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Sheikh Zayed Islamic Centre, University of Karachi.

BS Final Year Assignment

Cosmos and Life (631)
Teacher: Sir Bilal
Student: Rida Jamil
Roll No.: 34 (Morning)
Table of Contents
1. About the BOOK & WRITER: ................................................................................................................................................ 2
2. TAFASEER: ............................................................................................................................................................................... 2
1. Surah AL ALA’A (VERSE 1 - 5): ................................................................................................................................... 2
2. Surah AL ANKABOOT (VERSE 44): ........................................................................................................................... 3
3. Surah HAA MEEM AL SAJIDAH (VERSE 3, 9, 11-12, 37): ..................................................................................... 4
i. Verse 3: ..................................................................................................................................................................... 4

ii. Verse 9: ..................................................................................................................................................................... 4

iii. Verse 11-12: ............................................................................................................................................................... 5

iv. Verse 37: ................................................................................................................................................................... 6

4. Surah AL ZUMR (VERSE 6): ........................................................................................................................................ 6

5. Surah AL RA’AD (VERSE 2, 16): .................................................................................................................................. 7

v. Verse 2: ..................................................................................................................................................................... 7

vi. Verse 16: .................................................................................................................................................................... 8

6. Surah AL BAQARAH (VERSE 26, 29, 117, 164): ....................................................................................................... 9

vii. Verse 26: ................................................................................................................................................................... 9

viii. Verse 29: ................................................................................................................................................................. 10

ix. Verse 117:................................................................................................................................................................. 10

x. Verse 164:................................................................................................................................................................. 11

7. Surah BANI ISRA’AENL (VERSE 12, 111): ................................................................................................................. 11

xi. Verse 12: ...................................................................................................................................................................12

xii. Verse 111: ..................................................................................................................................................................12

8. Surah Al INFITAAR (VERSE 6-8): .............................................................................................................................12

9. Surah Al INA’AM (VERSE 1-2, 96-97): .....................................................................................................................13

xiii. Verse 1-2: ................................................................................................................................................................ 14

xiv. Verse 96-97: ........................................................................................................................................................... 14

10. Surah Al FURQAAN (VERSE 48, 59, 61): .............................................................................................................. 15

xv. Verse 48: ................................................................................................................................................................. 15

xvi. Verse 59: ..................................................................................................................................................................16

xvii. Verse 61: ...................................................................................................................................................................16

About the BOOK & WRITER:

Fi Zilal al Quran, also known as In the Shade of the Quran, is a highly influential commentary on
Quran written during 1951 – 1965 by an Egyptian author, educator and Islamic theorist “Syed Qutub
Ibrahim Hussain”. He was born in 1906 and got martyred in 1966.

Syed Qutub was the author of 24 books which included “Social Justice” and “Ma’alim fi al Tareeq”.
Fi Zilal Al Quran is considered as the masterpiece of Syed Qutub Ibrahim which has been translated
into several languages including English, Urdu, Persian, Turkish, etc.

In the Shades of Quran, Syed Qutub Ibrahim Hussain drew his interpretation towards the freedom
of religion, on the issue of human relationships, on the oppression of children of Israel by Pharaoh,
on the equality, etc. He made these explanations by looking from the social and political standpoints.


1. Surah AL ALA’A (VERSE 1 - 5):

Surah Al Ala’a is the 87th Surah of Quran and it was revealed in the Makkah period. Th surah
is placed in the last parah of Quran and is composed of 19 verses. The Surah basically comprises of
3 topics i.e. Tauheed, Instructions for Muhammad ( S.A.W ), and the life after death.

Extol the limitless glory of the name of your Lord, the Most High, (1)

The Surah opens here with an order to praise Allah which means to glorify him, recognize his
supremacy and remember divine attributes.

WHO creates and proportions well, (2)

WHO determines and guides, (3)

Everything that Allah has created is well proportional and perfected. This is what these verses
indicate. Every creature, created by Allah, is assigned to its own role, and given guidance so that it
can fulfill its duty and responsibilities effectively. This fact can clearly be seen in everything around
us, be it the small particles of dust or a mountain of stones.
WHO brings forth the pasturage, (4)

then turns it to withered grass. (5)

In this verse, Allah SWT gives us the reference of plants that a plant is green when it first shoots,
but later with the passage of time, it withers away and blackens at the end. But at every stage,
either at green or after becoming black, it contains a specific role. Thus it is useful in every
condition and serves a purpose according to the plans of Allah who crates, proportions and guides
the best.

2. Surah AL ANKABOOT (VERSE 44):

This Surah was revealed in Makkah and is the 29th Surah of Quran. It is placed in the 20th parah of
Quran and is comprised of 69 verses. The main topic of this surah is Faith and the duties required
by the faith. According to the introduction of this surah in Fi Zilal Al Quran:


The Surah can be divided into three parts. The first part tells about the nature of faith, the tests
related to it, the destiny of believers, non-believers and hypocrites and the fact that no one is
answerable for anyone else’s deeds. The second part speaks about the stories and obstacles placed
in front of divine messages and the truth inherent in the messages delivered by all prophets. The
final part begins with a clear ORDER not to have any debate with followers of earlier religions, except
in accordance with what is best. It speaks of the unity of the divine faith throughout all generations.

God has created the heavens and the earth in accordance with the truth. Indeed, in this there is a sign for people
who believe. (44)

Before this verse, Allah has described it clearly that the real support and protection for man is with
Allah and this is the main truth that all power belongs to the one and only creature of this universe.
In accordance with the rest of the surah, this verse links with the main truth that lies between the
earth and heaven. Along with the declaration of this truth, the verse also indicates that this truth is
a sign for those who believe on Allah. That it is only believers who accept these signs and realize
them as the signs because their hearts and eyes remain open. These are the believers who sense
the traces of Allah placed in all aspects of His creation.
3. Surah HAA MEEM AL SAJIDAH (VERSE 3, 9, 11-12, 37):

Surah Haa Meem Al Sajidah is the 41st Surah of Quran placed in the 24th parah and is Makki surah by
nature. The Surah is composed of 54 Verse and is also known as Surah Fussilat. The main theme of
this part of Quran is about faith and its essential principles. Overall, the surah explains the Oneness
of Allah and provides evidences by showing various sign of God present in the universe. It reminds
people about the consequences of declining this clear truth by telling them about the stories of the
previous generations.

Verse 3:

A Book, the verses of which have been clearly spelled out as a discourse in Arabic for people of knowledge. (3)

This verse of the Surah Fussilat, gives the authentication of the Holy Quran so that people can seek
guidance from it in their daily lives. According to this verse, Quran clearly explains everything to the
people who want to learn and receive knowledge. In this way, it actually declares the major
characteristic of Quran that it is a Book that can clearly and evidently serves the purpose of solving
a person’s needs according to its psychological, mental, natural requirements.

Verse 9:

Say: ‘Do you indeed disbelieve in Him who has created the earth in two days? And do you claim others to be His
equals? It is He who is the Lord of all the worlds. (9)

The above-mentioned verse asks the disbelievers in a rather surprising manner, that how could you
deny accepting the Creature who created the earth and its elements and assigned its various
proportions. He is the One who adorned the universe. The verse begins here with the fact that Allah
created the earth in two days. As for the length of these days is known to Him alone. But whatever
is the length of these days, no one except Allah has the power to create it. Then how illogical it is to
claim others to be His equal.
Verse 11-12:

Then, He applied His design to the sky, which was but smoke; and said to it and to earth: ‘Come, both of you, willingly
or unwillingly.’ They both said: ‘We do come willingly.’ (11)

So He decreed that they become seven heavens in two days, and assigned to each heaven its task. We adorned the
sky nearest to the earth with lights, and made them secure. Such is the design of the Almighty, the All-Knowing. (12)

These verses of Surah Haa Meem Al Sajdah give a direction to the making of creations of Allah. Allah
transformed the smoke into sky. According to the latest scientific inventions, scientists believe that
there was a cloud of gas or smoke, normally called nebula before the existence of stars. Thus, this
scientific statement can be considered as true, as it is close to this Quranic verse (Verse 11).

Following the verse, Allah says: ‘Come, both of you, willingly or unwillingly.’ This is the noteworthy
reference to the truth that whole universe is under control of the one and only Allah. According to
the verse, both sun and earth said to the command that they both come willingly. It submits us the
fact that all the creations obey the instructions of the Creator. Meanwhile, it also shows us the life
awakening reality that, in most cases, it is only man who submits to Allah’s laws unwillingly even
though man is no more than a small gear in this machinery of Universe. All universal laws apply to
him, whether he likes or not. Yet he is the only creature who does not make the same submission
as the earth and sky.

In the verse 12, it clearly awakens a man by saying “Such is the design of the Almighty”. Who else other
than Him can design this universe and can control their matters such effectively? The way it is
described in the ayah that seven heavens were made in two days, may be the same as the days in
which the stars were formed from the nebulas or during which the creation was completed as Allah
only knows how. “and made them secure”, shows that these skies are made secure from ‘devilment’, as
can be understood from the other parts of the Quran.
Verse 37:

Among His signs are the night and day, and the sun and the moon. Do not prostrate yourselves before the sun or
the moon; but prostrate yourselves before God, who has created them, if it is Him you really worship. (37)

This part of surah points out some of the signs that indicate that there is a God who is above
everything else and thus, a person should only worship Him only. There is no need to prostrate
before the sun or the moon, as they are nothing more than the creatures of Allah. These signs are
there for all to see. Quran tells us that it is the Creator alone, whom the humans and all other
creatures should worship.

4. Surah AL ZUMR (VERSE 6):

This is the 39th Surah of Quran that was revealed on Prophet Muhammad PBUH during the Makkah
period. The Surah is placed in the 23rd parah of Holy Quran and is composed of 75 Verse. The surah
deals with the only subject that is the Oneness of God. Every part of this Surah focuses on the
Oneness and ends by giving the firm conclusion about the Day of Judgement.

He has created you all from a single soul, and from it He fashioned its mate; and He has bestowed on you four kinds
of cattle in pairs; and He creates you in your mothers’ wombs, one act of creation after another, in threefold depths
of darkness. Such is God, your Lord: to Him belongs all dominion. There is no deity other than Him. How, then, can
you lose sight of the truth? (6)

In an accordance to the main theme of this surah, this surah indicates people to see the life of man
as an evidence of the Allah’s Oneness. It refers to focus on the theory of how a man is created, with
various stages of embryo, one after another stage of growth. These stages of creation begin with
the gamete, then a clinging cell mass, then an embryo, then the bones, and then to a creation that
indicates its human status. Then when it talks about the “threefold depths of darkness”, it signifies
the darkness of placenta, uterus and the mother’s body. Who can do all these things other than
Allah? Anyone who looks in this journey of creation, the stages of development and how a single
cell lead to a complete human being within the darkness can see that this can’t be the handiwork of
any normal person and would believe it that this is certainly the magic of the one and only creator
of this universe, that is ALLAH.

5. Surah AL RA’AD (VERSE 2, 16):

Surah Al Ra’ad is a Makki surah and like most of the other Makki revelations, the main subject of
this Surah is faith and issues related to it. It consists of 43 verses an placed in the 13th Parah of the
Holy Quran. God’s oneness and Lordship, submission to Him in this world and in the life to come,
revelation, resurrection, and its correlatives are some of the points that are highlighted in brief in
this part of the Quran.

Verse 2:

It is God who raised the heavens without any support that you could see, and established Himself on the Throne.
And He it is who has made the sun and the moon subservient [to His laws], each pursuing its course for a set term.
He ordains all things. He makes plain His revelations so that you may firmly believe that you will certainly be meeting
your Lord. (2)

The surah opens by showing the unlimited power and the enormous aspects of Allah’s planning and
wisdom. Allah indicated people to see at the sky and nurtured a consciousness in our mind, that the
sky is raised ‘without any support’. A person with clear mind could immediately realize that no one
can raise the heavens without support, or even with support, except Allah. Then the verse moves to
a point that is beyond a human’s perception that is: ‘and established Himself on the Throne.’ This cannot
be interpreted in a simple meaning. The only meaning that can be obtained from this part of surah
is that if the heavens are high and great, then the throne of Allah is definitely higher and infinitely
The Surah then reflects on the sun and the moon as the obedient creatures of Allah that obey all the
laws and principles given by their Creature. Be it to follow their orbits, not moving an inch beyond
them, or to complete their annual and daily courses, they continue to pursue their courses to the
time limit given by Allah. All of these perfect planning are done by Allah only, and He presents these
signs for a definite purpose that is to make human believe that he has to return to his Creature after
this life.
Verse 16:

Say: ‘Who is the Lord of the heavens and the earth?’ Say: [It is] God.’ Say: ‘Why, then, do you take for your protectors,
instead of Him, others who have no power to cause either benefit or harm even to themselves?’ Say: ‘Can the blind
and the seeing be deemed equal? Or is the depth of darkness equal to light?’ Or do they assign to God partners that
have created the like of His creation, so that both creations appear to them to be similar? Say: ‘God is the Creator
of all things. He is the One who has power over all things.’ (16)

When looking at the context of this verse, it clearly states in a sarcastic way that, when the whole
universe and all the creatures of this universe voluntarily or involuntarily submit to Allah’s will then
why is it that you continue to remain in disbelief. Then Quran supports its statement using various
references of blind and seeing, light and dark, and the creations and the Creature. This reference to
the blind and the seeing is a reference to themselves and to believers because it is only their
blindness that prevents them from seeing the clear truth felt by all creatures in the heavens and the
earth. Similarly, the reference to light and darkness is a reference to their situation and that of
believers. What prevents them from seeing the manifest truth is the darkness that totally covers
them. With the question ‘Or do they assign to God partners that have created the like of His creation, so that
both creations appear to them to be similar? ’, it is asked as if the creations can be equal to the Creature?
According to the commentary of In the Shades of the Quran: “Is it possible that these partners whom they
associate with God have created something similar to God’s creation, and as a result they cannot distinguish between
God’s creation and that of the alleged partners?”

The verse then ends with a firm statement that: ‘God is the Creator of all things. He is the One who has
power over all things.’ This emphasizes on the fact the one who can control all the things is the one and
only Allah. He is the creator of everything. Be it the heaven or earth, the darkness or the light, the
blind or the seeing, Allah has showed contrast of everything in this part of surah and declared the
fact that it is Him who has power over everything.
6. Surah AL BAQARAH (VERSE 26, 29, 117, 164):

Surah Al Baqarah is the 2nd and longest Surah of Quran that covers upto 2.5 parahs of Holy Quran.
The Surah was revealed in parts, but it is majorly known as Madni Surah and comprises of 286
Since it was not revealed in a sequence, therefore it contains varied and a wide range context of
verses. The surah deals with several issues. At the beginning of the surah, we find a detailed
description of the hypocrites. A significant part of the surah is devoted to the foundation and
essential preparation of the Muslim community which was to carry God’s message to the world. One
of the sections of surah is devoted entirely to an extensive and wide-ranging debate with the
Israelites, dealing critically with various aspects of their religious and historic record. The surah goes
on to outline the principles and systems of Islam in several fields including faith and outlook, rites of
worship and religious matters, personal and public behaviour, and conduct. Then there comes a
section of jihad. The ending of the surah merges smoothly with its beginning, affirming the Muslim
world community’s eternal belief in all Prophets and messages sent by God to man.

Verse 26:

God does not disdain to give a parable of a gnat, or a higher creature. Those who believe know that it is the truth
from their Lord, while the unbelievers ask, ‘What could God mean by such a parable?’ In this way, God lets many go
astray and gives guidance to many others, but none does He leave to go astray except the evildoers. (26)

Allah has used parables at various places in the Holy Quran to make it easier for people to
understand. These parables refer to insignificant creatures according to unbelievers. One of these
compares’ unbelievers to spiders:
“Those who take beings other than God for their protectors are like a spider which makes for itself a house.
The frailest of all houses is the spider’s house. Could they only understand.” (29: 41)

Similarly, the Qur’an cites a parable showing the powerlessness of their false gods:
“Mankind/ An aphorism is set forth; hearken, then, to it. Those beings whom you invoke instead of God
cannot create a fly, even though they were to join all their forces to that end. If a fly robs them of anything,
they cannot rescue it from him! Weak indeed is the seeker, and weak the sought!” (22: 73)
The above-mentioned verse no 26 of Surah Baqarah is in the reference of the other given verses and
thus refutes the argument of non-believers by saying that Allah is the God of all the creatures, be it
small or big. Moreover, Allah, in His infinite wisdom, makes use of such parables to assess and test
people’s faith. Those who would have firm faith in Allah would not question Allah’s wisdom and
would accept with respect whatever He says. But for those who do not believe on Allah, would not
mind asking such inappropriate questions showing their ignorance and disrespectfulness towards
Allah. They would not have any trust in His revelations. Thus, it could be said that these parables are
used by Allah to test people’s faith. A believer will become more conscious of, and thankful to Allah,
whereas, in consequence of their attitudes and actions, the evildoers are given even more freedom
to pursue the route they have chosen for themselves.

Verse 29:

It is He who created for you all that is on earth. He then turned to heaven and fashioned it into seven heavens. He
has knowledge of all things. (29)

The first part of the verse openly emphasizes on the fact that Allah created man with a purpose, and
He made him in-charge of the earth issues. Allah has created everything on earth and appointed
man to own it. Man is the master on earth, and he is the master of the tools that are available to
him on it. The verse than continued with the truth that Allah has created seven skies, and that He is
the Creator of everything and has control over all things. The verse along with its previous verses in
surah focused mainly on belief in God and on urging mankind to join the ranks of God-fearing

Verse 117:

He is the Originator of the heavens and the earth. When He wills something to be, He need only say, ‘Be’, and it is.

The surah then discusses certain misleading concepts about Allah held by Jews and Christians.
According to Quran, they thought that: “They say, ‘God has taken to Himself a son.’ Allah in the given
verse, eliminates this plain concept of the need for the Creator to have offspring or have them
attributed to Him. As for how this divine will operates, cannot be known because it is beyond man’s
capacity to understand, and it would be pointless for him to try or pretend to know. He is the
originator of all the things in universe, be it heavens or earth. An if Allah could create the heavens
and earth, He could do anything He want. All he needs to do is to say ‘Be’, and it would be done.
Verse 164:

In the creation of the heavens and the earth; in the alternation of night and day; in the vessels that sail through the
sea with what is useful for mankind; in the water God sends down from the sky giving life to the earth after it had
been lifeless, causing all manner of living creatures to multiply on it; in the movement of the winds, and the clouds
that run their courses between sky and earth: in all this there are signs for people who use their reason. (164)

This is a unique approach of Quran to make man think of the wonders of universe. This world is full
of mysteries and beauty. The Heavens, the Earth, the planets, the stars, the galaxies, are all floating
along their ordered orbits with incredible harmony, in a vast expanse of limitless space of dizzying
proportions. The cycle of day and night and the alternation of light and darkness, the dawn and dusk.
All of this give a constant reminder of Allah’s magnificence and glory. This verse highlights some of
the natural phenomena of the world. All these phenomena deserve our attention, reflection, and
intelligent study. They are all manifestations of God’s awesome power and infinite mercy. Life is the
greatest mystery of all. All that man needs to do is to look in these mysteries and see the world with
observing mind and an enlightened heart and he can grasp the splendour of the universe and the
brilliance of its Maker. Such refined awareness, sensitivity, and appreciation of the beauty, balance
and perfection of the universe can only derive from true faith as only faith gives the believer a new
insight into the world around him.

7. Surah BANI ISRA’AENL (VERSE 12, 111):

This surah was revealed on Prophet (P.B.U.H) in Makkah and is also known as AL – ISRA. The surah
consists of 111 verses. It begins with glorifying Allah, moves to the issues of faith, covers aspects of
individual and social behaviour, along with the stories about Children of Israel, related to the Aqsa
Masjid, the night journey of Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W), schemes of the unbelievers, and ends
with the praise for Allah.
Verse 12:

We have made the night and the day as two [of Our] signs. Then We have effaced the sign of the night while the
sign of the day We have left enlightened, so that you may seek bounty from your Lord, and you may learn to compute
the years and be able to reckon. Most clearly have We spelled out everything. (12)

This verse belongs to the part of surah, that points out mainly the signs of Allah that are present in
the universe, and the laws governing the whole universe. The night and the day are two major
universal signs which confirm the accuracy of the law governing the universe which operates all the
time, suffering neither a failure nor a temporary need for repairs. There is nothing in the universe
that has been left to chance. The accuracy that is manifested in the succession of day and night
confirms the elaborate and faultless design of everything God has created. According to the
commentary of Fi Zilal Ul Quran, the purpose of the ”effaced the sign of the night while the sign of the
day” can be clearly identified as that the night is for rest and recuperation, whereas the days is for

Verse 111:

And say, ‘All praise is due to God who has never begotten a son; who has no partner in His dominion; who needs
none to support Him against any difficulty.’ And extol His greatness. (111)

The surah ends with this ayah and it concludes the overall theme of the surah here with an
instruction to praise Allah, glorify Him and worship Him alone as there is only one deity in the
universe and that’s Allah (S.W.T). Thus, the surah ends in the same way as it started by asserting His
oneness and repeating the facts that He has neither son nor partner and He is definitely in no need
of help or support from anyone.

8. Surah Al INFITAAR (VERSE 6-8):

Surah Infitaar is a Makki surah which consists of 19 verses. The surah discusses the ungratefulness
of man, his denial of acknowledging the Day of Judgment and combined it with an implicit threat
to man who is the recipient of abundant grace but who shows no gratitude for it. Thus, along with
the mentioning of the turmoil such as the cleaving of sky, the scattering of the stars; that is to alert
man’s consciences and senses, the surah gives and idea of how fearful the Day of Judgment would

O man, what has lured you away from your gracious Lord (6)

who created and moulded you and gave you an upright form? (7)

He can give you whatever shape He wills. (8)

This is the middle part of surah. Before this Allah has developed some wisdom within man in the
introductory part of the surah. Now, Quran addresses man in a gentle way and reminds him of the
very first blessing and kindness of Allah. The surah moves with a question for man asking him that
what is making him neglect his duties towards his deity. Then it reminds man of the precious
kindness that Allah did up on him. He made man in a perfect constitution be it physically or
physiologically. Man is reminded of God’s greatest favour, but he stands impudent, negligent of his
duties, unashamed and ungrateful.

9. Surah Al INA’AM (VERSE 1-2, 96-97):

Surah Al Ina’am is a Makki surah i.e. it was completely revealed in Makkah. This s􀆈rah tackles the
main issue of faith in its 165 verses. Its approach is to make it known to people who their true Deity
is, answering questions like: Who is He? What is the origin of this existence? What are the secrets
beyond it? Who are these creatures? Who brings them into being; and who gives them their
provisions and controls their affairs? Who turns their hearts and sights? Who controls the sequence
of their days and nights? Who initiates them; and then re-initiates them? For what purpose has He
created them? What term has He appointed for them? To what destiny does He deliver them? What
about the pouring rain, the opening buds, the tightly piled grain, the piercing star, the breaking
dawn, the darkness of the night as it covers all, and the cosmos beyond: who controls all this? What
secrets do they hide and what news do they bring? Then again, all these generations that come and
go, prosper, and perish: who gives them power on earth and who takes it away and leaves them to
perish? And what remains beyond death of reckoning and reward?
Anas ibn Malik quotes the Prophet as saying: “The s􀆈rah al-An`􀆈m was bestowed from on high, with a
great many angels in attendance, blocking the horizon, raising their voices with God’s glorification, and the
earth shaking under them.” God’s Messenger was repeating: “Limitless in His glory is God Almighty.”
Verse 1-2:

All praise is due to God, who has created the heavens and the earth, and brought into being darkness and light; yet
those who disbelieve regard other beings as equal to their Lord. (1)

It is He who has created you out of clay, and then has decreed a term (for you), and there is another term known
only to Him. Yet you are still in doubt. (2)

These verses show the main subject of Surah and act as a foundation of the main theme of this Surah
i.e. faith. It starts by praising ALLAH and glorifying Him as the creator of heaven, earth, light and
darkness thus the initial verses show the utmost qualities of the Creator by showing His creations.
The verse discloses remarkable existence of this universe by pointing towards heaven & earth, along
with the phenomena of darkness and light hinting towards the darkness of clay and lightness of life.
All these traces give us evidence from the creation of universe and our life, directing towards the
one and only Creature who is above all others. By pointing towards all these examples of His
existence, Allah then points out the illogical and baseless assumptions of human that he regards
other as his deity and still doubts the Oneness of ALLAH.

Verse 96-97:

He is the One who causes the day to break. He has made the night to be [a source of stillness], and the sun and the
moon for reckoning. All this is laid down by the will of the Almighty, the All-Knowing. (96)

It is He that has set up for you the stars, so that you may be guided by them in the deep darkness of land and sea.
We have made Our revelations plain indeed to people who have knowledge. (97)

Above verses further describe the theme of the surah i.e. about the One and Only Creator, and His
creations. The verses lay in detail about how Allah, the Almighty has made the sun and moon and
set their cycle such that they do not invade in each other’s time. Thus, He set it all with great
accuracy showing that his knowledge overlooks nothing and stating the clear fact that it is His power
that controls everything in the universe, be it the still night or the break of dawn.

He further states about stars in the next verse that either it is on land or at sea, when us humans
find ourselves lost in darkness, we can be guided by the stars. And these methods of being guided
by stars may vary, and may indeed be wider in scope as a result of scientific discoveries, but the rule
remains the same: these stars provide guidance out of darkness, whether the darkness be of the
physical or mental type that affects people’s thinking and colours their concepts. One may find his
right path due to the direction given by stars as they can guide towards their creature. But only those
who have knowledge and wisdom can sense it in true manner.
Thus, the verses of this surah truly address people’s hearts and minds, urging them to reflect and to
make use of whatever knowledge they have in order to arrive at the absolute truth beyond!

10. Surah Al FURQAAN (VERSE 48, 59, 61):

Surah Al-Furqan was revealed during Makkah period and it consists of 77 verses and 6 ruku. The
surah was revealed when Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) was being targeted by the
people of Quraish and was the focus of their arguments and rejection. At that time, when those non-
believers were opposing Allah’s messenger with arrogance and enmity, Allah comforted the Prophet
by giving him support through the verses of this Surah of Holy Quran.

Verse 48:

And He it is who sends forth the winds as heralds of His coming grace. And We cause pure water to descend from
the skies, (48)

The surah here highlights a universal phenomenon that is closely related to life. All life on earth
depends on rain-water, either directly, or through the rivers and other water courses, springs, wells
and underground reservoirs it supplies. Only those who directly depend on rain for their living
properly appreciate God’s grace as He sends rain. They look forward to rain, full of hope, realizing
that it brings them life. They look for wind, which they know drive the clouds. Hence, they realize
that the wind is an early indicator, announcing the forthcoming act of God’s grace, provided that
they believe in God.
Verse 59:

He it is who has created the heavens and the earth and all that is between them in six days, and is established on
the throne of His Almightiness, the Most Merciful. Ask, then, about Him, the One who knows everything. (59)

Within the context of God’s limitless knowledge and His power to grant reward and inflict
punishment, the surah mentions the facts that He is the One who has created the heavens and the
earth, and established Himself on the Throne. Here the God is ‘established on the throne’ refers to
His being the Almighty who controls everything in the universe and indicates the superiority of this
lofty status.

Verse 61:

Blessed is He who has set up in the skies great constellations and has placed among them a lamp and a light-giving
moon. (61)

In the above-mentioned verse, ‘a lamp’ refers to sun as it sends light to our planet as well as to other
planets. And among them there is a light-giving moon, which spreads a gentle air of calm. The
‘constellations’ mentioned in the verse are probably referred to the positions of the planets and
their great orbits. Their mention contrasts with the mockery sensed in the unbelievers’ question as
mentioned in the previous verses that is: ‘What is the Most Merciful?’ These constellations, in their
real and perceived greatness, are only one aspect of His creation. Thus, their shameless
impertinence is answered by stressing that all glory belongs to Allah, highlighting His greatness and
the great signs He has placed in the universe.


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