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● Denominación del Programa de Formación: Técnico en Enfermería

● Código del Programa de Formación: 331120
● Nombre del Proyecto: El cuidado de enfermería a la persona, familia y comunidad desde la aplicación de
las Rutas Integrales de Salud.
● Fase del Proyecto: Ejecución
● Actividad de Proyecto: Producto Tercer Trimestre: Propuesta Lista de Cuidados de Enfermería por

Asistir personas según la etapa del ciclo vital y guías de manejo de salud

Resultados de Aprendizaje Alcanzar:

✔ Brindar cuidado a la familia teniendo en cuenta el ciclo vital, protocolos establecidos

Duración de la Guía: 40 horas de fundamentación y 4 autónomas


Gestation is a normal process, in which the mother, as a member of a family, carries within her body a being that
is being formed, growing and developing so that at the moment of birth, she has the optimal physical conditions to
assume her journey of the life. From the gestation the new being must have an auspicious environment, where
physical and psychological factors of the parents contribute to their well-being.
The nursing staff has in their hands the responsibility of guiding the couple in preconception and gestation stage
for the use of resources, in order to conserve health as a right of the person; it is the reason to know the health
programs established for the mother and her family, as well as the way to request and use them. Within this
activity, the Nursing Technician must develop education and guidance actions, for which he must have clear,
precise, and pertinent knowledge about the physiology
It is important to recognize the role of the family in the process of gestation, involving the biological, physical,
psychological, social, cultural, among other factors and nursing staff must address these variables to offer support
and guidance during this stage of life . The commitment as a training technician is to acquire the competence to
fully assist the person and family in relation to the stage of the life process and social, political, cultural and ethical
context, for which: you must read the recommended documents, develop the guide and participate in the
socialization of the same, in order to obtain during the teaching practice a rewarding perception when supporting
effectively in the care and conservation of a new life.
3.1 Initial Reflection Activities: Enunciate social, family, and personal myths and beliefs in relation to methods of
conception and contraception.


● Mito 1: Las pastillas engordan

● Mito 2: Cualquier pastilla funciona para cualquier mujer
● Mito 3: No tienen efectos adversos
● Mito 4: Las pastillas producen cáncer
● Mito 5: Los anticonceptivos reducen la fertilidad posterior
● Mito 6: No son incompatibles con otra medicación
● Mito 7: La semana de descanso no estás protegida
● Mito 8: Por un olvido no pasa nada
● Mito 9: Si tomas pastillas no puedes usar otros métodos anticonceptivos
● Mito 10: Se tienen que hacer descansos de las pastillas anticonceptivas
● Pararse de cabeza después de tener relaciones sexuales puede aumentar la probabilidad
de quedar embarazada.
● La forma y altura del vientre pueden indicar el sexo de su bebé.
● La frecuencia cardíaca fetal puede indicar el sexo de su bebé.
● La forma y lo regordete de la cara durante el embarazo pueden indicar el sexo de su bebé.
● Quedarse embarazada es fácil

● Tomar píldoras anticonceptivas puede causar infertilidad

● El factor de la infertilidad suele ser femenina

● Si te relajas te quedarás embarazada

● Si ya has tenido hijos no hay manera de que tengas problemas de fertilidad

● Diversas posturas ayudan a quedarte embarazada

3.1.1 Read comprehensively the following story and answer the questions at the end. Camilo, 14, and Diana,
15, met thirteen years ago when they were in 9th and 10th grade, shared a lot of time together; they
frequently attended parties on weekends, where they consumed alcohol, inducing disinhibition and
having unprotected sex

Diana becomes pregnant and her parents withdrew all support, which forced them to rent a room in her
godmother's house. Camilo started working informally and out of necessity, he went to another city to
improve his remuneration and visited Diana every 15 days at the beginning, then once a month and then
the visits to his family were more distant.

During the pregnancy Diana was alone, she found out that she was expecting twins and therefore
presented health difficulties, leading to several hospitalizations due to: threat of abortion and
pregnancy-induced hypertension, with a high risk for her life and her children. The godmother
accompanied her during pregnancy and when the twins were born, I support her in measures of her
possibilities, but she also had a precarious economic situation. Diana and the children had many needs,
but Camilo had another couple, in the city where she lived, for which she no longer supported her
financially; This situation forced Diana to look for work and to be employed in general services. Today, at
28 years old, Diana continues to work, dedicates little time to her adolescent children, who have not
studied regularly, the friendships of young people take advantage of their solitude to induce them to
consume licit and illicit psychoactive
substances and therefore do not have a life project definite.

---Identify the affected sexual rights and those protected according to the regulations in this regard

Los derechos afectados en este caso son lo siguientes:

● Derecho a decidir libremente si desea o no tener hijas o hijos.

● Derecho a decidir sobre el tipo de familia que se quiere formar.
● Derecho a tomar decisiones sobre la reproducción sin sufrir discriminacion,coerción ni

---I establish yes, having knowledge on sexual rights favors decision-making in adolescents.

Tener conocimientos sobre los derechos sexuales nos ayudan a tener una noción más clara de nuestra
sexualidad y así poder tomar las mejores decisiones que afecten nuestras vidas.

---I compare Diana's health situation with the ideal to live during pregnancy; I establish that I would need to
achieve this and how I mitigate or solve the family situation, the health condition of Diana and her children.

Diana ha pasado por un momento difícil en su vida ya que tuvo un embarazo muy temprano, ningún apoyo por
parte de sus familiares y llevar sola la crianza de sus 2 hijos, además de eso llevaba una vida de alcohol y
relaciones sexuales sin proteccion lo que con lleva un embaraso con complicaciones.

un embarazo ideal debe contener apoyo ya que es una situación difícil siendo tan joven,facilitando la información
de los derechos sexuales y reproductivos para tener una vida más plena y llevar el embarazo mucho mejor

la situación familiar de diana es complicada ya que su pareja la abandonó y tuvo que criar a sus hijos sola
además que desde un principio no recibió apoyo familiar para llevar esta situación, para poder resolver esta
situación diana debe recibir ayuda psicológica y así recibir consejos y aplicarlo a su vida diaria

con respecto a sus hijos ellos deben asistir a charlar sobre drogadicción y compañía familiar para poder salir de
las malas amistades y el uso de sustancias psicoactivas.

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