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Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León

Facultad de Ingeniería Mecánica y Eléctrica


Jorge Alejandro Cúpich Guerrero

Activity #1

Name: Juan Eduardo Martínez Ríos

Enrollment: 1899964
Hour: N3
Group: 023
Carrera: IMTC

San Nicolás de los Garza, N.L., a 04 de septiembre 2020.

Instructions: Find and upload to Nexus information from a Static
Book or Internet about the next fundamental topics in a word document
with a cover page with your personal information.
• Mechanics and its branch’s

Mechanics, science concerned with the motion of bodies under the action of forces,
including the special case in which a body remains at rest.
❖ Statics
❖ Dynamics
❖ Kinematics
❖ Kinetics

• Why is important study statics? (4 or more clear reasons)

1. Statics studies the balance of forces.

2. Statics provides a solution to so-called isostatic problems.
3. Statics is used in the analysis of structures.
4. The static is of application in structural engineering, mechanical
engineering, construction.

• Transmissibility Principle/Equivalent Force

The principle of transmissibility states that the point of application of a force can be
moved anywhere along its line of action without changing the external reaction
forces on a rigid body. Because of the principle of transmissibility, each of the
above pairs is equivalent

• Explain the transmissibility principle or Equivalent Force with 6 or

more examples

1. When you try to move a car, it does not matter

if you pull or push it, since in both ways it will
move in the same direction of force.

2. When using a pulley, it does not matter at which

point of the rope you apply the force because
the object will move in the same direction.
3. When you are playing rope pulling it does not matter
if you are forward or back in the row since you apply
the same force, and since the other team also
applies a force in the opposite direction the rope will
remain static until one team applies a greater force.

4. When you see a moving train, they usually have a

cabin in front and a cabin in the back, it does not
matter in which position the force is applied since the
train will always move in that direction.

5. When you try to move a heavy box on the ground we

usually try to push, but if we pull, we apply the same force
therefore the box will move in the same direction.

6. When you go shopping at the supermarket, you carry a

cart with you to put the pantry, which does not matter if
you push or pull it since you apply force in the same
direction and it will move in the same direction.

• Define clearly “line of action of a force”

In physics, the line of action of a force F is a geometric representation of how the

force is applied. It is the line through the point at which the force is applied in the
same direction as the vector F→. The concept is essential, for instance, for
understanding the net effect of multiple forces applied to a body.

• How long is the length of a line of action of a force?

The line of action of a force is infinite.

• From very bad (1) to Excellent (10) Are you good to get distances and
angles using Pythagorean Theorem, Basic Trigonometric Functions
(sin, cos, tan)

I rate myself a 9 to perform these calculations, since sometimes I confuse a

number or sign.

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