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Plastic bags have a negative impact in our environment. Utilization of plastic cellophanes
especially in packaging tangible items has been one of the most pressing environmental issue
that the world is facing today. This resulted to sewage systems being blocked which then leads to
flash floods. Hence, excessive plastic usage is choking the life of our city. With that being said, I
am proposing a much sustainable alternative that could help lessen plastic pollution.

The Problem of Objectives

It is undeniable that almost all of us uses plastic in our daily lives. According to Sharon
Jacobsen, around 500 billion plastic bags are used worldwide. It also takes more than 400 years
to degrade hence, making it difficult and costly to recycle it. That is why it ends up in landfill
Humans are the number one contributor of the said pollution. The lack of knowledge in
environmental challenges leads us to use excessive wastes that brings harm not only in the
environment but in our health as well. According to Roland Geyer (cited by If present trends continue, by 2050, there will be 12 billion
metric tons of plastic in landfills. The objective of the proposal is to promote the utilization of
eco bags or paper bags to the public when buying things and to inform everyone about the
current status of plastic pollution we are facing today.

To start the movement, a social media post will be made, and flyers will be
disseminated to inform the public about the open to all forum where guest speakers will be
invited, video presentations will be showed, and free eco bags will be distributed to the
audience. The said forum will be sponsored by the youth organization of the city with the
guidance of the local government.

Attached below is the social media post and the flyers that will be publicized.
Call to Action
If you cannot REUSE it, REFUSE it.
Get involved in reducing plastic consumption. Educate yourselves about the benefits of
using recyclable bags. Be the change and take part in saving our drowning world.

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