women are used to being chased, even when they want a man. They set up behaviors to get him
attracted and invested, like walking past him or bumping into him, so that he is the one to start the
conversation. This creates the meta frame of him chasing her.

Most attractive women assume that almost any guy would sleep with them, and it’s up to them to decide
if the guy meets their standards. Therefore when they choose a guy, they are not sure that the guy
actually likes her, creating a sense of insecurity.

Therefore it’s of utmost importance to make sure that you hold the prize frame and not the girl. If you
follow the guidelines set out in the Attraction chapter and remain slightly unattainable, you will have
already started making her chase.

A lot of the lines and behaviors we do to set up the prize frame have just been adapted from girls. They
are, after all, the experts at it!

Prize frame lines

“Stop staring at my lips!”

“I hope you’re different than other [x] girls. They only want sex.”
“I’m not gonna kiss you.”
“We’re not having sex tonight.”
“Tonight’s boys night.”
“Is that your pickup line?”

A lot of hoops will also have implied prizing frames. For example, hoops that are designed to bait her into
qualification, “What’s the best part of your personality?”

Prize reframing

Reinterpret her action and behaviors as her; 2/4
30/05/2020 Prize Frame – UMP University

Not being good enough for you

Trying to pursue you
Being a little crazy
Being socially inept
Lacking class
Being a little creepy
Being rude or insensitive

Reframed Prizing Frame Examples 

Girl: “Is that your pickup line?”

She’s implying that you’re trying to pick her up.

Guy: [Reframed response] “Haha, that’s so cute. You expect every guy to try to pick
you up? That’s very confident!”

Girl: “I’m not gonna kiss you.”

Guy: [Reframed response] “I’m not that easy, I normally don’t let girls kiss me until
after the 4th or 5th date.”

Girl: “We’re not having sex tonight.”

Guy: [Reframed response] “Yeah, I know, I’m sorry. Look, I’m only ever going to
have sex with someone if I know it’s going to be amazing. They have to be super
passionate and begging for it. Right now, I don’t think it would be good. Don’t get
me wrong though. You are very pretty and seem like a lot of fun; I just need to feel
the sexual chemistry first.”

In all of these examples, the girl is implying that she’s the prize. In other words, she’s communicating that
frame emotionally. You cannot respond logically to this.

You need to imply the same frame back – that you’re the prize. 3/4
30/05/2020 Prize Frame – UMP University

If you think this “doesn’t make sense” or feels like “it wouldn’t work” – you’re thinking logically. Drop that
as soon as possible. Being solely logical is suicide in pickup.

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