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Mona 0.3.

** Overview
This is an internal release.

** Major changes since 0.3.3.

- Improved w3m text browser.
- Supported Cookie.
- Supported meta refresh.
- Gmail, twitter and facebook are avilable.
- Added facebook viewer application.
- The backend is written in Mosh using Graph API.
- New shell
- Introduced a new shell written in Mosh.
- Core
- Better performance by block cache and linker cache.
- Fixed dllmain and static initializer.
- Added syscall_set_logger system call.
- Improved killed message.
- Fixed a bug on statck tracer.
- Added more tests for Stream API.
- Fixed kernel stack memory leak on destroy thread.
- Fixed memory leak on process create/destroy.
- libc
- Fixed fopen for "rt" flag.
- Fixed atol.
- Fixed vfprintf
- BayGUI is renamed to Mona GUI and improved
- Much faster drawing.
- Fixed some fatal bugs.
- Added awt/Canvas.h.
- Added MonaGUI Robot for tests.

* Mona 0.3.3 RELEASE NOTE

** Overview
This is an internal release.
Ported OpenSSL.
Enable SSL on w3m.

* Mona 0.3.2 RELEASE NOTE

** Overview
This is an internal release.
Added new primitive server "name server" which knows all primitive servers.

- Ported mg (Emacs clone).

- Added mplus fixed font to BayGUI.
- Supported BDF font type.
- Fixed and added libc functions.
-- mkdir, rmdir, rename, unlink, strtoll,
- Fixed bugs on FAT32 long name files.
- Fixed a bug on Meta key.
- Added monapi_file_get_date.
- monapi_file_is_directory.
- Added some common message headers.
- Added monapi library to Mosh.

* Mona 0.3.1 RELEASE NOTE

** Overview
Added Socket API(experimental) and Mosh (R6RS Scheme Interpreter).
- Added new Shared Memory API.
- Removed monapi_cmemoryinfo family API.
- Changed file API to use new Shared Memory API.
- Supported long file name.
- Added FAT32 file system. Mounted on /USER.
- Organized error number on API.
- Refactored Kernel Objects management.
- Performance tuning on Memory Map.
- Added KVM virtio block driver.
- Added scoped_ptr.
- Re-enabled IME.
- Added w3m (mumurik)
- Added Ramdisk (mumurik). Mounted on /MEM.
- Added stack trace on crash (mumurik).
- Supported Joliet on CD-ROM.
- Added Emacs like key binding to Gnote.
- Performance tuning on BayGUI.
- Supported GDB remote debug.

* Mona 0.3.0 RELEASE NOTE

** Overview
This the first release of Mona for daily use.
You can listen to music, run a web server and do some work with an interactive

** Major changes since 0.2.0.

- Ported uIP httpd (Higepon).
- Added KVM virtio-net driver (Higepon).
- Added Scheme-based Shell (Higepon)
- libc implementation (Shotaro Tsuji).
- Ported a Squirrel programing language (okayu).
- Added standard I/O and pipe (Higepon).
- Improved thread APIs (Higepon).
- Added sound player and driver (Shotaro Tsuji, .mjt and Higepon).
- Improved CD-ROM access speed (junjunn).
- Improved console drawing speed (junjunn).
- Supported build on gcc 4.1.x (shadow).
- Added VFS (Higepon).
- Support build on Linux.
- Added APM support (Shotaro Tsuji).
- Ported Mesa (Nanashi and pol).
- Added Stack auto expansion (Higepon).
- Improved Memory management (Higepon).
- Boot from CD-ROM (Higepon and Nananshi).

** Applications
See contrib/application_catalog.txt.

** Roadmap and Directions

by version 0.3.0 (done)
- interactive Shell
- Sounds
- Stable NIC driver

by version 0.4.0
- Port BSD Socket

by version 0.5.0
- Port Mosh Scheme
- Some network applications

by version 0.6.0
- Web browser
- Rewrote some core components in Scheme

** Acknowledgements
Thanks to all the people who have shown interest in Mona and who have downloaded
and tested it.

Particular thanks to those people who have contributed in some way to Mona:
Shotaro Tsuji, Tino, junjunn, bayside, Gaku, shadow, Yui_Neko, gcj, .mjt, Nanashi,
nikq, akky, K-tan, Yamami and gamix.

** Bug report

* Mona 0.3.0 RC1 RELEASE NOTE

** Overview
This the first release of Mona for daily use.
You can listen to music, run a web server and do some work with an interactive

** Major changes since 0.2.0.

- Ported uIP httpd (Higepon).
- Added KVM virtio-net driver (Higepon).
- Added Scheme-based Shell (Higepon)
- libc implementation (Shotaro Tsuji).
- Ported a Squirrel programing language (okayu).
- Added standard I/O and pipe (Higepon).
- Improved thread APIs (Higepon).
- Added sound player and driver (Shotaro Tsuji, .mjt and Higepon).
- Improved CD-ROM access speed (junjunn).
- Improved console drawing speed (junjunn).
- Supported build on gcc 4.1.x (shadow).
- Added VFS (Higepon).
- Support build on Linux.
- Added APM support (Shotaro Tsuji).
- Ported Mesa (Nanashi and pol).
- Added Stack auto expansion (Higepon).
- Improved Memory management (Higepon).
- Boot from CD-ROM (Higepon and Nananshi).

** Applications
See contrib/application_catalog.txt.

** Roadmap and Directions

by version 0.0.3 (done)
- interactive Shell
- Sounds
- Stable NIC driver

by version 0.0.4
- Port BSD Socket

by version 0.0.5
- Port Mosh Scheme
- Some network applications

by version 0.0.6
- Web browser
- Rewrote some core components in Scheme

** Acknowledgements
Thanks to all the people who have shown interest in Mona and who have downloaded
and tested it.

Particular thanks to those people who have contributed in some way to Mona:
Shotaro Tsuji, Tino, junjunn, bayside, Gaku, shadow, Yui_Neko, gcj, .mjt, Nanashi,
nikq, akky, K-tan, Yamami and gamix.

** Bug report

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