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Activity 8: Specializations

1. Why did you choose Medical Technology as your immersion program?

I choose medical technology as my immersion program because i think that it will expand my know ledge
about medical technology, also it help me in college because i know some basics.

2. Are you still going to take Medical Technology as a course in college after this immersion

Yes, I still take medical technology as my course in college because it will serve as my stepping stone and
medical technology is my dream job.

3. In case, you are going to pursue Medical technology as a profession, in what field of
specialization do you see yourself?

I see myself in General Surgery because that's my dream and I see it as my passion because I want to see
other people smile after a successful surgery.

4. What have you learned about this immersion program?

I learn a lot of basics about medical technology and learn something about taking medical technology
because of some guest speaker

5. Who among the guest speakers inspires you the most and why?

Police Corporal Seyla G. Pua ,RMT, MSCLS

Maria Lynette A. Serrano, RMT

Because even though she is a police and as a medical technologist she attain to stabilize both og her
work as a police and medical technologist

6. Do you have any regrets of choosing Medical technology as your immersion program? Why or
why not?

I do not have regrets by taking medical technology as my immersion because it will be the start of my
learning about medical technology and medical technology is what I want to pursue in my future.
7. Do you have any suggestions regarding the teaching approach for the next immersion program
under the College of Medical technology?

I suggest that face to face immersion will be great because students will learn more in actual than online

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