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Online shopping is convenient for customers, which has fueled the global growth of

internet-based businesses. The covid-19 crisis increased unemployment and temporary

labor, putting pressure on financial markets. Businesses that couldn't operate online stores
before the shutdown found new ways to sell online, such as posting items on social media
and offering pick-up or shipping.

However, Generation Z values experiences over material possessions and prefers

exchanging them over acquiring them. The Coronavirus outbreak is expected to change
Generation Z's mindset, forcing them to reassess their financial goals and habits.

Alternative consumption interests Generation Z, including trading and sharing. According to

Nielsen, 35% of Generation Z customers rent from shared community businesses. During the
COVID-19 outage, generation Z's online shopping incentives are hedonic, says Koch.
However, researcher Gentina believes Generation Z is a multi-faceted group of early

The author provides early findings about Generation Z in Asia using theoretical and scientific
frameworks. Ramayah emphasizes the growth of online shopping. The data show that
internet purchases will rise by 1.7 billion dollars by 2015. These ideas have been advanced
theoretically in econometrics, sociology, psychology, marketing, and consumer behavior.

The five purchase behaviors can influence a choice. Generation Z values both online
following and anonymity. This may explain Generation Z's preference for social media over
Facebook. Generation Z may prefer to keep close friends close and present a curated image.
Generation Z works hard to keep communication private. The outbreak's early stages, Julia
claims, resembled previous historical shocks in terms of consumer behavior, leading to panic
buying among gen Z.

The main motivation for online purchases is hedonic, followed by utilitarian and ethical
considerations. However, pressures from intimate social networks, such as relatives and
friends, have no effect. Online shopping is more hedonic for those who engage in social
distance, generation Z, and females during the epidemic. As a result, we believe generation
Z shoppers will increasingly seek out peer reviews.

Price was found to be a factor in online food ordering. Emotional values have been shown to
influence the use of online brand communities. The literature supports our choice of theory
to characterize consumer shopping behavior determinants. These authors claim that
customers' purchasing decisions are influenced by emotional, financial, and quality factors.
Thus, in online shopping, epistemic value can influence both purchase intent and switching

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