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unto the
newing the Mind
< Hebrew Roots | Separation unto the Lord


The believer indwelt by the Holy Spirit has two natures, the carnal and the
spiritual. The one which is predisposed to sinful desires, and the other (the new
nature) which is according to the nature of Messiah.

The one to which we yield will be our master (Romans 6:16). We will come under
the dominion and control of which ever nature we yield to, and as a result we will
walk according to its desires, that is, according to the thinking of that nature,
either to the mind of the flesh or to the mind of the Spirit.

Romans 8:4 speaks of either walking in the flesh or walking in the spirit, and in
verse 5 it goes on to say, "For they that are after the flesh do mind the things of
the flesh, and they that are after the spirit the things of the Spirit."

The 'mind of the flesh' is that attitude or disposition which seeks to gain
satisfaction through unlawful (contrary to God's principles) fleshly desires. The
'mind of the spirit' is that attitude of mind or disposition which seeks satisfaction
in spiritual aspirations and desires.

The literal Greek of verse 5 would be, "For those who are habitually dominated by
the flesh put their mind on the things of the flesh", and verse 6, "For to be carnally
minded is death, but to be spiritually minded is life and peace." The carnal mind is
the 'mind of the flesh'.

The word flesh here is grammatically a genitive of possession which indicates

that it is a mind possessed by and thus controlled by the flesh.

And likewise, to be spiritually minded is to have one's mind 'possessed' by the

Spirit. This 'mind', is life and peace, or it could be rendered life-giving and peace-
giving. Thus a mind which is possessed by the Spirit renders life and peace to that
person. In this verse, the verbal form of the word peace is used which gives the
meaning of "binding together that which is separated"; i.e. bringing it into unity.

That is, we are brought into a relationship of peace with God as we come under
the control of the Spirit of God, and like wise when in the flesh that union is
absent, and we are separated from the life that is in Him.

So we can have two types of experience, a flow of life in union with Him, or an
experience of death and separation from Him.

"But you are not in the flesh but in the Spirit if so be that the Spirit of God dwell in
you." (v.9a)

We are not in the flesh (i.e. in the natural life) and we should not walk after the
flesh, or allow the principle of the fleshly mind to dominate us so that we come
under its desires and impulses. But it is possible to allow this nature to dominate,
and if we do, the principle of death will operate in us. "For if you live after the flesh
you will die." Romans 8:13



How do we identify this 'mind' of the spirit from that which is of the flesh? The
'mind of the flesh' is the inner motivations which have their outworking in the lusts
of the flesh, i.e. all that gratifies self. In Ephesians 2: 3 it speaks of the former
manner of life lived in the "lusts of the flesh, fulfilling the desires of the flesh and
the mind." NOTE - Those of the flesh and of the mind.

The 'mind of the spirit' is that motivation and desire to please the heart of God and
bring glory to Him. Yeshua said the Holy Spirit (Ruach HaKodesh) would take His
place and glorify Him (John 14:16; 16:14). He replaces Yeshua' ministry to the
believers and therefore He will do the same things which Yeshua did.

Yeshua said when praying to the Father, "I have glorified thee on earth. I have
finished the work which you gave me to do" ........"glorify you me with the glory I
had with thee before the foundation of the world." John 17: 4,5

Yeshua glorified the Father by submitting to His will completely, and therefore
could request the glory of the Father to be manifest in Him.

We are instructed, "Let this mind be in you which was also in Messiah Yeshua,
who being in the form of God, (the nature of divinity) did not regard being on an
equality with God a thing to be held onto, but emptied himself, having taken the
form of a bondslave and entered into the state of existence as humanity; and
being in the outward form of humanity, He humbled himself and became obedient
even to the point of death, even the death of the cross. Wherefore God has highly
exalted Him ...." (Literal Greek Philippians 2:5-9a)

The Spirit of God has the same mind as this. It is also His disposition to submit to
the will of the Father and thus glorify Him. We are to allow this 'mind' to be in us.
That is, to put aside our own desires and that which is to our own satisfaction and
glory, and to humble ourselves, dying to our own interests - to the point of death if
necessary and taking on ourselves the role of a bondslave who loves the Father,
seeking His pleasure and glory.
Being identified with Yeshua in His death to self will entitle us to share with Him in
the glory which was given Him by the Father. This is the unveiling of God in us
through the Holy Spirit (Ruach HaKodesh).


"I beseech you therefore brethren by the mercies of God that you present your
bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God which is your reasonable
service (or, spiritual worship), and be not conformed to this world but be you
transformed by the renewing of your mind that you may prove what is that good
and acceptable and perfect will of God." Romans 12: 1-2

Just as Yahawashi initiated the emptying and humbling of Himself to fulfil God's
purposes, so we are to present our members to God to be instruments in His
service. The sacrifice which is asked of us is not as in the old covenant to be
fulfilled literally in the offering of slain animal sacrifices. We are called to give a
living sacrifice in the offering up of our lives. It is that of a life offered in sacrifice
in the sense of it being all that constitutes one's life that is placed upon the altar
of God. That includes all the faculties which motivate the body and for that reason
Thayer says that it is "the worship which is rendered by reason of the soul" (i.e. the
personality). Vincent says it is that which is "reasonable, not in the popular sense
of the term, as a thing befitting or proper, but rational as distinguished from
merely external or material. Hence nearly equivalent to spiritual. It is in harmony
with the highest reasoning."

From these expositors comments it is evident that it is not just the external life
pattern or actions of the body which are meant, but the very inner recesses of
one's being. Not the form, but the essence.

The sacrificial service which the priests performed was that of a slain animal. We
are called to offer up our living members. The body is the vehicle through which
we express our life and therefore in the offering up of our bodies we present the
whole of our life as an act of worship to God. In offering them up to God, we bring
them into subjection to the Spirit. Romans 12: 1-2

We are a tripartite being - spirit, soul and body. For us to be able to worship God in
spirit (John 4:24), we must have our soul and body in subjection to our spirit, and
not be 'conformed to this world'.
The word 'conformed' in Greek is SUNMORFIZO which means the act of assuming
an outward expression that does not come from within, and is therefore not a
representation of his inner being.
The prefixed preposition 'SUN' adds to the meaning of the verb the idea of
assuming an expression that is patterned after something else. The verb is a
present infinitive in the negative, therefore it is forbidding an action already in
The word 'world' here is AION - the 'age', or the 'era', not the literal physical world,
but the lifestyle of the world, it's attitudes, concepts and philosophies. Instead be
'transformed by the renewing of your minds'.

Transformed' in the Greek is METAMORPHOMAI which means the changing of

one's outer form from that which they have to another outward form which comes
as a result of an inner change.

Thayer says, "a renewal, a renovation, a complete change for the better", and
Trench says, "The gradual conforming of the man more and more to that new
spiritual world into which he has been introduced."

The exhortation then is to discontinue assuming an outward expression patterned

after this world, which is inconsistent with the life of the Spirit within, and not in
accordance with the new nature of our re-created spirit. So we are not to be
patterned after this world's mould, but are to be transformed by allowing the inner
man to be expressed through our personality by the renewing of our minds from
the conformity of this world to the image of the new man, Messiah.

We have a personality and a mental outlook which has been conformed to the
sinful nature and it's desires, and we have the spirit of Messiah within. The
presence of God within is limited by the earthen vessel in which it dwells (2
Corinthians 4: 7).

Only as the earthen vessel, which is the soul of the believer (the mind and
personality) are transformed can the holy Spirit of God find expression through us,
and the extent in which He does will be according to the measure which that
transformation has taken place in us.

Titus 3:5 speaks of salvation by "the washing of regeneration and renewal of the
Holy Spirit". There is the washing cleansing action of the Holy Spirit (Ruach
HaKodesh) in regeneration, but there also needs to be the renewing process to
establish Messiah in our life. We need to be changed into Messiah's image.


In Ephesians, Paul instructs the believers to "put off concerning the former
conversation (i.e. behaviour) the old man which is corrupt according to the
deceitful lusts .............. and be renewed in the spirit of your mind." (Ephesians
4:22, 23)

The word 'put off' is a figurative word taken from the putting off of garments. The
old man, this outward form of expression of our life, is to be put off as one would
put off a garment, and to be renewed.
This word 'renewed' in Greek is ANANEOO which means to be renovated by an
inward reformation. Wuest says that the construction of the Greek makes it a
transitional and continuative process.

So we understand from this, that it is an ongoing process through which this

transition from one state of mind to another, occurs. it is a process of shedding
the old outer covering and putting on the new.

This takes place in the 'spirit of your mind'. It is in the inner man, it is the higher life
principle in man into which moral thinking and knowledge is received. We have a
new nature and therefore we need new principles to live by.

"And that you put on the new man which after God is created in righteousness and
true holiness" Ephesians 4:23

The literal Greek of the words 'after God' are "according to what God is in Himself"

The new man is created in God's image as was Adam in the beginning before he
fell. We are to put on this new man which is according to what God is in Himself,
in righteousness and true holiness.

In speaking to the Colossians, Paul says, "Put on the new man which is renewed in
knowledge after the image of Him that created him." (Colossians 3:10) The
spiritual man is created according to God's likeness, and the process of renewal
comes through the KNOWLEDGE of "Him that created him". As we come to know
Him, our minds are renewed in accordance to that knowledge of Him.
In Romans 12: 2 Paul speaks of 'proving' what is that good, acceptable and
perfect will of God.

The Greek word used for 'proving' is DOKIMAZO and means to put to the test for
the purpose of approving, and finding that the thing tested meets the
specifications laid down, and to put one's approval on it.

The specifications which we have of God's image is in the Word of God, against
which we put all things to the test for the purpose of approving them as being of
the new man, Messiah. We are able to put our lives to the test of this examination.
The Word is a measuring rod to measure ourselves against, and a mirror into
which we may look to see our reflection and know what is approved as the good
and acceptable and perfect will of God. So as we look upon Him, growing in a
knowledge of Him, we are changed into His image and likeness by the Spirit of
God (2 Corinthians 3:18). As we behold Him, we reflect that likeness, our
personality is changed and transfigured and the Holy Spirit (Ruach HaKodesh)
shines through in a progressively greater measure according to the measure of
transformation which has taken place.



Highly polished metal was used in mirrors then which as well as giving a reflection
of the person looking into it, also cast a reflection of light back upon the onlooker,
and this was used by Paul as a figure of what takes place in the believer as he
looks upon Messiah through the Word of the living God as revealed in scripture.

The light of the "mirror" of the Word reflects back upon the onlooker, to impress its
reflection upon them.

How are we to look upon Messiah now?

Is it just through the written Word?

The written Word of the Old testament was the 'law' referred to by Paul, by which
is the knowledge of sin. But just as the knowledge of the law could not change us,
so the knowledge of the Word itself will not change us either. It does not have the
power to do that. But we know that the Word became flesh and dwelt among us
(John 1:14). He was God manifest in the flesh (1 Timothy 3:16) and as such could
say, "He that hath seen me hath seen the Father" (John 14:9). In Him was
manifested the second man created in the image of God for all to see. And it is
the Holy Spirit (Ruach HaKodesh) Who reveals Him to us as Yeshua said He would
("He will testify of me .........He will glorify me").

This is what will change us! The illumination of Messiah to our spirit. Not the
mental knowledge of the written Word which comes from natural faculties, but the
glory of His presence shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Spirit (Ruach
HaKodesh) as a result of a spiritual perception of Him.

"We rejoice in hope of the glory of God ......" .....and hope makes not ashamed
because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Spirit which is
given to us" Romans 5: 2, 5

How can we rejoice in hope of the glory of God? Because the Spirit of God within
brings into reality the life of God in us. In that, we can have hope in His glory being
revealed in us.

Paul said, "Henceforth know we no man after the flesh: yet though we have known
Messiah after the flesh, yet now henceforth know we Him no more, therefore if
any man be in Messiah, he is a new creation." 2 Corinthians 5:16,17

It is the knowledge of Him by revelation that will release the creative power of God
within to change us.

"The fruit of the Spirit is in all goodness and righteousness and truth Proving what
is acceptable unto Yahweh God." Ephesians 5: 9,10

It is the same thing expressed here as in Romans 12:2. The Spirit will evidence
what will prove to be acceptable to Yahweh God. That which the Spirit produces
will be good, righteous and true and will be approved in God's sight, and in
accordance with His perfect will. Therefore the testing point for the qualities we
evidence in life's situations, will be whether or not they are in accordance with His

That which is spiritual in it's source will be spiritual in it's nature. The wisdom from
above is first pure, peaceable, gentle, easy to be entreated (not forceful), full of
mercy, having good fruit and without partiality and hypocrisy (James 3:17).
All which is contrary to this originates from another source and needs the
renewing of the Holy Spirit.

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